

英語口語 閱讀(6.55K)




G:Where s my laundry. It s 8:00 already and I haven t received my laundry yet 旅客:我的衣服洗好了嗎?已經8點了,我還沒有收到洗好的'衣服。

R:May I know your room number? 登記員:請問您的房間號碼是多少?

G:3406. 旅客:3406。

R:When did you send it? 登記員:您是什麼時候送洗的?

G:This morning 旅客:今天早晨。

R:I ll check with Housekeeping to see if your laundry has come back yet, I ll call you back shortly. Hello,MrMcGregor?This is Reception. The Housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. They will come to your room soonWe re sorry for the delay. 登記員:我問一下客房部您的衣服是否已經洗好了,過一會兒我再給您回電話。喂,您好,是McGergor先生嗎?我是前臺接待員,客房服務員現在正在送洗熨好的衣服。他們馬上去您的房間。非常抱歉衣服送晚了。


G:The housekeeper never picked up my laundry today 旅客:客房服務員今天根本就沒有來取要送洗的衣服。

R:I m very sorryI ll send somebody to your room right away to pick it up 登記員:非常對不起。我立即派人到您房間去取。

G:But I need these shirts washed for tomorrow! If I send them now they won t be ready for tomorrow,will they? 旅客:(客人生氣了)可是明天我要用這些衣服!如果現在才送去洗,明天就來不及了,對嗎?

R:No,I m afraid not 登記員:是的,恐怕來不及了。

G:Why didn t the housekeeper pick them up this morning like he was supposed to? 旅客:客房服務員今天早晨為什麼沒有取要送洗的衣服按規定他應該來取的。

R:I m sorry,I m not surePerhaps he forgot. I m terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I ll speak to him about it. 登記:員對不起,我不太清楚。 可能是他忘了。對於給您帶來的不便,我深感抱歉。我要和他說這件事。