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【醫】 itching; pruritus


As the tumor had grown, it had compressed the nerves leading to Julian's anus and legs, causing itching and pain

由於腫瘤已經長大,它壓迫著伸向朱利安四肢的神經,產生疼痛和瘙癢。Severe itching,often of undamaged skin.

瘙癢嚴重的瘙癢,經常指未受損傷的面板出現的瘙癢pruritus is one of the commonest symptoms

瘙癢是最常見的症狀之一。Use a fan or aseptic syringe to blow air into the cast to relieve itching, if necessary

必要時可用扇子或清潔的注射器將空氣送入管型內以減輕瘙癢。"Dermatitis (or eczema):Inflammation of the skin, usually itchy, with redness, swelling, and blistering."

面板炎(亦稱溼疹):一種面板炎症,症狀特點有︰暗紅色、稍隆腫、起水泡、有滲出、恆伴瘙癢。A chronic skin disease having various causes,marked by the eruption of pale,dome - shaped papules that itch severely.


adj. 貪得的,癢的,渴望的

Scratch where it itches.

搔癢。 Kathy has an itch to travel.

凱茜渴望出去旅行。 I was itching to get involved.

我渴望參與。 The general was itching for a fight.

將軍盼著打一仗。 He is itching after fame.


n. 搔癢症

"Itching (pruritus):Stimulation of nerve endings in the skin, usually incited by histamine, that evokes a desire to scratch."

癢(亦稱瘙癢):遊離神經末梢(通常為在面板)受到刺激時產生的想抓撓的感覺。[Indications]Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness.