

商務英語 閱讀(2.1W)




考官分別給每個考生一張題卡,上面各有3個不同題目(一個為日常話題,一個為一般性商務話題,另外一個為專業商務話題),由考生任選一題。題目涉及:企業管理,員工培訓,顧客關係,市場營銷,經濟熱點等話題。不提供論點提示詞。考生有一分鐘準備時間,兩位考生同時準備。允許做筆記。一個同學發言結束,另一個同學問1-2個問題, 因此在發言時要注意聽並在頭腦中想好提問的問題。該部分雖是1分鐘的簡短髮言,但要求內容完整,有開頭,有結尾。能圍繞題目組織並提供論點,並加以論證。兩個考生6min 三個考生8min 除掉構思準備時間和另一個考生提問題的時間, 每個考生只有一分半鐘,最多講十幾句話,考生做簡短髮言時論點要緊扣主題,給出2,3條論據即可,點到為止不必展開議論。

• Show a clear understanding of the task

• Make an appropriate introduction and conclusion

• The ideas well-organized and logically ordered

• Use appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(連線) language

• Develop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understand

• Speak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand

• The talk is given an appropriate length

• Opening Sentence

• Well, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…

• Body (一般講2-3個要點,根據語速和知識點調整)

• First,…Second…d,…

• Closing Sentence

• Anyway, that’s why I think so.

• Thank you very much.

• Thank you for taking your time.

• Thank you for listening.

  Promoting Tourism

An international conference on tourism will held soon. You have been appointed to a committee which will make recommendations on how your region should be promoted at the conference.

●Which types of tourist attractions and facilities generate most income from foreign visitors?

●How other attractions and facilities should be promoted effectively to foreign visitors?

Recruitment Video

Your company wishes to recruit more young business graduates. You have been asked to produce a recruitment video, which will be used to attract more job applications from business students.

●What types of information about the company to include in the video?

●Which members of staff should be involved in making the video?

Foreign Workers

Your company has recently singed an agreement with a foreign company, which means that foreign business people will be working in your company for short periods. You have been asked to help with preparations for their arrival.

●How to familiarize foreign business people with the working practices of your company?

●What arrangements need to be made for the foreign staff for outside working hours?

Newspaper Article

A local newspaper is planning a series of articles about successful companies in the area, including your company. You have been asked to communicate with the newspaper about the content of the article on your company.

●What kinds of information about the company should be included?

●How the company could benefit from the newspaper article?

Promoting Tourism

An international conference on tourism will held soon. You have been appointed to a committee which will make recommendations on how your region should be promoted at the conference.

●Which types of tourist attractions and facilities generate most income from foreign visitors?

●How other attractions and facilities should be promoted effectively to foreign visitors?

Recruitment Video

Your company wishes to recruit more young business graduates. You have been asked to produce a recruitment video, which will be used to attract more job applications from business students.

●What types of information about the company to include in the video?

●Which members of staff should be involved in making the video?

Foreign Workers

Your company has recently singed an agreement with a foreign company, which means that foreign business people will be working in your company for short periods. You have been asked to help with preparations for their arrival.

●How to familiarize foreign business people with the working practices of your company?

●What arrangements need to be made for the foreign staff for outside working hours?

Newspaper Article

A local newspaper is planning a series of articles about successful companies in the area, including your company. You have been asked to communicate with the newspaper about the content of the article on your company.

●What kinds of information about the company should be included?

●How the company could benefit from the newspaper article?