

職稱英語 閱讀(2.01W)



addict: v. 使沉溺於(addict oneself to( = be addicted to) 沉溺於,熱中於)

in addition/加上, 又, 另外;in addition to/加上, 除...外;

additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 補充的

address n.收信(件)人的住址 v. 對...講演或發表演說; (address a meeting 向大會致辭)

adequate adj. 足夠的,恰當的,勝任的 (be adequate for..勝任…)(adequate – enough –sufficient足夠的)

adjust v. 調整;調節;使適應(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己適應..)

admire v. 讚美;讚賞;(admire sb. for sth./因…而欽佩某人)( 職稱英語考試網 )

admit v. 讓...進入, 使獲得(某種地位或特權), 承認(事實、錯誤等) (admit sb. into the university/獲准入大學; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院);

adopt v. 採用, 採納 (adopt –take採用)

adult n. 成年人 (adult –grown-up成年人)

advance v./n. 提高(物價等), 增加(數量、價錢等), 提前, 加速, 撥快(時針) (in advance/ 預先)(advance-increase增加(數量、價錢等) )

advantage n. 優勢, 長處, 利益, 便利 (take advantage of/ 利用,欺騙) (advantage - merit優點)

adventure n. 冒險, 驚險活動

advertisement n. 廣告(= ad.)

advice n. 勸告, 忠告(a piece of advice/ 一條意見; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow one's advice /接受忠告)

advise v. 建議, 提意見, 通知( advise sb. to do sth./ 勸某人做某事,advise sb. that../通知某人某事 = inform sb. that…)

(B級)advisable adj. 明智的, 可取的 (advisable – sensible --wise明智的)

affair n. 事情[件], [常用復] 事務, 事態(affairs of state/ 國務; foreign affairs /外交事務 )

affect v. 影響, 對...起作用[反應], 感動, 患(病) (affect – influence – have a bearing on影響)

afford v. [常與can, could, be able to 連用] 擔負得起費用(損失、後果等)( can't afford to buy sth./ 買不起...)

afraid adj. [常作表語] 怕, 害怕, [口]恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 擔心; I'm afraid/[口]大概, 恐怕, 擔心) (afraid --fearful)

Africa n. 非洲

after prep. 在…以後,adv. 以後, 後來conj, 在…以後

again adv. 再一次,又一次 again and again再三地, 反覆地

against: prep. 反對,敵對,逆, 碰,觸, 以…為背景(be against/反對)

age n. 年齡 v. 變老(at the age of…/ 時年..歲; be of age(= come of age/)成年 ;

ago adv. 以前,以往(long long ago很久很久以前, two days ago/兩天前);

agree v. 一致, 相合, 同意 (agree on…/對…意見一致; agree with sb. /同意某人的話; agree to do sth. 同意做… );

agreement n. 一致, 同意, 協議(in agreement with .../ 和..一致);

agriculture n.農業

associate v. 結交, 由...聯想到..., 把...聯絡起來(associate one thing with another/把某一事與另一事聯絡起來; associated with sth./...和...有關/...和...有聯絡):

association n. 聯合,協會, 社團:

assume v. 假設(assume – suppose ),承擔(assume – take on - acccept), 呈(態度, 姿態, 位置) (assume new duties/ 承擔新的職務; assume office/就職; assume responsibility/負責, 承擔責任);

assure v. 保證 (assume - ensure) ,使安心,讓…放心 (assure sb. of/that…/向某人保證…)

astonish v. 使吃驚(astonish – surprise –shock)(be astonished at sth. /對…感到驚訝);

astronaut n. 宇航員

at prep.[位置,場所, 地點,時間]在…時,在…中,在…方面,向,(表示速度,價格等)以(arrive at…/到達…; at my uncle's/在我叔父家;at the foot[top] of the mountain / 在山腳下[頂上]; at the meeting/在會議上; at ten o'clock/ 在十點鐘; at (the age of) forty/在 40 歲的時候; at the beginning of the month/ 在月初; at Christmas/在聖誕節; aim at…/對準..; throw …at …/朝…扔…;be pleased at…/對…感到高興;be surprised [frightened] at …/聽到…而吃驚; at one's request/應某人的請求; at the rate/speed of …/以每小時..速度);

athlete: n. 運動員

Atlantic adj.大西洋的;大西洋沿岸的(the Atlantic Ocean /大西洋);

atmosphere n. 大氣, 空氣, 氣氛;

attack n./v. 進攻, 疾病)侵襲,發作(a heart attack /心臟病發作);

attach v. 貼上,繫上,縛上(attach… to … 把…貼/系在…上面)

attempt n. (常與at, on, to連用)努力, 嘗試v. (常與to連用)企圖, 嘗試 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /試圖做…);

attend v. 注意, 出席(at), 參加, 上(學, 教堂) ( attend school /上學; attend a lecture /聽講課; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚禮; be attended by/ 由...陪同; 由...照料);

attention n.注意, 關心, 關注, 注意力( pay attention to ../注意..);

attitude n.態度, 看法, 意見(attitude to/towards…/對…的態度, take [assumed] an attitude of 取…態度);

attract vt. 吸引(attract –appeal to), 誘惑(attract one’s attention/引起某人注意);

attractive adj. 有吸引力的(attractive – appealing ), 漂亮的(attractive – beautiful – pretty );

attribute vt. 把...歸因於(to)..., n.屬性, 特質, 標誌(attribute ../ 把...歸因於);

audience n. 聽眾, 觀眾, 讀者(a large audience/很多觀眾);

August n.八月(略作Aug);

aunt n. 伯母, 嬸母, 舅母, 阿姨;

Australia n. 澳大利亞,澳洲:

author n. 作家, 著者(best author暢銷書作者; joint author/合著者);

authority n. 權威, 權力, 權勢, [pl.]當局, 負責人;

automatic adj.自動的.,機械的;

automobile n.汽車,小汽車;

ahead adv.在前, 向前, 提前( ahead of…/在…之前;超過);

aid v. 幫助, 援助 n. 幫助, 支援(aid sb. in sth./ 幫助某人做。。);(aid – help幫助; aid –device輔助裝置)

aim v. (常與at連用)瞄準, 對準, 以…為目標n. 瞄準;目標(aim to do sth./ 致力於做。。;aim at doing sth./ sth. / 致力於做…) ;

air n. 空氣, 天空(fresh air /新鮮空氣; by air /乘飛機);

airplane n. 飛機;

airport n.航空站,機場 ;

alarm n. 驚恐,擔憂,報警器,鬧鐘,警報v. 使擔心,使驚恐

alcohol n. 酒精;

alike adj. [常作表語]同樣的, 相似的(look alike/看起來相似)

alive adj. 活的,活著的( keep sth alive/ 讓。。仍然活著 );(比較: alive(活的)不能作定語, 只能作表語和補語; living(活的) 可以作定語, 如: a living scientist 一位仍然還在世的科學家)

all adj. 所有的, 全部的pron.全體, 全部, (與of連用)整體;全部(in all/總計; above all/首先,尤其是, all over/到處,遍及, after all/終究,畢竟, at all/完全, 根本, 究竟; after all/雖然這樣, 畢竟);

allow v. 允許,准許, 給予 (allow sb. to do sth./允許某人做。。)(allow –permit允許)

almost adv. 幾乎;(almost –nearly幾乎,差不多)

alone adj. [只作表語] 單獨的; 孤獨的(be alone/獨自一人, leave sb. alone/讓某人獨自呆一會)(比較: lonely(孤獨的)可以用作表語)

along prep. 沿著(walk along the river/沿著河走; all along/始終;一直 ; along with/與…一道);

aloud adv. 高聲地,響亮地 (aloud –loudly高聲地)

already adv. [表示現在或過去某時已發生的事實] 已經

also adv. 也, 同樣, 而且(not also...或 not ../不僅..而且…); (also –too –as well也)

alter v. 變更;改變,改換 (alter –change改變)

alternative n. 兩者擇一, 替換物, adj. 兩者擇一的,交替的;

although adv. 儘管,雖然; (although – though 雖然)

always adv. 總是;

a.m. adv. 上午

amaze v. 使驚奇;使吃驚(be amazed at sth. /對...感到驚奇);(amazed –surprised – astonished 感到驚訝的 )

amazing adj. 令人吃驚的 (amazing – surprising – astonishing 令人吃驚的)

ambition n. 野心, 雄心, 抱負;

ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的,渴望的

assembly n. 集合, 裝配, 集會(assembly line/裝配線);

assess v. 評估(財產, 價值, 人物、工作等); (assess – evaluate – value評估)

assist v. (在某方面)幫助,援助,協助 ((assist sb. in doing sth/to do sth/在…方面幫助某人))

assistant n. 助手, 助理(assistant engineer/助理工程師; assistant professor/副教授);