

職稱英語 閱讀(3.07W)



credit card信用卡

next door隔壁

face to face面對面地

a few有些,幾個

a little一點,稍微,一些,少許

quite a little相當多,不少

the moment一……就


no doubt無疑,必定

out of doors在戶外   as a matter of fact實際情況,真相

quite a few還不少,有相當數目的

little by little逐漸地

no matter無論

no more不再

fair play公平競賽;公平對待

rest room廁所,盥洗室

side by side肩並肩,一個挨一個

step by step逐步

all the time一直,始終

once in a while偶爾,有時

word for word逐字地

in demand有需要,銷路好

primary school國小

heart and soul全心全意

ahead 0ftime提前

once upon a time從前

no wonder難怪,怪不得

decline with thanks婉言謝絕


After notifying the nurse of the situation we exchanged cell phone numbers in case Ed showed up. Once arriving in the parking lot of the restaurant Helen received a call from the nurse,who had found Ed sitting on a bench in front of the hospital a few buildings down waiting for her. What a relief!

Ed was found at last ________.

A、in front of the hospital

B、in the local restaurant

C、in the parking lot of the restaurant

D、on a bench near the restaurant


【答案解析】答案選A.根據文章本段中…who had found Ed sitting on a bench in front of the hospital a few buildings down waiting for her可知答案為A.