

校園 閱讀(1.95W)











●學習中要注意的幾點:(DOS AND DON’ts)







利用點滴時間:與其他學科穿插 進行。早晨是學習英語的大好時光。






4.要主動出擊,不要坐等人教 ;要持之以恆,不要三天打魚兩天晒網。








3)聽說結合訓練 能夠幫你樹立信心,多聽各種生活情景下的句子,做到能條件反射地說出該說的英語句子。這樣遇到實際需要,就可以不假思索的脫口而出。能說出一口流利的英語,不僅培養了成就感,也促進了語言的學習。




半精讀:選長短適中,有一定生詞的原文材料或某一種教材。要持之以恆。 要記住,用一本教科書學英語是絕對不夠的。

泛讀:自助餐及書報雜誌。讀不同題材、體裁的文章,理解跨學科知識。讀時注意對運用精妙的詞彙,短語 或句子做些摘抄。





記筆記:理解≠記住≠靈活運用 因此,對好的例句、詞語辨析、常用句型、文化差異,中英文差異,習俗差異都可作些筆錄。


第一、重視基礎,加強詞彙、短語的梳理、積累與記憶。1. 整理已經做過的英語試卷、練習,尤其是近三年的大學聯考英語真題和各地的一模、二模試題。整理時要注意理解提幹的意義,理解各選項的含義,理解選擇的理由。對 於單選題和完形填空,力爭做到“無生詞”,即:如果其中有生詞,就把這個詞的意義和用法弄清楚,然後加以背誦。對於單選、完形這兩個題型,不僅要理解,最 好還要多朗讀,熟練朗讀使我們更容易理解這個句子,同時可以加強記憶效果,增強語感。注意:無論是朗讀單項選擇題還是完形填空題,最好把正確項放回空格處 朗讀,即不看A、B、C、D各選項,直接朗讀句子或文章。多遍朗讀,直至熟練,效果更佳。2. 把握常考詞語(熱點詞語)的用法,熱點詞語的用法,要從詞性、詞義、搭配等角度去理解,尤其要注意一詞多義的情況。如mean可以是動詞,也可以是形容 詞。作動詞用,後接名詞或動名詞時意思是“意味著”,後接不定式時意思是“意圖要”;作形容詞時意思是“卑鄙”、“吝嗇”;mean後加s,means是 名詞,意思是手段,常用於by… means的句型。3.注意同義詞的辨析,英語中有很多同義詞,複習中要對常考的同義詞進行比較分析,把握它們的異同點。常考的同義詞如:sit vs seat; include vs contain; ordinary, common, popular, normal; leave, remain; price, prize. award, reward; incident, event, coincidence, matter, affair等。4. 注意拼寫類似但意義不同的詞語。如:board, aboard, broad, abroad, bored; affect, effect, offer, effort, afford等

第二、分析語境,熟練掌握常考語法專案的用法。大學聯考中最常見的也是最容易弄錯的是與動詞相關的語法現象。要理清楚 相關的語法概念,並通過實際示例來學會分析和掌握。另外在下列短語中,to是介詞,後面也接動名詞作賓語:come close to, pay attention to, devote …to…, object to, get used to, subscribe to, submit to, cater to, take to, look forward to等。這些知識的歸納,可以使我們在考試時自如應對相關的考點。


1、 一般現在時

(1) 表示經常發生的動作或現在存在的狀態,常與sometimes, always, often, every day等時間狀語連用。如:Sometimes, we go swimming after school.

(2) 表示客觀真理、科學事實等。如:The earth goes round the sun.

2、 現在進行時

(1) 表示說話時或現階段正在進行的動作,常與now, at present等時間狀語連用。如:

What are you doing now?

(2) 和always, continually等連用,表一種經常反覆的動作,常含有某種情感。如:

He is always doing good deeds.

3、 現在完成時

主要表示動作發生在過去,對現在仍有影響,或動作一直延續到現在,或可能還要繼續下去,常與just, already, so far, once, never 等詞連用。如:Have you ever been to Beijing?


表示將來某一時間要發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與tomorrow, next year等連用。如:

I'll meet you at the school gate tomorrow morning.

We're going to see a film next Monday.


表示在過去某一時間或某一階段內發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與yesterday, last year, in 1998, a moment ago等詞連用。如:It happened many years ago.



What were you doing this time yesterday?

7、 過去完成時


The train had already left before we arrived.



He said he would come, but he didn't.



例1 I learned that her father ____ in 1950.

A had died B died C dead D is dead

解析:該題正確答案為B。從句中的謂語動詞動作雖然發生在主句謂語動詞的動作之前,但因從句中有明確的.過去時間狀語in 1950, 所以不用過去完成時態,而用一般過去時態。

例2 The five-year-old girl ____ by her parents.

A is looked B has looked for

C is being looked for D has been looked





1、 虛擬語氣的構成

注:如果條件從句謂語動詞包含有were或had, should, could有時可將if省去, 但要倒裝。如:

Had you (If you had) invited us, we would have come to your party.

2、 虛擬語氣在各種從句的應用

(1) 在主語從句中用來表示驚奇、惋惜、理應如此等,其謂語形式是"should(可省) +動詞原形",常用於以下三種句型中。

句型一:It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc) that…

句型二:It is a pity (a shame, no wonder, etc) that…

句型三:It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc) that…

如: It is strange that he (should) have done that.

It is a pity that he (should) be so careless.

It is requested that we (should) be so careless.

(2) 在賓語從句中用於suggest, propose, move, insist, desire, demand, request, order, command等動詞後的賓語從句中,表間接的命令和建議。其謂語形式是"(should)+動詞原形"。如:

I suggest that we (should) go swimming.

(3) 在表語從句中,表示間接的命令,要求、請求、建議、決定等,主句中的主語通常是suggestion, proposal, request, orders, idea等。從句謂語形式是"(should)+動詞原形"。如:

His suggestion is that we (should) leave at once.

(4) 在同位語從句中,謂語形式是"(should)+動詞原形"。如:

We received order that the work be done at once.

(5) 在It is time that…句型中,其謂語動詞形式是"動詞的過去式"或

"should +動詞原形",should不可省。如:It's time (that) we went ( should go) to school.


例1 We had hoped that he ____ longer.

A stays B have stayed C stayed D would stay

解析:該題正確答案為D。had hoped表示"本希望",同樣用法的動詞還有think, expect等,後面的句子需用虛擬語氣

例2 "Mary wants to see you today".

"I would rather she ____ tomorrow than today."

A comes B came C should come D will come

解析:該題正確答案為B。would rather後面的從句需用虛擬語氣,用動詞過去時表示。

例3 Had she been older, she ____ it better.

A had done B might have doneC might do D would do




1.以when, where, what, which, who, how much, how many等疑問詞開頭引出的問題;

2.是非判斷題,題幹中常有TRUE, NOT true或EXCEPT等;

3.以According to …… 開頭的提問方式;


1) Certain animals change their choice of food when _______.

2) Daylight Saving Time was introduced in Tasmania _______.

3) The writer thought Amery ”a fair game“ because the boy _______.

4) Mr. Dunlop established his business _______.


1. 應用文中的細節理解應用文,特別是廣告,是閱讀理解題中常見的一種體裁。廣告簡潔明快,語言精練,篇幅小、資訊多。廣告閱讀題多為細節理解題。做這類閱讀題的技巧是:先讀題目,帶著問題有針對性地閱讀相關部分快速尋找有效資訊。一般情況下,只要細心都會找到正確答案。

2. 說明文中的細節理解與應用文一樣,說明文中的閱讀理解也偏重考查細節,我們也可以採用”先看題,然後帶著問題在材料中尋找對應資訊“的辦法答題。

3. 記敘文中的細節理解故事、人物描寫等記敘文體是閱讀理解的考查重點之一。做這類題一般也可採用”尋讀法“,即先讀題,然後帶著問題短文,找出與問題有關的詞語或句子,再對相關詞語或句子進行分析對比,獲取準確資訊,找出正確答案。

4. 細節理解題中的代詞指代題代詞指代題要求考生根據上、下文推測代詞的指代意義。此類題一般是在人物或事物關係比較複雜的情況下使用,所以理清人物及事物之間的邏輯關係是關鍵所在。


大學聯考英語閱讀理解 推理判斷題解題技巧





1) The purpose in writing this text is to __________.

2) The author writes this passage to __________.

3) The author in this passage intends to __________.


1) It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

2) What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?

3) From the passage we can conclude that __________.


1)The passage is most likely to be taken from_________.

2)Where would this passage most probably appear?

3)The passage is most likely a part of_________.


1.which of the following is (not)true or false ?

2.All of the following statements are wrong except _____

3.All of the following statements are right/true except _____.

4.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage /text?


Which of the following describes one’s logic in doing sth ?

Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to …?

Choose the right order of the following events in …

二、推理判斷題的解題 :



The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final event and a new kind of TV program was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a great success and the final program was watched by 15 million people. Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens 高中語文. The ordinary people who take part in the programs are known by millions of people

in their own countries and reality TV has become big, big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programs cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers (觀眾) are asked to telephone the program to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the shows. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive young people are made into pop stars. TV viewers vote for their favorite person on the show. The winner makes a record and millions of copies of the record are sold. His or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines or on the front pages of newspapers, and then, they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the personal lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called " rubbish TV" and the TV studios of Big Brother were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother was described as "against human rights and civilization".

It can be concluded from the passage that __________.

A. everyone is happy about reality TV

B. reality TV will do well in many countries

C. all the people in Europe are in favor of reality TV

D. reality TV will not be broadcast in any countries

學海導航 :B 通讀全文,本文主要講的是reality TV,根據第一段的中間Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens,可知真人秀在20多個國家流行。故答案為B。該題也可以用排除法,AC兩項很容易排除,可能有些會選D,其實every ,all,not 連用才表示部分否定,而any不是。D表示現實劇不會在任何一個國家播放,當然是不對的。


Are British people Europeans? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white people as Europeans.But the British,when they are in Britain,do not regard themselves as Europeans.The Europeans,to them,are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel,who have never learnt how to speak English.Europe is known as “the Continent”,a place full of interest for British tourists,but also the source of almost a11 the wars in which Britain has ever been involved.Thus although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe,the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very,very insular (孤立的).They feel,and in many ways are,different from the rest of Europe,and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them,or even to understand them,in time of need.

Where did British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question,since they are a mixture of many different races,and all these races invaded (侵略) Britain at different times from Europe.Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B.C., but there had been at least three invasions before that.The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.Theother two were by Celtic tribes:first the Gaels,whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish,some of whom still speak the Gaelic language;and second the Britons,who gave their name to the whole island of Britain.These were the people whom the Romans conquered.The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization,but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers,so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the “barbarians”,i.e.the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe.

*It can be known from the passage that .

A.most people think white people are Europeans

B.there are many Africans and Asians living in Europe

C.white men are Europeans in the eyes of Africans and Asians

D.the British people think of themselves as Europeans

【點津】 C 該題主要考查對第一段第二句This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white people as Europeans說明在非洲人和亞洲人都認為所有的白人都是歐洲人。


1 .確定作者的觀點及寫作理由。


3 .注意詞的詞典義和聯想義,將材料中已知的事實與材料中沒有表達的概念聯絡在一起。

4 .深入理解已知的事實的潛在的資訊。


各科成績的提高是同學們提高總體學習成績的重要途徑,大家一定要在平時的練習中不斷積累,小編為大家整理了英語語法:倒裝句之部分倒裝 ,希望同學們牢牢掌握,不斷取得進步!

部分倒裝是指將謂語的一部分如助動詞或情態倒裝至主語之前。如果句中的謂語沒有助動詞或情態動詞,則需新增助動詞do, does或did,並將其置於主語之前。

1) 句首為否定或半否定的詞語,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。

Never have I seen such a performance.

Nowhere will you find the answer to this question.

Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.

當Not until引出主從複合句,主句倒裝,從句不倒裝。

注意: 如否定詞不在句首不倒裝。

I have never seen such a performance.

The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep.


1) Why can't I smoke here?

At no time___ in the meeting-room

A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted

C. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit

答案A. 這是一個倒裝問題。當否定詞語置於句首以表示強調時,其句中的主謂須用倒裝結構。 這些否定詞包括no, little, hardly, seldom, never, not only, not until等。本題的正常語序是 Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time.

2) Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is.

A. man did know B. man know C. didn't man know D. did man know

答案D. 看到Not until…的句型,我們知道為一倒裝句,答案在C,D 中選一個。

改寫為正常語序為,Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 現在將not提前,後面就不能再用否定了,否則意思就變了。

以上就是為大家整理的英語語法:倒裝句之部分倒裝 ,希望同學們閱讀後會對自己有所幫助,祝大家閱讀愉快。

大學聯考英語閱讀理解 主旨大意題解題技巧




The text is mainly about ____.

The main idea/The general idea/The main purpose is ______.

What’s the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?

What would be the best title /headline for the text?

This article mainly tells about the story of ____.

What is the topic of the text?

The subject discussed in this text is ____.

What does the second paragraph discuss?

The paragraph (passage) deals with _____.

What is mainly discussed in the text?







PITTSBURGH – For most people, snakes seem unpleasant or even threatening. But Howie Choset sees in their delicate movements a way to save lives.

The 37-year-old Carnegie Mellon University professor has spent years developing snake-like robots ,he hopes will eventually slide through fallen buildings in search of victims trapped after natural disasters or other emergencies.

Dan Kara is president of Robotics Trends, a Northboro, Mass.-based company that publishes an online industry magazine and runs robotics trade shows. He said there are other snake-like robots being developed, mainly at universities, but didn’t know of one that could climb pipes.

The Carnegie Mellon machines are designed to carry cameras and electronic sensors and can be controlled with a joystick(操縱桿). They move smoothly with the help of small electric motors, or servos, commonly used by hobbyists in model airplanes.

Built from lightweight materials, the robots are about the size of a human arm or smaller. They can sense which way is up, but are only as good as their human operators, Choset added.

Sam Stover, a search term manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency based in Indiana, said snake-type robots would offer greater mobility than equipment currently available, such as cameras attached to extendable roles.

“It just allows us to do something we’ve not been able to do before,” Stover said, “We needed them yesterday.”

He said sniffer dogs are still the best search tool for rescue workers, but that they can only be used effectively when workers have access to damaged building.

Stover, among the rescue workers who handled the aftermath (後果) of Hurricane Katrina, said snake robots would have helped rescuers search flooded houses in that disaster.

Choset said the robots may not be ready for use for another five to ten years, depending on funding.

What is the text mainly about?

A. Snake-like robots used in industries.

B. Snake-like robots made to aid in rescues.

C. The development of snake-like robots.

D. The working principles of snake-like robots.

學海導航:B 該題是考查文章的主旨大意。文章的第一段只是引出這一話題,第二段才是本文的主題,第二段中提到Choest講究 snake-like robots是因為he hopes will eventually slide through fallen buildings in search of victims trapped after natural disasters or other emergencies,由此可知,Choset 研究蛇形機器人的目的是為了在自然災害或其他的緊急事故中起作用。


Everyone’s at it, even my neighbors. I thought I might be the only person left in the world who hadn't done an eBay deal. So, I decided to try my hand at online auction(網上拍賣).

Buying for beginners: Sign up on www. ehay. co. uk. Most items (e.g. tables, computers, and books) ready for auction will come with a picture and a short description; others may be marked with Buy It Now and have a fixed price. You can buy these right away.

If the item is being auctioned, you offer the highest price you are prepared to pay and eBay bids (出價) for you. The bid will be increased little by little until it goes beyond your highest bid, then you are emailed and asked if you would like to bid again. Auctions last up to 10days and when they finish you get an email telling you whether you have won the item.

How to pay: Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check this before placing a bid as you might not want to post a cheque or postal orders. The easiest way is through PayPal, an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card (信用).

Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, it helps to include a picture of the item. I followed my friends' advice and put up the items I wanted to sell for a 10-day auction, starring on a Thursday. This way buyers had two weekends to bid.

The big things in life: It' s easy to post a small item, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collected or sent by deliverymen. Cheek the ways of delivery before you bid.

What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to make payment online.

B. Ways of making delivery online

C. Advantages of an online-auction system.

D. How to use an online-auction system.

【點津】D本題考察考生對文章主旨要義的理解能力。四個選項均涉及到有關短文內容,但是通過比較其核心概念,會發現A選項為“支付首段”, B選項為“交貨方式”, C選項為“系統優勢”,D選項為“使用方法”。由此可見A、B、C三個選項都只涉及了短文部分內容,不具備概括全篇的作用。D選項包含所有內容,能夠全面概括出短文的主旨要義 大學聯考。C選項由於說話方式本身具有概括意味,具有一定的干擾。






3. 把觀點強加於作者。讀者往往根據自己的常識對文章進行判斷而忽視了作者的見解。

4.無關資訊,即在文章中沒有提到或者是找不到語言 依據的資訊。