

雅思 閱讀(1.09W)

現在大部分烤鴨們的寫作目標分都在六分。雖然比起閱讀或聽力這不算什麼高分,但是事實上,無論同學們的語言水平高低,六分都不是輕而易舉的。很多人都被卡在寫作上,手裡握著數個conditional offer, 就是邁不出國門。其實,六分沒有那麼難,只是同學們沒有抓住關鍵,有力氣沒有使對地方而已。以下是yjbys網小編整理的關於雅思高分寫作的關鍵和標準,供大家參考。



第二個關鍵是雅思寫作的評分標準。它是對以上四個能力的等級考量。這不僅僅是雅思老師備課的內容,考生也應該充分的理解,才能有的放矢,獲得理想的成績。第一個標準是對內容的評價。即是否把題目中所涉及的所有觀點進行了討論。這並不反對你選擇一邊倒。這方面同學們常犯的錯誤是自說自話。如有的同學認為老師不會被電腦所取代,然後在主體段論述了老師的數個優勢,卻完全沒有提及電腦和網路的存在合理性及優勢。這個不是理性的一邊倒,而是片面看問題。考官的評語是the question is partially addressed. 這一項的評分不會超過六分。雅思的六分相當於大學入學考試的及格分,而辯證看問題的能力是入大學門檻的一個前提。所謂辯證,就是你可以站在不同的角度看一個事情,並且能夠看到各自的優劣勢。


第三個標準是詞彙量,第四個是語法和句型。這兩個專案都是對語言能力的考察。所以對於那些語言基礎不好的同學,六分似乎是一個難以逾越的障礙。其實,只要你的高中成績能達到及格,六分就是有希望的。你可以以簡單句為主,少量的加一些有把握的複雜句式;詞彙不必太難,但是使用正確;整個文章的意思表達清楚,邏輯條理,考官能看明白你的觀點是什麼,就能達到六分了。  六分並非高不可攀,只要我們知道目標在哪裡,就知道力氣往哪裡使。最後送大家一句話。If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else。


Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious relationship with the people in our lives.

It is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. Family, friends and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, share our experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. Too often, many of us get on the fast track of life and take each other for granted. As a new millennium approach, more people disregard their passion and interests and choose careers based on job security, pay and professional promotion. As a result, they find themselves isolated and without friends. Loneliness is a common tragedy that destroys lives.

Actually we were old enough to remember the old saying "Money doesn’t buy happiness", yet we strive for the material objects and pay a high price. The essence of happiness is the unconditionally love we have for the people in our lives and their unconditionally love for us. To live life only for ourselves will bring us nothing but sadness and misery.

A self-centered life is an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major block to happiness. Our feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem cause us to be takers rather than givers. Our selfishness is often a mask for fear. If we don’t think too much about ourselves, we have a lot of work to do in order to enhance our self-worth. We must live for something greater than ourselves. To be happy, we must get out of ourselves. An unhappy person must turn outward, not inward, to find happiness.

I truly believe that the happiest people are those who love many things. They love children, family and friends. They love sunrises and sunsets. They love life. They have even learned to love pain and despair rather than viewing them the opposite of happiness.