

GMAT 閱讀(6.13K)







1. For all his professed disdain of such activities, Aden was an inveterate literary gossip.

(A)For all his professed disdain of such activities

(B)Having always professed disdain for such activities

(C)All such activities were,he professed disdained and

(D)Professing that all such activities were disdained

(E)In spite of professions of disdaining all such activities


to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.

(A)Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July,the railroad employee are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.

(B)Added to increase in hourly wages which had been requested last July,the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.

(C)The railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits added to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July.

(D)In addition to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July, the railroad employees retirement benefits.

(E)In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.

這道題目比較特別,劃線句是全部的題幹,這無疑增加了難度,可能是前半句有問題,也可能是後半句,或者都有問題抑或正確答案就是A。Added to這種用法並不常見,所以前半句有問題的可能性很大,通過使用排除法可以確定正確答案為E。注意E中的修飾wages的從句引導詞被省略了,但是這是相比之下的最合適的答案了,如果還有一個答案是沒有省略引導詞的,我們還是要選擇後者。