

教師資格 閱讀(2.47W)

導語:教師資格是國家對專門從事教育教學工作人員的基本要求,是公民獲得教師職位、從事教師工作的前提條件。下面大家一起來看看教師資格面試的考題:國小英語《Can I have a drink?》的面試教學內容吧。




《Can I have a drink?》主要教學過程及板書設計


Step1 Warming up:

Daily greeting, and sing a song named Edelweiss with students.

Step 2 Pre-listening

Ask students two questions “What do you like to drink” and “What do you like to eat?” Invite some students to answer the questions and get some answers. Show two pictures of an ice cream and biscuits, then teach the two words.

Step 3 While- listening

Play the tape for the first time, and ask students to answer the question “Who are talking in the tape?” Invite one student to answer the question. Divide students into two groups, play the tape for the second time, and ask one group to find answers about the question “What does Amy can eat in the tape” and the other group to find answers about the question “What does Amy can’t eat?” Then check the answer, and write down structures of Can I… / Yes, you can. /No, you can’t on the blackboard. Play the tape for the third time, and ask students to read after the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation.

Step 4 Post- listening

Ask students to do role-play with their desk mates, acting Mum and Amy in turn. Then invite two pairs to perform the role-play and give them proper evaluations.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Ask one student to share what he learned in this class. Then give a little task to all the students, that is, when they go home, they could use the structures learned today to describe other kinds of drink or food to their parents.


Blackboard Design:




國小英語的課型中,聽說課佔了很大的比重,所以學會設計聽說課,理解聽說課的設計思路是一個重難點。國小聽說課的`課型分為let’s learn和let’s talk兩類,其中前者側重於單詞的操練,而後者更側重於句型的操練。不管是側重單詞還是側重於句型的練習,在設計該課型的時候需秉承一個理念,即不可直接呈現單詞與句型(即把單詞句型寫在黑板上,告訴學生是什麼意思),而是在情境之中把這些重點的單詞與句型引出來。


