

英語寫作 閱讀(2.3W)



1. Guangzhou is cold, but Hongkong is more cold.

2. I with my mother have fish very often.

3. I very like play with her.

4. She’s English name is Sallly .

5. She tell me a lot of story.

6. I am very love her.

7. One day I don’t know answer a question.

8 I think I go to school Nov. 20th .

9 I will happy and busy at that time.

10 The fist present is a game is my uncle lent me.

11 So I don’t happy.

12 I don’t like she .

13 Mum taked me hospital yesterday.

14 My last birthday was had ten coffee and four orange juice.

15.I fell very happy.

16.I send she a rubber to she.

17 I have a new shoe.

18 But I have the two most favorite food is chicken and fish.

19 I know he not a long time.

20 I and father went there together.

21.I know no mother why like oranges.

22 If I don’t know homework, he telephone say I .

23 She help others people is very good.

24 I am very worry with my father.

25 In my class, I know one person is very very fashionable.

26.I doesn’t care about it.

27 He is ugly very much.

28 My class have many pupils.

29 My favorite food have many many, but hamburger and pizza.

30 I were very happied.

二 錯誤解析

1. Hongkong is colder than Guangzhou .


2. I often have fish with my mother.


3. I like to play with her very much。

一個句子中間只能有一個謂語動詞,like後面需要用to 來連線。同時表達十分喜歡某人表達方式和中文是不同的。

4. Her English name is Sallly .

形容詞性物主代詞的用法,She’s=She is ,不表示“她的”。

5. She tells me a lot of stories。


6. I love her very much.

Am 和 love 兩個動詞不可以同時出現,表達感情的程度用very much ,放在句子最後。.

7. One day I don’t know how to answer a question.


8. I think I go to school on Nov. 20th .


9. I will be happy and be busy at that time.

Will 是助動詞後面要接實義動詞。Happy 和busy是形容詞。

10. The fist present is a game which is given by my uncle。

The first present is a game. My uncle gave it to me last year.


11. So I don’t be happy.


12 .I don’t like her。


13 taked me hospital yesterday.


14. Last birthday I had ten cups of coffee and four glasses of orange juice.

Last birthday 是時間狀語不可以做主語,coffee和orange juice.屬於不可數名詞,需要有量詞來幫忙表達複數概念。

15.I felt very happy.


16.I send her a rubber。.

動詞短語的形式混在一起。Send sth to sb = send sb. sth. 同時send後面要接賓語,人稱代詞應該使用賓格。

17. I have a pair of new shoes

Shoes 這個詞使用時要額外小心,它本身就是表示複數的概念,例如glasses,pants等。,不可用不定冠詞a來直接修飾。

18. But two of my favorite food are chicken and fish.

這是一個典型的中文式句子,有most 一般是指最喜歡,是許多東西中的一個。有兩件東西,他們又不表示同一個概念是謂語動詞要用複數。

19.I have not known for a long time.


20. I and father went there together.

中文中“我和。。。”與英文表達不同。I 始終要放在最後。例如:you and I , he, you and I

21.I don’t know why mother likes oranges.

因為使用結構不正確,導致作者想表達的意思與寫出來的作文不一致。Know 後面要用賓語從句結構。

22. If I don’t know how to do homework, he telephones me.

Know 後面要用賓語從句結構, telephone 做動詞放在單數三人稱後要變化。

23. It is good that she helps others.

Help 是實義動詞,others 不可以再修飾名詞。用一個完整的句子來做主語時,習慣上要使用形式主語的結構。

24. I am very worried about my father.

一個句子中間只能有一個謂語動詞,am 後面接形容詞做表語,worry 變成worried.

25. In my class, I know a person who is very fashionable.


26.I don’t care about it.

I,we, you 搭配助動詞do, he,she,it 搭配助動詞does .

27. He is very ugly.


28. There are many pupils in my class.

表存在要使用“there be “ 存在句型

29. I like a lot of food except hamburger and pizza.


30. I was very happy.

Am 的過去式是was , 加ed的只是在動詞的變化上,happy是形容詞,不需要這樣變化。.