

職稱英語 閱讀(1.01W)



associate v. 結交, 由...聯想到..., 把...聯絡起來(associate one thing with another/把某一事與另一事聯絡起來; associated with sth./...和...有關/...和...有聯絡):

association n. 聯合,協會, 社團:

assume v. 假設(assume – suppose ),承擔(assume – take on - acccept), 呈(態度, 姿態, 位置) (assume new duties/ 承擔新的職務; assume office/就職; assume responsibility/負責, 承擔責任);

assure v. 保證 (assume - ensure) ,使安心,讓…放心 (assure sb. of/that…/向某人保證…)

astonish v. 使吃驚(astonish – surprise –shock)(be astonished at sth. /對…感到驚訝);

astronaut n. 宇航員

at prep.[位置, 場所, 地點,時間]在…時,在…中,在…方面,向,(表示速度,價格等)以(arrive at…/到達…; at my uncle's/在我叔父家;at the foot[top] of the mountain / 在山腳下[頂上]; at the meeting/在會議上; at ten o'clock/ 在十點鐘; at (the age of) forty/在 40 歲的時候; at the beginning of the month/ 在月初; at Christmas/在聖誕節; aim at…/對準..; throw …at …/朝…扔…;be pleased at…/對…感到高興;be surprised [frightened] at …/聽到…而吃驚; at one's request/應某人的請求; at the rate/speed of …/以每小時..速度);

athlete: n. 運動員

Atlantic adj.大西洋的;大西洋沿岸的(the Atlantic Ocean /大西洋);

atmosphere n. 大氣, 空氣, 氣氛;

attack n./v. 進攻, 疾病)侵襲,發作(a heart attack /心臟病發作);

attach v. 貼上,繫上,縛上(attach… to … 把…貼/系在…上面)

attempt n. (常與at, on, to連用)努力, 嘗試v. (常與to連用)企圖, 嘗試 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /試圖做…);

attend v. 注意, 出席(at), 參加, 上(學, 教堂) ( attend school /上學; attend a lecture /聽講課; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚禮; be attended by/ 由...陪同; 由...照料);

attention n.注意, 關心, 關注, 注意力( pay attention to ../注意..);

attitude n.態度, 看法, 意見(attitude to/towards…/對…的態度, take [assumed] an attitude of 取…態度);

attract vt. 吸引(attract –appeal to), 誘惑(attract one’s attention/引起某人注意);

attractive adj. 有吸引力的(attractive – appealing ), 漂亮的(attractive – beautiful – pretty );

attribute vt. 把...歸因於(to)..., n.屬性, 特質, 標誌(attribute ../ 把...歸因於);

audience n. 聽眾, 觀眾, 讀者(a large audience/很多觀眾);

August n.八月(略作Aug);

aunt n. 伯母, 嬸母, 舅母, 阿姨;

Australia n. 澳大利亞,澳洲:

author n. 作家, 著者(best author暢銷書作者; joint author/合著者);

authority n. 權威, 權力, 權勢, [pl.]當局, 負責人;

automatic adj.自動的,機械的;

automobile n.汽車,小汽車;

autumn n. 秋, 秋季(美國普通稱fall) (in autumn/在秋天; in (the)late autumn/在晚[深]秋);

available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的;

average n.平均, 平均水平, 平均數 adj.通常的, 平均的 (above the average/在一般水平以上, 中上; below the average/在一般水平以下; on the [an] average/平均);

avoid v. 避免; 迴避; (avoid –escape避免)

aware adj. [用作表語]知道的; 意識到的(be aware of/知道, 意識到; be aware that .../發覺, 注意到); (conscious – aware意識到的)

away adv. 離開, 遠離 (Go away!/走開!; keep away from../與..保持距離; run away/逃掉; take sth. away/拿走; right away/立刻, 馬上; far away/在遠處) ;

awful adj. 可怕的, 極壞的 (awful –terrible可怕的)

back n. 背,背部, 後面adv. 向後, 在後面v. 向後退,支援,援助(support –back支援)adj. 早已過去的, 後面的(back and forth/往返;來回; go back to .../回到原來狀況,回原處; go back on/食言; a back issue magazine /過期雜誌; back seat /後座; back up/支援,援助);

background n. 背景, (個人出身、受教育)經歷 (background music /背景音樂); backward(s) adj. 向後的, 相反的'adv. 向後地;

bad (worse, worst) adj.劣質的, 有害的, 壞的(be bad for ... /對..有害; have a bad cold 得重感冒; go bad/變質不能食用);

badly adv. 壞, 不良地, 嚴重地, [口]非常;

balance n. 天平, 秤, 平衡 ( keep balance/保持平衡; lost balance/失去平衡; strike a balance between .../在..之間取得平衡; be off balance/不穩);

ban (banned; banning) n./v. 禁止, 取締 (lay [put] (a) ban on../禁止(某事); lift [remove] the ban (on)/(對...)解禁; place [the] ... under ban/對...加以禁止);

bank n.銀行, 堤, 岸;

bankrupt n.破產者 adj.破產了的( go bankrupt/破產);

bare adj.無遮蔽的, 空的; (bare – naked無遮蔽的)

barely adv. 無遮蔽地, 勉強, 幾乎沒有(barely enough/勉強夠); (barely- hardly –seldom幾乎沒有)

base n. 底, 基礎,基地v. (與on, upon連用)根據;基於(be based on/upon: 基於); baseball n. 棒球, (a baseball team/棒球隊);

basic adj. 基本的,基礎的,主要的,首要的; (basic – fundamental基礎的, 首要的)

basis n.基礎, 基本, 根據(on the basis of/ 以..為基礎);

basketball n. 籃球;

battle n.戰爭 (battle – fight – war戰爭)

be v. 是,就是;在,存在 aux.v. [與動詞的現在分詞連用, 構成各種進行時態]; [與及物動詞的過去分詞連用, 構成被動語態]e.g. The bridge was built in 1982./這橋建於1982年。[與動詞不定式連用, 表示職責、義務、意圖、約定、可能性等] e.g. I am to visit Mr. Green tomorrow./我明天要去拜訪格林先生。 [用be和were表示虛擬語氣]e.g. If I were you, .../假如我是你的話...

bear n.熊v.負擔, 忍受, 生產(農作物或水果)(bore, borne) (bear in mind/牢記在心 ); (bear – stand – put up with – tolerate – endure忍受)

beat v. 打, 敲, 擊敗,(心臟等)跳動(beat sb. /戰勝..; beat time/打拍子 ; a heartbeat /心跳聲);

beautiful adj.美麗的, 很好的; (beautiful – attractive – pretty美麗的)

beauty n. 美, 美麗, 美人(the -ties of nature/大自然的美; beauty contest/選美會;

because conj. 因為 (比較:because 引導從句,而 because of 引導名詞性短語,如:I do it because I like it. /我做這件事是因為我喜歡; He eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因為餓了,而是因為貪嘴才吃的。);

become (became, become, becoming) v. 變為, 成為, 適合;