

英語六級 閱讀(1.91W)





素質教育 education for all-round development

應試教育 exam-oriented education

填鴨式教學 cramming method of learning

義務教育 compulsory education

高等教育 higher education

普通高校 regular institution of higher learning

就業服務和職業培訓employment services and vocational skills training

綜合性大學 comprehensive university

重點大學 key university

減輕學生負擔 reduce burden for students

應屆高校畢業生new college graduates

招生辦公室 admission office

入學考試 entrance examination

大學聯考 college entrance examination

研究生入學考試 postgraduate entrance examination

入學資格 admission qualification

升學率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade

獎學金 scholarship


專業課 course within one’s major

必修課 required course

選修課 optional course

學分制credit system

畢業論文 graduation thesis

畢業證書 graduation certificate

學生會 students’ union

學歷 record of formal schooling

中國小生 primary and secondary school student



同學 classmate

教授 professor

副教授 associate professor

講師 lecturer

助教 teaching assistant

教育界 education circle

教育投入 input in education

學前教育 preschool education

智力引進 introduce talents

課外活動 extracurricular activity


科技是第一生產力 science and technology constitute a primary productive force

科技體制改革 reform of the science and technology management system

技術密集產品 technology-intensive product

科技含量 technology content

尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology

研究開發 research and development

治理汙染 curb the environmental pollution

水迴圈利用工廠water recycling plant

核電站 nuclear power plant

非化石能源發電量 electricity generated from non-fossil energy

新粒子 new particle

H7N9病毒 H7N9 virus

應用科學 applied science

3D列印 3D printing

人造器官 artificial organ

頂層設計 the top layer design

節能減排 energy conservation and emission reduction

工業升級 industrial upgrading

結構性障礙 structural obstacle

資源利用率 resource utilization rate

高速鐵路 high-speed rail

科學發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development

科技發展 scientific and technological advancement

生態農業 environmental-friendly agriculture

創新 innovation

高科技園區 high-tech park

國家重點實驗室 national key laboratory

研究成果 research result

新興學科 new branch of science

人工智慧 artificial intelligence

資訊高速公路 information superhighway

網民 netizen

網上購物 online shopping

網上交易平臺 online trading platform

“寬頻中國”戰略 China's broadband strategy

產能 production capacity

神舟十號the Shenzhou-10 spacecraft

嫦娥三號 The Chang'e-3 lunar lander

  3中國經濟篇國民生產總值 Gross National Product (GNP)

國內生產總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

國有企業 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

社會主義市場經濟 socialist market economy

市場經濟秩序 the order of the market economy

擴大內需 expand domestic demand

巨集觀調控 macro control

按勞分配 distribution according to one’s performance

城鄉居民收入 income of urban and rural residents

勞動力 labor

綜合國力 overall national strength

公有制 public ownership

私有制 private ownership

私營企業 private business

中小企業 small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

跨國公司 multinational corporation

網路經濟 Internet-based economy

經濟規律 law of economy

大規模生產 mass production

生產力 productive forces

年均增長率 average growth rate per annum

可持續增長 sustainable growth

經濟效益 economic returns

經濟增長 economic growth

經濟波動 economic fluctuation

衰退 recession

提高經濟效益 enhance economic performance

扭虧為盈 turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

優化經濟結構 optimize economic structure

經濟結構戰略性調整 strategic adjustment of the economic structure

優化消費結構 optimize the consumption structure

產業結構升級 upgrading of an industrial structure

產業格局 industrial pattern

高新技術產業 high and new technology industries

經濟特區 special economic zones

繁榮與穩定 prosperity and stability

經濟交流 economic exchange

利用外資 utilization of foreign capital

投資 investment

智慧財產權 intellectual property rights

版權 copyright

商標 trademark

專利 patent

電子商務 e-business

迴圈經濟 recycling economy

個人所得稅 personal income tax

稅收政策 tax policy

試點工程 pilot project

經濟帶 economic belts

經濟全球化 economic globalization

財政和貨幣政策 fiscal and monetary policies


改革開放 reform and opening up

小康社會 a well-to-do society

奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

人民生活 people’s livelihood

生活水平 living standards

生活質量 quality of life

改善民生 improve people’s wellbeing

住房條件 housing conditions

生活條件 living conditions

共同富裕 shared prosperity

社會穩定 social stability

衣食住行 food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling

厲行節約 practice economy

縮小收入差距 narrow the income gap

人均收入 average income per capita

文化程度 educational level

城鎮居民 urban citizen

失業保障 unemployment security

人口問題 the issue of population

全面發展 all-round development

發達國家 developed country

發展中國家 developing country

人口老齡化 population aging

養老 provision for the aged

養老保險 old-age insurance

社會保險 social insurance

計劃生育 family planning

獨生子女政策 one-child policy

城市人口 urban population

農業人口 agriculture population

普查 census

社會事業 social programs

人才市場 talent market

人才交流 talent exchange

人才外流 brain drain

應屆高校畢業生 new college graduate

農民工 rural migrant worker

公務員 civil servant

市民 citizen

名人 celebrity

殘疾人 the disabled

就業率 employment rate

失業率 unemployment rate

出生率 birth rate

死亡率 mortality rate

壽命 life span

貧困地區  poverty-stricken region

欠發達地區 underdeveloped area

擺脫貧困 shake off poverty

生活困難 be badly-off

用電量 electricity consumption

森林覆蓋率 forest coverage

產業結構 industrial structure

歷史新高 an all-time high

戰略性新興產業 strategic emerging industries

基礎設施 infrastructure

南水北調 South-to-North Water Diversion Project

自然災害natural disasters

本土化 localization

體力勞動 manual labor

可持續發展 sustainable development

沙塵暴 sandstorm

建築灰塵 construction dust

市政府 the municipal government

違章建築 unlicensed construction

嚴厲地處罰 impose tough punishments on

主要汙染源 major sources of pollutants

建築灰塵 construction dust

炫富 show off wealth

熱詞 hot word/ buzzword

品位 taste

大眾傳媒 mass media


Part 1中國文化

四大發明 the four great inventions of ancient China

火藥 gunpowder

印刷術 printing

造紙術 paper-making

指南針 the compass

文房四寶” Four Treasures of the Study