

託福 閱讀(2.94W)









女生的錢包中裡面有她的student id& meal card以及 key等東西,無法回dorm。

於是去student service辦id card,遇到staff(口音是黑人)把守,說沒有id card 不能進去,要麼出示driving license,要麼是有頭像照片的證件,比如passport或者其他。但是女生說,我的wallet丟了,id card沒了,passport也在dorm裡面,而沒有id card,dorm不讓進(有題目出現,問她為什麼拿不到passport)。

後來女說這個問題她和dorm負責人說過,有email 到這裡做說明。staff查了查,果然如此,然後staff又說如果你能正確說出passport 的number,就讓她進去,女學生從容的說出了number,他說OK,你可以進去了,但是你會受到監視。女生說who cares!

女生又說了:她的meal card也掉了。管理員說:你在裡面辦ID的時候也可以順便辦了meal card。女生說:你真的是幫了我很大的忙啊!

管理員:if you have some other problems, I am glad to help you。女生說you help!(本句語氣為降調,有問題出現,問女生為什麼這麼說。此題兩個選項為正確選項:1、女生懷疑這個管理員是不是能幫他。 2、女生在解決了所有的問題之後如釋重負)


Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice, slide, library, collection, check, librarian

 Report, office hour, submit, on disk, hard copy, soft copy, computer, print, computer lab

 Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data, information, input, presentation, complete

 Term paper, grade, complicated, terrible mistake, edited version, submit, overtired, stressed, rushing against the clock, mark, draft, print, final paper, maintaining average, application, drop, re-take, due, extention, discuss, check back, re-reading, submission

 Information, exam schedule, term, date, book, department, invigilator, sign up, sheet, bulletin board, faculty lounge, square, draft, dean, review, draw up, manually, consult, register

 Physiology 100, sophomore, second year course, first year student, transfer, begin my first lecture, introduce, complete, approach, laws of physics and chemistry, process of life, vital force, philosophical approach, scientific experimentation

 Final exam, midterm, multiple choice question, essay question, comprehensive exam, the subject, review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run into problems

 School bulletin, required writing course, first year student, third year stuent, research paper, sign up, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic, final format, presentation, hand in, assignment, final grade

 Class meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue, revision, grade

 Research paper, due, proposed topics, make comment, the most frequent problem, broad, preliminary outline, schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long, thesis statement, precise statement, conclusion

 Workshop, intensive, techniques and skills, personal attention, register, advantage

 Consecutive summer, community center, seminar, workshop, beginning students, advanced students, last four weeks, credit is awarded, information

 Discuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance, optional class