

公共英語 閱讀(3.05W)



  Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.

  Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

Impatience characterizes young intellectual want to make their mark(31) ___ it’s important to get(32) ___to them in a challenging manner the idea(33) ___big achievements rarely come easily and t out that the little successes are that they(34) ___turn become the foundation on(35) ___reputations are built and from which mole important tasks can be accomphished.

A variety of job assignments,including job Or project rotation,also keep a job(36) ___becoming eas it’s natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments,(37) ___proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially(38)the same way they gain breadth,if not depth.

Probably the greatest offense to guard(39) ___when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of must listen--and listen objectively~to their d(40) want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. You’ll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often(41) ___“We’ve tried that before and it won’t(42) ___here.”

One sure way to disenchant(43) ___college graduates is flagrantly misusing their ct them to do some routine work,of don’t make their(44) ___work just one long series of ineludes such breakin assignments(45) ___performing routine calculations,digging up(46) ___material,(47) ___0perating reproduction large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of(48) ___engineers who had left company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that(49) ___challenging but also expected(50) ___too little from them in the way of performance.






ss 【解析】9et across意為“使(觀點等)被理解或接受,講清自己的意思”,此句意為“給他們講清巨大的成功不會輕易、快速地到來很重要。”

【解析】參見32題解析,idea與big achievements rarely come easily and quickly是同位語,故此空應填that,引導同位語從句。

【解析】in turn意為“轉而,反過來”,此旬意為“給他們講明這些小成功成為建立聲譽的基礎,而且從這些小成功開始更重要的任務才能被完成。”。外語學習網

h 【解析】“聲譽建立的基礎”英語表達為“the foundation on which reputations ale built”,which指代foundations。

【解析】keep doing sth.意為“防止某事…”,為固定短語。

r 【解析】under guidance意為“在…指導下”,為固定短語。

【解析】be of the same...意為“是一樣…”,此句意為“…在正確的指導下,他們能繼續學習,繼續通過幹許多一樣複雜的工作而獲得多樣性。”

nst 【解析】guard against意為“防止,防範,警惕”,為固定短語,against也可以省略。

g 【解析】avoid doing sth.意為“避免…”,avoid後必須跟名詞或動名詞。be overcritical意為“過分挑剔的”。

【解析】revert to意為“重想,重提”,此句意為“如果你經常提到‘我們以前已經試著這樣做了,但是不管用’就會很快地挫傷這種好問的頭腦”。


g 【解析】本文均是在講年輕的腦力工作者,故此空所應填的用於修飾“college graduates”的詞也應是“年輕的”。

y 【解析】此句意為“但是不要使他們的…工作僅僅成為一長串令人心煩的差使。”顯然,此空應填“每日的,日常的”。


rence 【解析】這三個分詞短語意為“執行日常運算、挖掘…材料、操作再生產裝置”。顯然,“參考材料”最合適。


ising 【解析】此旬意為“一家大製造公司最近採訪了許多…的工程師,這些工程師都已離開這家公司。”由上下句判斷,此空處填“有希望的,有前景的”最合句意。


【解析】可用於修飾“too little”的只能是far,意為“太少,特別少”。