

英語四級 閱讀(2.12W)



京劇 Peking opera

秦腔 Qin opera


太極Tai Chi

口 技 ventriloquism

木偶戲puppet show

皮影戲 shadowplay

摺子戲 opera highlights

春節 the Spring Festival

元宵節 the Lantern Festival

清明節 the Tomb-sweeping Day

端午節 the Dragon-boat Festival

中秋節 the Mid-autumn Day

重陽節 the Double-ninth Day

七夕節 the Double-seventh Day

春聯 spring couplets

廟會 temple fair

爆竹 firecracker

年畫(traditional) New Year pictures

壓歲錢 New Year gift-money

舞龍dragon dance

元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings

花燈 festival lantern

燈謎 lantern riddle

舞獅 lion dance

踩高蹺 stilt walking

賽龍舟 dragon boat race


雜技 acrobatics

相聲 witty dialogue comedy

刺繡 embroidery

蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery

泥人 clay figure

書法 calligraphy

中國畫 traditional Chinese painting

水墨畫 Chinese brush painting

中國結 Chinese knot