

等級考試 閱讀(2.97W)

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.以下是小編為大家搜尋整理的2017最新翻譯三級筆譯考試衝關試題,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業考試網!


1. 請翻譯: 據最新一期的澳大利亞醫學期刊內容,澳洲研究員呼籲該國提升兒童血液含鉛量的準則。

參考答案:Australian researchers are calling for an upgrading of national guidelines on lead levels in the blood of children, according to the latest Medical Journal of Australia on Monday.

2. 請翻譯: 立陶宛中央選舉委員會週一宣佈新一屆議會的選舉結果,新議會將在本月召開第一次全體會議。

參考答案:The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania on Monday announced the final results of the new parliamentary elections, the new parliament will hold its first plenary meeting this month.

3. 請翻譯:美國總統和共和黨總統候選人羅姆尼的行程,在週一最後一天競選活動中遍佈8大搖擺州。

參考答案:ident Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Monday both spent their final full day of campaigning with packed schedules across eight swing states.

4. 請翻譯:祕魯內政部長佩德拉薩週一表示,該國國家警察查獲近一噸可ka因,並拘捕四名涉嫌販毒分子。

參考答案:Peru's National Police seized almost 1 ton of and arrested four alleged drug traffickers, the country’s Interior Minister Wilfredo Pedraza said Monday.

5. 請翻譯:分析師稱,無論美國總統大選和中國共產黨全國代表大會結果為何,雙邊關係將在合作、競爭和協調中持續前進。

參考答案:Despite the upcoming U.S. presidential polls and the NCCPC, analysts say bilateral relations will continue to go ahead amid cooperation, competition and coordination.

6. 請翻譯:二十國集團週一在墨西哥首都墨西哥城,呼籲對確保全球經濟增長和降低全球經濟風險做更大的'努力。

參考答案:The Group of Twenty industrialized economies Monday in Mexico City, Mexico, called for greater commitment to ensure global growth and

reduce global economic risks.

7. 請翻譯:據美國一項為期10年並追蹤14,500名男士的研究,每日服用多種維生素並不會減低心臟病發作和中風的風險。

參考答案:According to a US study that followed more than 14,500 men for over a decade, taking a daily multivitamin didn't cut the risk of heart

attack and stroke.


1. 請翻譯:I forgave him at the moment and on the spot. There was such deep remorse in his eye, such true pity in his tone, such manly energy in

his manner.


2. 請翻譯: He heaved a sort of shuddering sigh, and taking me in his arms, carried me first I did not know to what room he had borne me,all was cloudy to my glazed sight.


3. 請翻譯:You have not wept at all! I see a white cheek and a faded eye, but no trace of tears. I suppose, then, your heart has been weeping blood?


4. 請翻譯:I have no relative but the universal mother, Nature: I will seek her breast and ask repose.


5. 請翻譯: I had become icy cold in my chamber. He put wine to my lips; I tasted it and revived; then I ate something he offered me, and was soon myself.


6. 請翻譯:Suddenly he turned away, with an inarticulate exclamation, full of passionate emotion of some kind; he walked fast through the room and came back.


7. 請翻譯:Yet a chance traveller might pass by; and I wish no eye to see me now: strangers would wonder what I am doing.
