

英語聽力 閱讀(1.26W)



現在請你聽一段對話, 是說一對夫婦亨利 Henry 跟凱特 Kate 到飛機場去接亨利 的表妹蘇珊 Susan. 現在請你注意聽:

M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.

F: Which one ?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: No. The one with the package under her arm.

F: Oh, yes! That's Susan !

M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?

F: Fine. It was a very good flight.


M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.

F: Which one?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: No. The one with the package under her arm.

F: Oh,yes! That's Susan!

M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?

F: Fine. It was a very good flight.

現在我們把會話裡有 the one 跟 which one 的句子挑出來, 用慢速度再念一遍, 請你注意聽.

F: Which one?

M: The tall one next to the window.

F: The one with the suitcase?

M: The one with the package under her arm.

  二h one 和 one 練習

現在我們來作一組練習. 老師先問 Which one? 然後他再念一個片語, 請你用 the one 跟這個片語來回答問題, 最後請你注意聽正確答案.

F: Which one?

F: with the suitcase

M: The one with the suitcase.

F: Which one?

F: with the red dress

M: The one with the red dress.

F: Which one?

F: with the long hair

M: The one with the long hair.

F: Which one?

F: with the package

M: The one with the package.

F: Which one?

F: with the black shoes

M: The one with the black shoes.

現在我們換一個方式作練習, 這組練習的內容是說 Henry 跟 Kate 要去赴一個宴 會, 商量穿什麼衣服, 還揣測宴會是大是小. 練習的作法是老師先提出一個有選 擇的問句, 然後給你一個形容詞, 請你用這個形容詞跟 one 來回答問題. 我們先 舉一個例子給你聽.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?


M: white 白.

F: I'm going to wear the white one.


請你注意答案裡的 one 這個字指的就是問句裡的 shirt 那個字. 現在我們開始 練習. 在你回答之後, 請聽正確答案.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?

F: white

M: I'm going to wear the white one.

F: Are you going to wear a long coat or a short coat?

F: long

M: I'm going to wear a long one.

F: Is it going to be a big party or a small party?

F: small

M: It's going to be a small one.

請你注意: 凡是多數名詞, 應該用 ones. 下面我們來練習:

F: Are you going to wear white shoes or black shoes?

F: black

M: I'm going to wear the black ones.

F: Are you going to wear blue pants or brown pants?

F: blue

M: I'm going to wear the blue ones.

F: Are you going to wear new gloves or old gloves?

F: new

M: I'm going to wear the new ones.


剛才我們練習了用 one 跟 which one 作句子, 現在讓我們看一看怎麼用單字介 詞 preposition 作句子. 比如: on, o-n, on "上面", under, u-n-d-e-r, under "下面", in, i-n, in "裡面", 等等都是介詞. 我們還要學一個字以上的介詞, 比如: in front of "在什麼什麼前面", in back of "在什麼什麼後面"之類的'短語來作句子.

首先請你注意聽一些有介詞跟介詞短語的句子, 內容是說 Susan 坐在那兒吃 早點, 桌上有面包, 有一杯牛奶, 天花板上吊著一盞燈, 桌底下有隻狗. 好, 現在 請你注意聽, 每個句子我們念兩遍.

M: Susan is at the table.

F: Susan is at the table.

M: The bread is on the table.

F: The bread is on the table.

M: The milk is in the glass.

F: The milk is in the glass.

M: The dog is under the table.

F: The dog is under the table.

M: The lamp is over the table.

F: The lamp is over the table.

下面我們來做換字練習. 先由老師念一個句子, 接著老師提出一個介詞短語, 請 學生把這個介詞短語換到句子裡. 首先給你舉個例子:

M: The suitcase is under the seat.

M: under the table

F: The suitcase is under the table.

好, 我們正式開始. 在你回答之後, 請你聽正確答案.

M: The suitcase is under the seat.

M: under the table

F: The suitcase is under the table.

M: under the chair

F: The suitcase is under the chair.

M: under the desk

F: The suitcase is under the desk.


M: Susan is next to the window.

M: next to the door

F: Susan is next to the door.

M: next to the table

F: Susan is next to the table.

M: next to her parents

F: Susan is next to her parents.


M: Henry is in front of the door.

M: in front of the window

F: Henry is in front of the window.

M: in front of the table

F: Henry is in front of the table.

M: in front of the seat

F: Henry is in front of the seat.


M: Henry's house is near the airport.

M: near the railroad station

F: Henry's house is near the railroad station.

M: near the park

F: Henry's house is near the park.

M: near the school

F: Henry's house is near the school.


M: Kate lives far from the city.

M: far from the office

F: Kate lives far from the office.

M: far from the store

F: Kate lives far from the store.

M: far from the university

F: Kate lives far from the university.


好了, 現在讓我們看一看怎麼樣把介詞短語當作形容詞來用. 比如有一句話:

The suitcase is under the seat. "小提箱是在座位底下", 還有另外一句話: The suitcase is red. "小提箱是紅顏色的", 把這兩話句併成一句, 我們可以這樣說:

The suitcase under the seat is red. "座位底下的小提箱是紅顏色的", 於是, 介詞 短語 under the seat 是用來形容小提箱的.

下面我們要練習這類句子. 首先由老師念兩個句子, 學生把兩句併成一句, 聽了 合併的句子以後, 請你跟著重複. 現在我們開始.

M: The suitcase is under the seat.

M: The suitcase is red.

F: The suitcase under the seat is red.

M: The woman is next to the children.

M: The woman is Susan.

F: The woman next to the children is Susan.

M: The package is under her arm.

M: The package is brown.

F: The package under her arm is brown.

M: The flag is over the airport.

M: The flag is red and blue.

F: The flag over the airport is red and blue.

M: The milk is in the glass.

M: The milk is cold.

F: The milk in the glass is cold.

M: The man is on top of the airport building.

M: The man is Henry.

F: The man on top of the airport building is Henry.

M: The woman is in front of the door.

M: The woman is Kate.

F: The woman in front of the door is Kate.


現在我們要念一段文章給你聽. 文章裡包括今天學的一些介詞和介詞短語, 文 章的內容是說 Susan 乘飛機到美國西部的西雅圖市去看錶哥 Henry, 表嫂 Kate 跟外甥.

好了, 我們先用自然的速度念一遍給你聽, 等一會兒還要請你回答三個問題.

Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

這段文章不知道你聽懂了多少? 假如沒有全聽懂, 不要著急, 等一會兒我們還 要用慢速度再念一遍. 現在請注意聽我們今天要問的三個問題.


M: Where is Susan going?


M: Who is Susan visiting?


M: What is Susan bringing her cousins?

好了, 現在我們再把文章念一遍. 這次念得比較慢, 請你特別注意前面三個問題 的答案:

Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

現在請你回答問題. 回答之後請聽正確答案.


M: Where is Susan going?

F: Susan is going to Seattle.


M: Who is Susan visiting?

F: Susan is visiting her cousins Henry,Kate,and their children.


M: What is Susan bringing her cousins?

F: She has sweaters for them; a brown one for Henry and a pink one for Kate.