

英語六級 閱讀(8.7K)

A: I am not able to run fast because I suffer from asthma.


B: Don't worry, I can't run fast either because I am unfit!

asthma n. 氣喘,哮喘

A: It is my dream to be an astronaut one day.

B: I too would love to see the earth from space.

astronaut n. 宇航員

A: I am going to visit the new astronomy research centre in town tonight, would you like to join me?

B: I'd love too, is there a good telescope to view the stars with?

astronomy n. 天文

A: They are closing down the local asylum.

B: It is about time, the care facilities there were terrible.

asylum n. 1. 庇護,政治避難;2. 精神病院

A: Do you have an atlas? I want to check where and in which ocean the Tongan Islands are.

B: No, I don't have one, but I think that they are in the Pacific.

atlas n. 地圖集

A: Is attendance at the lecture absolutely necessary?

B: Well, if you want to get credit for this course it is.

attendance n. 1. 出席人數;2. 出席,參加,出席次數;3. 護理,照料

A: I lost my wallet at the cinema yesterday.

B: Did you ask the attendant on duty if it was found?

attendant n. 服務人員,侍者,隨從

a. 伴隨的,隨之而產生的

A: The box of old photos that you are looking for is in the attic.

B: On the right or left hand side?

attic n. 閣樓

A: The auction will be held at 3pm on Saturday.

B: Good, I'd like to set a starting price of one hundred dollars for my table.

auction n./vt. 拍賣

A: Even though I'm not registered in this department, will it be alright if I audit your classes?

B: It is fine with me, but it is best to check with the department first.

audit vt. 審計,檢查(帳目)

A: Are all the accounts from your business in order?

B: No, the auditor still needs to check them.

auditor n. 審計員,稽核員

A: Where will the classical concert be held?

B: In the main auditorium

auditorium n. 1. 觀眾席,聽眾席;2. 禮堂,會堂

A: He is suffering from an auditory infection.

B: I hope he recovers soon.

auditory a. 聽覺的.,聽覺器官的

A: My salary will be augmented with the aid of extra hours.

B: Great, but don't work too hard.

augment vt. 擴大,增加,提高

A: I attended a memorial service last night.

B: It must have a very austere occasion.

austere a. 1. 樸素的,無裝飾的;2. 嚴峻的,一絲不苟的;3. 十分簡樸的,苦行的

A: Are you jeans authentic?

B: No, they are just cheap copies of the original brand.

authentic a. 1. 真的,真正的;2. 可靠的,可信的

A: John has such an authoritative voice. It is frightening.

B: I find him scary at times also.

authoritative a. 1. 權威性的,可信的;2. 專斷的,命令式的