

英語六級 閱讀(2.05W)



1. I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he ______ acting for a living one day.

A. had taken up B. takes up C. have taken up D. would have taken up

解析:(B)所給的四個選項中沒有一個表示對未來的情況的虛擬的形式should+動詞原形,或是were to do,因此可以斷定if引導的條件句在這裡最真實的條件句,用一般現在時表示一般將來時,故(B)是正確答案。

2. If I had seen the movie, I ______ you all about it now.

A. would tell B. will tell C. have told D. would have told

解析:(A)這是一個混合虛擬語氣的句子,if條件句表示的是對過去情況的假設,而主句是對現在(now)的情況的假設,故用would tell形式。

3. I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.

A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t

解析:d rather引導的虛擬語氣其謂語用過去式。

4. Mary ______ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

A. has received B. ought to have received

C. couldn’t have received D. shouldn’t have received


5. We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we _____ him. ( 1995年6月四級第46題)

A) would have telephoned   B) must have telephoned

C) would telephone      D) had telephoned

解析:本題是與過去時相反的虛擬句,從句中用過去完成式,主句中用would have done。本句相當於if we had known his telephone number,we would have telephoned him。答案是(A) would have telephoned。

6. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she ______ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.(1996年1月四級第44題)

A. has to get   B. had got   C. were to get   D. could have got

解析:本句的`意思是:“瓊不想馬上就工作,她認為要是找了工作,就不能經常探訪她的朋友了”。這說明,瓊目前沒有工作。句中假設的情況在近期內並不會存在。該條件句應當用表示將來情況的虛擬語氣。條件從句的謂語用should或were to引出。因此C. were to get 是本題答案。選項A. has to get是陳述語氣的現在時,不能用於虛擬條件句中。選項B. had got是虛擬語氣的過去時,不能表示將來時間。選項D. could have got不能用於虛擬語氣的條件從句中。

7. Look at the terrible situation I am in! if only I ____ your advice.(1993年6月四級第70題)

A. follow   B. had followed   C. would follow   D. have followed

解析:if only 引出感嘆句,意思是“要是……多好”,表示說話人的一種願望,希望發生(事實上不可能發生)與過去事實相反的情況。本句的全句意思是:“看我現在的處境多糟糕!要是我聽從你的勸告多好”。事實上,句中的“我”沒有聽從勸告,所以處境很糟糕。題中空格處應當用虛擬語氣,答案是B。

8 tree looked as if it _____ for a long time.

't watered not been watered

't water 't watered

解析:本題測試as if 從句的虛擬語氣。一般來說,as if 從句所表達的內容完全與實際情況相反或純粹是一種假設時,通常使用虛擬語氣。

9. I'd rather you ____ anything about it for the time being.

a. don't do

't do d do

解析:would rather 表示願望,後接從句用虛擬語氣,用過去時。

10. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ____ your advice

ow d follow

followed followed

解析:本題測試if only 引起的感嘆句的虛擬語氣。if only 引起的感嘆句,相當於“how I wish +賓語從句”。其謂語動詞形式與wish後的賓語從句形式相同。