

英語六級 閱讀(2.27W)




1. 表示兩倍用 twice,表示三以上的倍數用 times。如:

This road is twice as wide as that one. 這條路是那條路的兩倍寬。

This swimming pool is three times as large as that one.這個游泳池有那個游泳池三個大。

2. 表示分數時,分子用基數詞,分母用序數詞。分子是 1 以上,分母須用複數形式。如:

1/3—one third1/4—one fourth2/3—two thirds3/4—three fourths

3. 小數點前的.基數詞讀法同基數詞,但小數點後則須將數字一一讀出。如:

2.36 讀作 two point three six 0.02 讀作 (naught) point naught two

46.945 讀作 forty six point nine four five

4. 百分數的表示方法是:數字+per cent,其中的百分號%讀作 per cent。如:

6% 讀作 six per cent 75% 讀作 seventy five per cent

600% 讀作 six hundred per cent 1.5% 讀作 one point five per cent


1. 主語+謂語+(倍數或分數或百分數或小數)+as+ 形容詞+as。如:

I can eat three times as much as you. 我的飯量是你的三倍。

2. 主語+謂語+(倍數或分數或百分數或小數)+the size (amount,length...) of...。如:

This river is one-third the width of that one.這條河的寬度是那條河的三分之一。

3. 主語+謂語+(倍數或分數或百分數或小數)+形容詞(或副詞)的比較級+ than...。如:

The output of this year is 80 percent higher than that of last year.今年的產量比去年增加了 80%。

4. 還可以用 by+倍數,表示增加多少倍。如:

The population has increased by 200% in the past 25 years.人口在過去的 25 年內增加了 200%。