

綜合管理 閱讀(3.01W)



1. You can come over and I'll buzz you in. 你可以過來了, 我會幫你開門.

"幫你開門"這個動作許多人不經思考就會說 "open the door for you"。 但嚴格說來,"open the door for you" 指的是你親自去把門開啟。現在許多公寓通常都是對講機的按鈕一按外面的門就開了,而這個"開門讓訪客進來"的動作英文裡就叫 "buzz someone in"。為什麼用 'buzz" 這個字呢? 因為按按鈕的時候通常可以聽到"唧唧"的聲音。這個聲音在英文裡就叫 "buzz"。所以記得了,下次要幫別人開門時就可以說 "I'll buzz you in." 反過來如果你去拜訪別人則可以說 "Could you buzz me in?" 。

2. May I have a glass of water? 可以給我一杯水嗎?

老美吃飯的習慣是菜未上桌前一定會先給你一杯冰水,這點習慣是和我們是大不相同。在這裡要提醒大家的是,玻璃杯的講法叫glass,而非 cup。Cup 指的是喝咖啡的那種杯子 (有時也可以叫馬克杯 mug)。所以你跟別人要一杯水,比較好的講法應該是 "a glass of water", 而非 "a cup of water"。反之如果想要一杯咖啡,則要用 "a cup of coffee" 比較好。

這裡再提出一個有趣的問題:一定是玻璃 glass 作的"玻璃杯"才能叫 glass 嗎? 答案是否定的。事實上那種免洗的塑膠杯有時候也可以勉強算是 "glass"。因為我就看過很多次有人問 "Do you have a glass?" 結果人家拿給他的'卻是那種塑膠的免洗杯。

3. Do you need some cookies? No. This is good enough. 你需不需要一些餅乾啊? 不用了,這樣就夠好了。

當別人問你需要些什麼,但你真的不需要的時候該怎麼拒絕別人? 最簡單的可以說 "No. Thanks." 言簡意賅。或是你也可說 "That's OK." 同樣也是婉拒別人的意思。(注意 "That's OK." 並不是答應別人而是拒絕別人,不要搞錯了。) 第三種講法則是非常客氣的講法,"This is good enough." 或是 "That is good enough." 意思是說 "這樣子已經夠好了,你不用再麻煩了。"但"我已經吃得差不多了"則不能說成 "I've had enough." 因為這是指"我受夠了 (意指東西很難吃)。"應該說 "I am stuffed. (我吃飽了。)" 才對。

4. Do you guys want to stick around and play Scrabble? 你們想不想留下來再玩一會拼寫遊戲呢?

當客人想要走了,而做主人的還不希望客人走時,就可以用到 "stick around" 這個片語。Stick around 指的就是再留下來一會,跟 stay的意思很像。所以當主人要留客時,就可以用 "Do you want to stick around?" 或是 "Do you want to stay?" 來表示希望他們不要那麼早走。

Stick around 的應用範圍其實非常廣,基本上只要能用 stay 的地方,口語上都可以用 stick around 來代替。例如天氣播報員會說"Warm weather will stick around for a while." 這就是說熱天氣還會持續好一陣子。或是像新職員剛報到:"I can promise you I will stick around for two years. (我可以向你保證我至少會做滿二年。)"


1、 Good to meet you. 很高興見到你。

2、 Glad to meet you, too. 也很高興見到你。

3、 Hi, I'm zhao hai. Welcome to my hometown!


4、Thank you. I'm David.  謝謝你,我是大衛。

5、How many times have you been to Wulumuqi?


6、Actually it's my first time here.  實際上這是我第一次來這裡。

7、 I'd like to have you for dinner. 我想邀您一起進餐。

8、 Thanks, it would be my pleasure. 謝謝,這是我的榮幸。

9、 What do you feel like drinking? 你想喝點什麼?

10、Tea is fine with me. 喝茶好了。

11、 Do you like spicy food? 你喜歡吃辛辣的食物嗎?

12、 The spicier the better. 越辣越好。

13、 Would you mind if I order for us? 我來點菜介意嗎?

14、Sure thing, we have the same taste. 當然不,我們口味相同。

15、 How about some barbecue? 來點烤肉好嗎?

16、No. Thank you. I’m stuffed. 不,謝謝,我吃飽了。

17、 It's wonderful to have friends visiting from afar. Cheers!

有朋自遠方來不亦樂乎。 乾杯!

18、Cheers! 乾杯!

19、Don't worry about him. It's just the alcohol talking.


20、It doesn't matter, I know he's drunk. 沒關係,我知道他醉了。

21、 You use chopsticks so well. Where did you learn?


22、Just now, from watching you. It's not big deal.


23、 Sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉讓你久等。

24、No problem. 沒關係。

25、 Sorry, I didn't hear what you said. 對不起,我沒聽見你說什麼。

26、 I said: Do you want me to help you? 我說:你需要我幫你嗎?

27、 Thank you very much. 非常感謝。

28、You're welcome. It's my pleasure. 不用客氣,這是我的榮幸。

29、Do you want to join me for a game of tennis?


30、Only if you let me win. 只要你讓我贏的話。


a beautiful place! 這地方真美!

2.I feel the same way. 我有同感。

winters in Xinjiang are good and cold. 新疆冬天好冷。

can say that again! 你說得沒錯!

you been to the International Bazaar?


! The buildings are so beautiful!!


you been to other parts of Xinjiang?


11.I have been toTulufan. HannasLake and Shihezi.


was your trip to Hannas Lake ?


was wonderful. prettygood. 非常好。挺好。

's your dream job? 你夢想的工作是什麼?

17.I've always considered owning my own company.


't you think that more companies should invest in Xinjiang?


bitably. 毫無疑問。

's your business? 生意怎樣?

ness is booming. 生意可火了。

talking to you. 很高興和你談話。

here. 我也一樣。

26.I really should be going. 我真的要走了。

. Later. 好吧,回見。

re you go, let's take a picture together.

29.在你走之前, 一起合張影吧。

no problem. 當然沒問題。

31.I hope to see you again. 我希望再次見到你。

too. 我也是。

voyage. 一路順風。