

校園 閲讀(1.35W)




激動[jī dòng]





詞典be in storm:激動。


1. Excitement:10 D 常識運用邏輯推理 然而,我們都經歷過這樣的場合:我們向某人説出了自己的心思,確切地告訴他們我們的感覺,結果卻使得我們心裏充滿的.不是激動(excitement)、幸福快樂(happiness)、自豪驕傲(pride)、而是負有內疚(guilt)感.

2. agitation:老年人的精神科急症張景瑞 國泰綜合醫院精神科 老年人求診於急診的問題中,約有5%為各類精神及行為問題(1),有些如焦躁不安,激動(agitation),遊走或走失,自我忽視(self-neglect)等,不至於立即危及生命.本文將集中討論可能危及生命的三大急症:譫妄(delirium),

3. thrill:技能(skill)能讓靜靜地(still)濺(spill),激動(thrill)能往寒冷(chill)裏鑽(drill). ...

4. excite:唉!趙薇為什麼總是被拍到很狼狽的(confounded)表情呢!請問,您是哪位?我猜(guess)是胡杏兒. 這是楊千樺女士嗎?只有站在領獎台前才笑到如此激動(excite)吧?首先要恭喜(congratulate)陳姐姐!娛樂圈的單身美女又少了一個.


1. Tom Hanks憋着不眨眼來傳遞信息,他的角色是如此的激動於他所意識到的事情。

He's transfixed. Tom Hanks holds back his blinks to communicate the idea that his character is THAT intense about what he's realizing.

2. 然而,這另一種生活也有其情趣、快樂、滿足,而且也偶爾伴隨着平靜的喜悦或者突如其來的激動。

However, this is another life with sentiment, happy, content, and company with a placeful joyance and a sudden excitement occasionally

3. 我想這是十分激動人心的。

I think it will be very excited.

4. 保齡球是熱門,尤其是十幾歲,因為它是非常激動人心的樂趣和發揮。

Ten pin bowling is popular, especially among teens, as it is very exciting and fun to play.

5. 維生素D受體基因多態性是腫瘤領域激動人心的新研究方向,但我並不推薦常規檢測VDR的基因多態性,因為目前我們還不知道如何處理相關數據。

Pro R. Mack Harrell: I currently recommend 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for all adults who don`t have elevated serum calciums, calcium containing kidney stones or renal failure.

6. 這是我第一次在美國過萬聖節,好激動哦。

This is the first time for me to celebrate the Halloween in USA, I am so excited.

7. 他解釋道:投資者在做決定時會過分強調剛剛過去的經歷;人們對虧損的痛恨勝過對盈利的喜愛;隨着市場日趨動盪,投資者行為會變得更易預測;情緒激動時,投資者傾向於採取從眾行為。

He explains: Investors overemphasise recent experience when making decisions; people hate to lose more than they love to win; investors become more predictable as markets become more volatile; and when they are emotional, investors tend to be herd-like in behaviour.

8. 賓克斯法興- 2加Steadi握不激動2夸脱壓力杯是理想的噴塗元件和小批量生產。

Binks SG-2 Plus Steadi-Grip non-agitated 2 quart pressure cup is ideal for component spraying and small batch production.

9. 我還記得在我家裏的談話所帶來的興奮和激動。

I remember the excitement engendered by the conversation in our home.

10. 1嬌陽拋下無數柔媚的眼神搖盪運動員的心旌心湖盪漾着一波波酷似霜風染過的楓葉火紅的血焰猛烈升騰誰在台上雄聲鏗鏘誰在台下心內呯呯攢動的每顆激動的人頭牽動着興奮的心興奮裏漫長等待等待台上動聽的一語運動會開始進行!

Jiao Yang into the eyes of countless star athletes sometimes sway hearts Lake Bobble Shuangfeng resembles a wave of the Maple Leaf with a fiery red blood fierce flame lifted who sonorous sound-stage in the audience who slammed heart of the fantastic save each with the emotional affect the poll excited excitement in the heart long wait for a table sounding phrase Games begin!