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美國前財政部長拉里?薩默斯(Larry Summers)稱,美國政府應當馬上向美國經濟注入500億美元到750億美元的財政刺激,以抵消日益增加的'全面衰退風險。薩默斯曾在比爾?克林頓(Bill Clinton)任總統期間擔任財長。


Washington should inject a $50bn-$75bn fiscal stimulus into the US economy in the very near future to offset the mounting risks of a full-blown recession, according to Larry Summers, Treasury secretary during the presidency of Bill Clinton.


Mr Summers warned that without timely counter-cyclical fiscal action, the average US family could lose up to $5,000 in income, the country could suffer hundreds of thousands more home foreclosures and national debt could significantly increase - "even in a mild recession".

一些共和黨議員認為,擴大布什(George W. Bush)的減稅政策是一個有效的財政補救方法,對此,薩默斯予以了駁斥。他表示:“財政刺激至關重要,但如果沒有及時性、針對性和臨時性,就可能有相反的效果。”

He dismissed suggestions by Republican lawmakers that an extension of George W. Bush’s tax cuts would provide an effective fiscal remedy. "Fiscal stimulus is critical but could be coun