

語錄名言 閱讀(1.1W)

mandarin tutor


people may wonder, among so many chinese in vancouver area, why you- a student in maple ridge secondary schoolwell, i am frank, straight forward and a lot more approachable which alters the student-teacher relationship to friends. you had been a student once, so of course you know that a person is more focused and learns quicker if he or she actually likes the teacher. i can make students like me and the way i teach. even though i can not perfect, i can only better.

due to reasons above, i believe that i am the best candidate to be a mandarin tutor. it is easy for a person to find a random job, but it is difficult for a employer who seeks perfection to find the right employee. with my unique teaching style, students can find joy in studying.

a part-time job




丘吉爾曾受邀在某校畢業典禮上講話。在校長冗長的介紹後,他只說了一句話:”永遠,永遠,永遠不要放棄。”(never, never, never give up.) 就走下講臺。這被稱為歷史上最短的畢業演講。其實,這是一個誤傳。丘吉爾1941年在哈羅公學演講時提到過這句話,但過程卻並沒有這麼傳奇。



演講之初先要營造輕鬆的氛圍,演講者們深諳這個道理,於是各種開場方式悉數登場。 class of 2009! i dont think i heard you. (larry page)


thank you for that nice reception and thank you virginia for the incredible introduction. i thought some of them were about somebody else. (tim cook)





i applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. for my part, im just happy that the crimson has called me harvards most successful dropout. i guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class...i did the best of everyone who failed. (bill gates)




(after i dropped out of reed college) i didnt have a dorm room, so i slept on the floor in friends rooms, i returned coke bottles for the 5-cent deposits to buy food with, and i would walk the 7 miles across town every sunday night to get one good meal a week at the hare krishna temple. (steve jobs)


a mere 7 years after my graduation day, i had failed on an epic scale. an exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and i was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern britain, without being homeless. (j.k. rowling) 畢業7年之後,我遭遇了徹底的失敗。我那極其短暫的婚姻走到了盡頭,再加上失業,作為一個單身母親,我淪落到窮困潦倒的境地,就差無家可歸了。(j·k·羅琳)

i did everything. i shucked oysters, i was a hostess, i was a bartender, i was a waitress, i painted houses, i sold vacuum cleaners, i had no idea. and i thought id just finally settle in some job, and i would make enough money to pay my rent. (ellen degeneres)





i listened and waited for professor childs to say how well written my thesis was. he didnt. and so after about 45 minutes i finally said, so. what did you think of the writing


put it this way, he said. never try to make a living at it. (michael lewis) “這麼說吧,”他說,“千萬不要靠這個謀生。”(邁克爾·劉易斯)


and i thought, whats the worst that could happeni can lose my career. i did. i lost my career. the show was canceled after 6 years, without even telling me, i read it in the paper. the phone didnt ring for 3 years. i had no offers. nobody wanted to touch me at all. (ellen degeneres)



i called up my father. i told him i was going to quit this job that now promised me millions of dollars to write a book for an advance of 40 grand. there was a long pause on the other end of the line. you might just want to think about that, he said. i didnt need to think about it. (michael lewis)

我打電話給我父親,告訴他我要辭掉這個百萬美元的工作來寫一本只有4萬美元預付款的書。電話那邊沉默了很久。他說:“也許你該再考慮一下。”我根本不需要考慮。(邁克爾·劉易斯) i got the idea to start amazon 16 years ago. i had just turned 30 years old, and id been married for a year. i told my wife that i wanted to quit my job and go do this crazy thing that probably wouldnt work. she told me i should go for it. (jeff bezos) 16年前,我萌生了創辦亞馬遜的想法。那時我剛剛30歲,結婚才1年。我告訴妻子想辭去工作,然後去做這件瘋狂而且很可能失敗的事情。她告訴我,我應該放手一搏。(傑夫·貝索斯)


每當提到自己的家人,演講者們都是充滿自豪感和溫情的。此情此景,常常令人動容。 my dad was so full of life; anything with him was an adventure. (randy pausch) 我父親是如此的充滿生命力,與他在一起做任何事都是一種探險。(蘭迪·波許)

a long time ago, in this cold september of 1962, there was a stevens co-op at this very university. that co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers. picture a college girl named gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. standing on the floor, a young boarder named carl was admiring the view. and thats how they met. they were my parents. (larry page) 很久以前,1962年的寒冷9月,這座校園裡有一家史蒂文消費合作社,學生志願者負責打掃廚房的天花板。想象這樣一幅場景:一位名叫格洛里亞的女大學生,爬上了高高的梯子,努力地打掃那髒兮兮的天花板。另一位名叫卡爾的寄宿生站在地上,對此情此景欽佩不已。這是他倆的初次邂逅。他們就是我的父母。(拉里·佩奇)

when i was awarded a nobel prize, i thought my mother would be satisfied. not so. when i called her on the morning of the announcement, she replied, thats nice, but when are you going to visit me next. (steven chu)



電影《我的朋友叫哈維》中,斯圖爾特扮演的艾爾伍德說得很對。他說:“多年前,母親曾對我說:活在這個世界上,你要麼做一個聰明人,要麼做一個好人。”我做聰明人已經好多年了。但我推薦你們做好人。(朱棣文)when i was 17, i read a quote that went something like: if you live each day as if it was your last, someday youll most certainly be right. remembering that ill be dead soon is the most important tool ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. (steve jobs)

17歲的時候, 我讀到一句話:“如果你把每一天都當作生命中最後一天去生活的話,那麼有一天你會發現你是正確的。”“記住你即將死去”是我一生中遇到的最重要箴言。它幫我做出生命中的重要抉擇。(史蒂夫·喬布斯)

one of the things he (jon snoddy) told me was to wait long enough and people will

surprise and impress you. he said when youre pissed off at somebody and youre angry at them, you just havent given them enough time. (randy pausch)



stay hungry. stay foolish.


experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted.


never lose the child-like wonder.


your critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care.


as is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. 人生就像故事:不在於長短,而在於質量,這才是最重要的。(j·k·羅琳引用塞內加) insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. 精神錯亂是指一遍遍地重複卻期待不一樣的結果。(蒂姆·庫克引用愛因斯坦)

be true to yourself and everything will be fine.



導讀:喬布斯的逝去,不僅讓it界損失了一代奇才,同時也讓我們失去了一個很了不起的presenter,我們都愛他的presentation,是什麼原因呢?camine gallo為我們分享喬布斯的演講技巧。

camine gallo 講解喬布斯演講技巧的中英文對照演講稿

anyone who is watched the steve job’s keynote, will tell you, he is one of the most extraordinary speakers and cooperators in america.但凡看過steve jobs的主題演講的人都覺得,他是全美最棒的演說家,最了不起的合作伙伴。

-who does the best job of that in the world


well, most presenter simply convey information, jobs inspires.多數演講者只是簡單地傳達資訊,喬布斯的演講卻能點燃激情。

im camine gallo. and today ill walk you to several key techniques that steve jobs uses to electrify his audience, the relevants you can adopt for your very next presentation.



-theres clearly something in the air today.


with those words jobs open mac pro 2008, setting the theme for his presentation and hitting the major announcement of the day by launchingthe ultra thin mac book air. whether its the notebook or the iphone, jobs unveils a single headline that set the theme.

喬布斯開場的寥寥幾句就揭示了大會主題營造出了mac book air的釋出氛圍。不管是釋出mac book還是iphone 喬布斯只用簡單的一句話就點明瞭主題——

-today apple is going to reinvents the phone.



-i got four things id like to talk about with you today. so lets get started. steve jobs always provides an outline for his presentation and then verbally opens and closes each section with clear transition and between. heres an example.


-這就是time capsule,完美的系統伴侶。

-and thats the first thing i wanna share with you this morning.-這是我要釋出的第一款產品。the point is, make it easy for your listeners to follow your story. your outline will serves as guide post along the way. you also know that during his presentation jobs uses words like extraordinary, amazing and cool. he is passionate,

enthusiastic and it shows.


-incredible, unbelievable, awesome, extraordinary year for apple.-對於蘋果來說,這是難以想象、非同凡響的一年。


if you are not passionate about it, we are not going to be. remember, jobs isn’t selling hardware. hes selling an experience. if you offer numbers and statistics, make them meaningful.

如果你在那玩深沉,我們觀眾又怎麼可能會激情四射。喬布斯從頭至尾都不是在兜售產品,而是推銷一種體驗。如果要引用資料,請賜予它意義吧。-we have sold 4 million iphones to date.

-迄今為止,我們一共售出了4百萬部iphone 。

-we divide 4 million by 200 days, thats 20,000 iphones every day on average. -用4百萬除以200,意味著我們平均每天賣出了2萬部iphone。


one of the most effective elements of steve jobss presentation is that they are easy on the eyes. his presentations are visual and simple.喬布斯演講的法寶就是視覺刺激。他的演講不僅非常視覺化,而且通俗易懂。well, most speakers fill their slides, with = =| data, texts and charts, jobs does just the opposite. he uses very little text, and usually one, maybe two images for his slide.


you see you want to paint a picture for your audience, without overwhelming them. inspiring presentations are short on bullet points and big on visuals. if you really want your presentations to pop, treat it like a show, when ads flows, themes and transitions. jobs includes video clips, demonstrations and guests, he also has a natural for dramatic flare. it’s very effective. for example we are introducing the macbook air, jobs drew chairs by opening a manila inter office envelope, holding the laptop for everyone to see.

在合適的時刻展現合適的內容,而不是連篇累牘、鋪天蓋地砸向聽眾。好的演講通常只列出簡明扼要的觀點,其他的全是演示。想要演講得出類拔萃,就把它當作一場達人秀:各種廣告、各種主題、各種變幻...喬布斯就用到了視訊剪輯、樣品展示、客串嘉賓...有時還會來個出其不意。別說,倒還真挺見效。比如在釋出mac book air時,他開啟一個大信封,默默抽出了這個新款膝上型電腦,觀眾們瞬間石化了。

-this is the new, mac book air, you can get a feel for how thin it is.

-這就是最新款mac book air, 知道它有多薄了吧。what is the one memorable moment of your presentationidentify your memorable moment and build up to it. ax of the show friends and everyone in the world today.


and finally, rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more.最後一條,彩排,彩排,再彩排。

-let me show you how easy that is now.


steve jobs makes it look easy because he spends hours rehearsing. he cannot pull off an intro presentation with a video clips and

demonstrations and outside speakers without practice. the result of presentation that is perfect synchronized and looks, yes effortless. now the average business first does not have a resource to create a steve jobss extraordinary ganza. but you do have time to rehearse. the greatest presenters do it, so should you.


oh, and one more thing. at the end of most presentations, jobs add to the drama by saying “and one more thing”


-one last thinghe gonna adds a new product, or feature, sometimes just introduces a band.

-最後一項...他會繼續介紹一個新產品、新特性、或是給樂隊當回司儀。its not only the highest excitement, it also leaves your audience feel they been given an added bonus. the point is steve jobs approaches each presentation as an invent. a production with strong opening, product demonstrations in the middle and strong conclusion. and then yes, even a anchor, that one more thing. i wish you a dazzling presentation.

篇二:  【喬布斯的演講技巧】教你在講臺上化腐朽為神奇



-theres clearly something in the air today.


喬布斯開場的寥寥幾句就揭示了大會主題 營造出了mac book air的釋出氛圍。不管是釋出mac book還是iphone 喬布斯只用簡單的一句話就點明瞭主題——

-today apple is going to reinvents the phone.

-今天 蘋果將掀起一場手機革命!

一旦你確立演講主題,整個演講就要清晰地圍繞這個主題來展開。例如,要在員工大會上推廣一款追蹤銷售資料的軟體。你可以這樣開場:早上好,感謝大家參加會議。我知道大家都很期待,讓我們直奔主題:如何輕鬆完成工作配額。如何完成工作配額,這個主題令人印象深刻。而且接下來怎麼說一目瞭然 相信聽眾會非常樂意傾聽下去。

-i got four things id like to talk about with you today. so lets get started. steve jobs always provides an outline for his presentation and then verbally opens and closes each section with clear transition and between. heres an example.

-今天我有4項成果要與大家分享...演講開始 喬布斯列出一個大綱,並明確告訴聽眾每個部


-這就是time capsule,完美的系統伴侶。

-and thats the first thing i wanna share with you this morning. -這是我要釋出的



-incredible, unbelievable, awesome, extraordinary year for apple. -對於蘋果來說,這是難以想象、非同凡響的一年。



-we have sold 4 million iphones to date.

-迄今為止,我們一共售出了4百萬部iphone 。

-we divide 4 million by 200 days, thats 20,000 iphones every day on average. -用4百萬除以200,意味著我們平均每天賣出了2萬部iphone。

數字本身沒有意義,除非放入特殊的語境。要讓這些數字有意義,給它們來點比方吧。最近我在和一個公司合作,這個公司剛剛釋出了新的12g記憶體卡。12g啊!但是多數人不明白12g是個什麼概念。所以我給這個數字包裝了下,12g的儲存量 足夠讓你聽著音樂在地球和月球之間兜上一圈。看,這回12g就厲害啦。趕緊地動手包裝下資料吧。

喬布斯演講的法寶就是視覺刺激。他的演講不僅非常視覺化,而且通俗易懂。 大多數的演講者喜歡在幻燈片裡塞進大量的資料、文字和圖表 喬布斯卻不這麼幹。他用豐富的視覺盛宴替代繁冗的文字圖表,通常每個幻燈片也只有一兩張圖片而已。

在合適的時刻展現合適的內容,而不是連篇累牘、鋪天蓋地砸向聽眾。好的演講通常只列出簡明扼要的觀點,其他的全是演示。想要演講得出類拔萃,就把它當作一場達人秀:各種廣告、各種主題、各種變幻...喬布斯就用到了視訊剪輯、樣品展示、客串嘉賓...有時還會來個出其不意。別說,倒還真挺見效。比如在釋出mac book air時,他開啟一個大信封,默默抽出了這個新款膝上型電腦,觀眾們瞬間石化了。

-this is the new, mac book air, you can get a feel for how thin it is. -這就是最新款mac book air, 知道它有多薄了吧。

你演講中最難忘的瞬間是什麼?定下那一刻,然後使出渾身解數把聽眾引向那裡。 最後一條,彩排,彩排,再彩排。

-let me show you how easy that is now. -讓你們見識下 操作起來有多簡單

喬布斯的演示之所以看起來如此簡單是因為他花了大量時間來彩排。沒有反覆的練習,那些視訊剪輯、樣品展示和客串嘉賓便都是浮雲。因為反覆的彩排,他才能在演講過程中如此淡定,如此收放自如。當然很少有人生來就像喬布斯這樣天賦異稟。但早起的鳥兒有蟲吃的道理,你懂的,你總會有足夠的時間去彩排。瞧瞧,人喬布斯還彩排呢,你為什麼不呢哦,還有一點。通常在演講的結尾 jobs會加上一句 最後一項...

-one last thinghe gonna adds a new product, or feature, sometimes just introduces a band.



尾聲。對了 還有那句撩人的 最後一項...希望你們的演講也能同樣精彩!篇三:steve jobs的五個演講祕訣

steve jobs的五個演講祕訣

business week雜誌近期刊登了一篇題為《steve jobs presentation secrets》的文章,寫的不錯,我特地做了幾頁ppt把當中的關鍵點摘錄出來,與大家分享。

steven jobs就不用多介紹了吧,呵呵,傳奇般的人生造就一位商業奇才!史蒂夫·喬布斯(steven jobs)是所有學習演講和學做ppt的人的榜樣,他的演講,尤其是演示風格也深深影響了無數的演講高手。喬布斯會對每個產品進行定位,為此設定一個主題。舉例來說,他對macbook air的描述是“全球最薄的膝上型電腦”。這一描述出現在他的演講幻燈片上,出現在蘋果的網站以及新聞稿上。你最希望消費者瞭解你產品的哪一個特點?這個主題必須符合你所有的營銷和陳述內容


喬布斯釋出會所使用的幻燈片均是令人驚訝的簡明扼要,沒有繁文縟節。圖片就是最重要的要素。當喬布斯釋出macbook air的時候,有一張圖片顯示一隻手從一個普通的檔案紙袋中掏出這部電腦,這張圖片勝過了一切語言。而有些時候,喬布斯在10張幻燈片中總共只使用了7個詞


  篇三:job 演講稿

Hello everyone. Today my topic is some notes on the job

Large team of people for job

The above pictures vividly expressed that: Nowadays, The number of graduate students is far more than the job

The graduate man was in competition with ten others for the job

the employment issue has become a prominent problem with the increasing college graduates.

This Sights like that make us realize thatwe must do more work and prepare ourselves for the job

Here are some my suggestions about getting a job


1、Analysis of yourself

. Such as

you should Analyze your skills and interests (ideas)

What kinds of work you want to do

What’s your Interest and expertise

then decide (determine)that which kind of job is suitable for you

2、Career Planning

You'd better make a career plan (such as,What’s your dream what’s the plan in the recent five years and so on .)

Here are two important points that you should pay attention to

1). Don’t change easily your career plan after you have finished it, unless you are sure for better development.

2). Don’t give up your ideals easily, never.

3、Learn More about Industry and Company

Many graduates choose other works or other companies after a period.

One important reason is that they do not know very well about the industry or company they engaged in. So, you’d better learn more about the industry or company you want to engage in before you select it.

You should learn about

4、Preparation before the Interview

). Before the interview,

1、have more understanding about the company's history, culture, products and so on.

2、 inquire about the important aspects of the company inspected in the past time in order to properly prepare.(可以無)

3、You'd better prepare sets of suits and have a haircut to show your solemnity to the interview.

4、 you’d better do some practice for better performance during the interview.

5、Notes on the Interview Process


There are mainly two types of questions

1). Decent manners

It can reflect your good qualities and help your expression of ideas.

2). Positive and serious attitude

Many people do that not very good, while most people know that is important.

3). Honesty

It is becoming more and more important In the market economy.

creative / problem-solving questions

1)active talking is better than creative ideas

2) to talk your ideas bravely (make a summary, and set another topic)

3) effective communication

4) take notes and make some supplements

5) be clear and confident

6) be concentrated and avoid unacceptable non-verbal behaviors.