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飢餓[jī è]








飢餓 (Hunger)是動物的一種感受,產生的原因是肝的糖元水平下降到低於一個閾值。這種不快的感覺是在下丘腦產生,由肝和胃的感受器感應。


· Hungry(飢餓的)是來自於漢語的外來語,典故是: 狼狼太姆兒狗,有一個English請一個 THINKQUICK 發表於 2008-7-13 18:45:00


飢餓(Starvation) : 動機在於「防止性發展及「不願從事成人角色 節食(Dieting)及暴食(Bingo eating) : 對「第二性徵發展及「初經恐懼反應...

be hungry

stay healthy|英語中的一些固定搭配詞組,如;stay healthy[保持健康]. - 已解決 ... 冰淇淋 ice cream 飢餓 be hungry 六點四十五分 a quarter to seven ...


1. 它是指極小的願望被實現了,或是當你飢餓的時候有吃的,或是當你需要愛的時候有人愛你。

It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

2. 如果我是一頭鬣狗,我準是一隻瘦弱,飢餓的鬣狗,我這就出發去喂肥自己。

If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself.

3. 我孜孜不倦地讀到黎明來臨,被飢餓逮着時就喝一杯濃郁的.熱巧克力,吃一份美味的西班牙火腿三明治,然後在Paseo Bolivar上那些開着花的墨西哥丁香樹下,沐着第一道曙光溜達。

Dawn found me there, reading without mercy, and when hunger pursued me I would have thick hot chocolate and a sandwich of good Spanish ham, and stroll with the first light of dawn beneath the flowering matarraton trees on the Paseo Bolivar.

4. 如果你早上醒來的時候安康有恙……那麼,比起活不過這一週的百萬人來説,你真非幸運多了。8 Africans 如果你未曾經歷過和爭的危險、進獄的孤獨、嚴刑的苦楚、飢餓的痛苦……那麼,比起世界上5億人來,你真非幸運多了。

The following is also something to ponder……再從以下角度來想想看…… If you woke pup this morning with more health than illness……you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

5. 我問自己,如果我是她的話,會説些什麼呢?答案很簡單,我會盡量引起旁人對我的關注,我會説我飢餓難忍,冷得發抖,奄奄一息,痛苦不堪,諸如此類的話。

I could not help but examine my conscience before herr and i asked what would i say if i was in her place. and my answer was very simple. i would have tried to draw a little attention to myself.

6. 每次我有飢餓感的時候

Every time I get the munchies which is at least once a day!

7. 飢餓,疾病和死亡造成的窮人的食品和營養,創造社會和政治不穩定。。

The hunger, disease, and death resulting from poor food and nutrition create social and political instability.

8. 長期的飢餓和衰老可以導致胚胎發生能力的復壯。

Prolonged starvation and aging might lead to rejuvenation of embryogenic potential.

9. 如果殺死一個無辜的人就可以終結世界上的飢餓,你願不願意這樣做?

Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger inthe world?

10. 有人説,愛是飢餓,痛苦的渴求是永不停歇。

Some say lave, it is hunqer, an endless aching need.

11. 適當地儲存多餘的食物,使得曼丹人可以保護自己免受莊稼歉收和與之相伴的飢餓之災。

With appropriate banking of the extra food, the Mandans protected themselves against the disaster of crop failure and accompanying hunger.