

校園 閱讀(3.09W)

他一直在實踐著他對簡單的追求:大道至簡(Real artists simplify)。簡約化設計理念使得喬布斯強調蘋果的產品必須乾淨簡潔(clean and simple)。隨著喬布斯設計鑑賞力的提升,他開始青睞日式風格。喬布斯的設計關注集中體現對麥金塔電腦外形的完美要求,小組成員對模型一改再改。當然他也沒有放過螢幕上顯示的內容,喬布斯對字型等版面設計(typography)的痴迷讓馬庫拉等人無法欣賞。喬布斯也在為所有的蘋果產品尋求統一的設計風格,他舉辦一次名為“白雪公主”的選拔賽,想為蘋果挑選一位世界頂級的設計師(world-class designer)。最終的贏家是德國設計師哈特姆特·艾斯林格(Hartmurt Esslinger)。他的設計理念又是如何得到喬布斯青睞的?



Even though he was German, Esslinger proposed that there should be a “born-in-America gene for Apple’s DNA” that would produce a “California global” look, inspired by “Hollywood and music, a bit of rebellion, and natural sex

appeal.” His guiding principle was “Form follows emotion,” a play on the familiar maxim that form follows function. He produced forty models of products to demonstrate the concept, and when Jobs saw them he proclaimed, “Yes, this is it!” The Snow White look, which was adopted immediately for the Apple IIc, featured white cases, tight rounded curves, and lines of thin grooves for both ventilation and decoration. Jobs offered Esslinger a contract on the condition that he move to California. They shook hands and, in Esslinger’s not-so-modest words, “that handshake launched one of the most?decisive collaborations?in the history of industrial design.” From then on every Apple product has included the proud declaration “Designed in California.”


艾斯林格雖然是德國人,但他認為蘋果的.設計骨子裡必須有土生土長的美國基因,散發出獨特的加州全球化的風情。蘋果設計的靈感應該來自於“好萊塢和音樂,稍帶一些叛逆,又有著自然的性感魅力”。他的設計指導原則是“形式服從情感”,這其實是妙用了現代建築設計的金科玉律“型隨功能而生”。他製作了40個模型產品來展示自己的概念,當喬布斯看到這些模型時,他讚賞有加:“對,就是這個!” 這個白雪公主設計立即被Apple II的第四套機型採用:白色的機箱,緊緻圓潤的曲線,兼顧通風和裝飾作用的超薄通風槽。喬布斯為艾斯林格提供了一份合同,條件是他必須搬到加州來。他們握手達成了協議。用艾斯林格不太謙虛的話說起來就是:“那次握手開啟了工業設計歷史上一次起著決定性作用的合作。”從那時起,每臺蘋果電腦上都會鑲嵌著這樣一句驕傲的宣言:“加利福利亞設計”。