

英語閱讀 閱讀(2.95W)





Becoming Indispensable

無論你只是位員工或公司老闆,多付出一點點都可使你 成為公司裡不可少的人物:你為公司提供其他人無法提供的 服務。也許其他人具備更多的知識、技術或聲望,但是,只有 你能提供公司不可缺少的服務。也許還有其他公司能提供公 關專業服務,但如果你能容忍在半夜二點時被叫醒,並且以“願意做”的態度提供服務時、則客戶們將會記住你並會給你 高度評價。

Whether you are an employee or the head of your own company,going the extra mile makes you indispensable to do for them what no one else e may be others with more knowledge,skill,or prestige,but you are the only one who provides something absolutely e may be seven other companies providing public relations expertise,but if you are the one who can be called upon at two in the morning with a can-do attitude when a disaster strikes,people will remember and value that.

有位在電影人才經紀公司任職的年輕人,是該公司惟一 願意每天,甚至每個小時,聽一位脾氣古怪的電影明星抱怨的 人。當這位明星生氣罷工時,也是由這位年輕人(不是導演, 製作人或錄影室老闆)去說服她回來工作,並因而使得招片能 趕上進度,併為電影公司省下好幾百萬美金,他使自己成為照 顧重要明星的不可缺少的人。

One young man,working for a movie talent agency,was the only person willing to listen to a cantankerous star complain about her problems hour after hour,day after one else took the she threw a tantrum on the set studio,or her agent,was the only one to persuade her to go back to movie went back on schedule,and millions of dollars were had made himself indispensable by befriending that important client.

除非你能成為某人或某團體不可或缺的人物,否則你的 所得將永遠無法超過一般的水平。你應使你自己的地位,變 得重要到無人能取代你的地步,能使自己變得比別人強,並且 服務中有多付出一點點的精神及具積極進取心的人,便可自 己決定自己的薪水。

You will never command more than average compensation until you become indispensable to somebody or some yourself so useful that it would be extremely difficult,if not impossible,to replace le who have pulled themselves out of the crowd and have included the priceless ingredients of going the extra mile and personal initiative in their service virtually write their own paychecks.



絕大多數的人都不瞭解願望(Wishing)和確信(Believing) 之間的差別,他們從來也沒有采行過可以幫助他們運用思想實現慾望的六個步驟。以下將概略說明這六個步驟,並且加 入我以一生的時光對那些採行這六步驟的人所做的觀察結果。

The overwhelming majority of people never recognize the difference between wishing and never take six steps that will help them use their minds to attain their e steps are summarized below,along with my observations,based on a lifetime of study,of the percentage of people who attain each one.

1.大多數的人一生之中對目標只抱著“願望”而己。這些願望就像一陣風一樣,沒有辦法成就任何事憾,抱著這種態 度的人佔了70%。

Most people go through life merely wishing for e wishes are as fleeting as the have no power to shape number of people who stop here:70 percent.

2.有很少數的人將他們的願望轉變成慾望,他們一再地 想得到相信的東西,但慾望也僅此而己,這樣的人佔了10%。

A much smaller percentage develop their wihes into want the same thing constantly,but that is the end of their represent 10 percent.

3.把願望和慾望變成希望的人就更少了,但他們害怕想 像有一天他們的美夢可能成真的情形,我估計這種人佔了8%。

A still smaller percentage develop their wishes and desired into dare to imagine,from time to time,that they might get what they seek.I estimate they constitute 8 percent.

4.極少數的人把希望轉變成確信,他們期待他們真的能 得到所想要的東西。這些人佔了6%。

An even smaller group translates that hope into expect what they want will actually e people number 6 percent.

5.為數更少的人將他們的.願望、慾望和希望轉變成確信 之後,又再進一步將確倍轉變成強烈的慾望,最後轉變成一種 信心,這種人佔了4%。

A smaller group of people crystallize their wishes,desires,and hopes into belief,then into a burning desire,and finally into constitute 4 percent.

6.最後,只有非常少的人除了採取最後二個步驟之外, 還訂定達成目標的計劃。他們以積極心態展現他們的信心。 這種人只佔2%。

Finally,a very few people take the last two steps and then make a plan to get what they want and carry it apply their faith with positive mental group is only 2 percent.

最傑出的領袖必然是實踐第六步驟的人,這種人瞭解他 們自己的思想的力量;他們掌握此一力量,並導引這股力量, 為自己所訂定的明確目標服務。當你採取第六個步驟時,“不 可能”這個字對你將不再具有任何意義,每件事對你來說都是 可能的,而你也將成功地實現它們。

The outstanding leaders in every walk of life are the people in the sixth recognize the power of their own minds;they seize that power and direct it toward what ever they you take this step,the word"impossible" will have no meaning for ything will be possible for you,and you will manage to get it.



Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it with fame, some with wealth and still some with accomplishments. For me, it means fulfilling one's dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. In the process of struggling for it, you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through. So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.


There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable. If you set your goal too high, chances are that you will never attain it. Next, you have to make a plan of doing it. You can take some steps to realize it. Since the process is quite tough, you need to be diligent, patient and persevering. Even if you meet with some difficulties or frustrations, just take them in your stride. You can always tell yourself that there is nothing insurmountable. With this will and determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!
