

雅思 閱讀(1.3W)




我看過很多5.5分的作文,大詞連篇,模版生搬硬套(如moreover不是遞進關係,是談論另一個方面)似乎寫一個詞就意淫著考官的瞠目結舌,wow!同學厲害!這樣的景象。實際上,拋開誇張的片語,花哨的連線,這些同學的語法,都有或多或少的問題。這就是為什麼他們考了多次還是卡在5.5分的原因。只有通過學習語法,認清楚每個詞在句子的角色,合理安排。(如1.不是每個名詞都能跟同位語從句,一般是較抽象的詞才行。 to後面不能直接接完整的句子。)當你能夠分析出每個單詞在句子的正確成分,語法也算基本過關,注意寫完檢查即可)保證了這個和基本的邏輯,也就保證了6分。


在較少的語法錯誤的情況下,做到以下四點即有可能衝擊7分。1.句子的之間的連貫性。2.論述的'邏輯性,非跳躍性思維。3.四五組高水平高準確度的片語(collocation)。 4.全方位扣題(fully address)



(1).明連線。通過正確使用however,moreover,another reason is that等詞來達到文章表面的連線。

(2).光有表面的連線是不夠的,文字內在的連線也是很重要的。正確地使用代詞。在指帶明確的情況下,上一句子從出現了people,下一句話可以出現they,these people,甚至直接換詞individuals。上個句子出現了一種現象,如人們工作太長時間(people work extremely long hours),這個現象在下一句中即可用this/it代替,如 People who live in big cities have to work long and unsocial hours due to the increasingly stiff competition,and this can give rise to their mental health problems 另外,值得注意的是,高水平雅思作文以及考官都很喜歡使用such這個詞。這個詞也能高強度連線兩個句子。

(3).關鍵詞的重複和推敲。一段話中,幾個句子中各自的關鍵詞的呼應,也能起到提升整體連貫性的作用。如,文章問教育問題,文章可能會出現的higher education,education equality等詞,也能起來一種邏輯上和讀感上的連線性。




A是一件事件,一個動作(action) B是事情的結果(result) C是這個結果所造成的結果(end result)




題目:Some people believe that only students with best academic results should be rewarded while other people believe it is more important to reward students with uss both views and give your own opinion.

這個題目就是確定了A (雙邊)

邊1的A——最好的學生被獎勵(已被確定) 因此需要寫B和C。 B——這些學生(high achievers)因此受到鼓勵和支援,保持學術優異 C——他們全面開發了自己的天賦和智力,為社會做出更多的貢獻(這個ABC想得不太好,但是雅思主要考察語言能力,大家看看就好)

邊2的A——不管是否是最好的學生,有進步的學生就該被獎勵(已被while other people後面的論述確定) B——努力的學生得到精神和物質支援,開始建立自信並開始進步 C——差生們(low performers)認識到進步比名次重要,也開始開發自己的潛力(achieve academic potential)





gy-starved. eg. India is perennially energy-starved.

ace renewable energy. her big area where India can advance more quickly than the rest of the world is in embracing renewable energy.

of access/basic human needs/more of a first order problem/draw attention/lion's share

rty and general lack of access to basic human needs is more of a first order problem,and one that draws lion's share of attention from government,business and people.

-consumption. -consumption of natural resources may give rise to environmental issues.

e a high value on sth. government used to place a high value on the big initiatives to promote better healthcare.

long hours. eg.A decent life can be earned,if people work long hours.

a shadow on sth accident cast a long shadow on the safety of the metro system.

strain on sth. rapidly rising health problems among the vulnerable groups due to the poor air quality has put strain on the national healthcare system.



第一遍訓練閱讀能力,達到整體理解,基礎差點的可以把看不懂的句子一步步用語法分解(break down),找到主謂賓等結構。第二遍找到可以學習的片語,自己記下來,並自己造句(這點很重要)。PS:學英語幾年最討厭的就是看新聞,以前常逼自己看,實則很累....收穫小於痛苦。

(2).購買小姨的十天,裡面有很多不錯的好詞。關注顧家北的微信,他每天會推送各種各樣的材料,把片語點亮,並附有解析,非常有幫助。學習simon的網站,百度搜simon ielts裡面也有很多好用的詞彙,上次學到一個the graying of the population(老齡化)

  4.任務的完成度(task response)


(2).結構。 結構不等同於模板,只需要用最常用的結構答題即可。


開頭段(簡單介紹下背景【hook】 引出雙方論點,講出自己觀點)

論述段(2-3段即可)(body part)先寫中心句。然後拓展下,然後舉例子,不夠字數可以用without sth(sth是段落敘述的那個核心),sth bad will happen



根本跟上面兩類一致,中心段 一段寫這個事件帶來的問題(注:題目也有可能問是什麼造成了這個問題)



由於雅思考察的是學術英語,要求的寫作風格自然也是formal writing,所以不能出現don't can't這種寫法。don't改寫為do not. can't改寫需要合一起,也就是cannot.


Online courses have become a vital part of modern education,since a growing number of students accept this new way of acquiring skills and ver,the long-term effectiveness of it remains disputable.

Supporters of distance-learning programs argue that learners may not only spend less money on education,but also receive better teaching learners are under 20 years old and have not joined the workforce yet,so they have limited budget or are largely dependent on their ne courses,which are much cheaper than traditional ones,can save them a considerable amount of money which can be invested in other equally important areas like health maintenance or her reason is that learners can easily meet world-class teachers on the itionally,teachers,regardless of their levels of teaching skills,can only have no more than 100 students in a number,however,can rise three-fold to 300 if taught teachers or tutors,whose VIP courses tend to cost 500 yuan per hour,thus are motivated to provide courses online and cut tuition fees as a result of larger numbers of students attending their can be rather beneficial for students who are internally motivated and eager to gain more knowledge.

Others may cite that,in some cases,students who need direct supervision and lack motivation may waste their time and money if taught -motivation is in short supply among many students in China,because they get used to complete courses and assignments under teachers' strict supervision after being exposed to Chinese education for they pay for distant-learning services,they may experience difficulty in concentrating on class and finishing daily home work,therefore not only wasting money but also failing to benefit from these des,it is almost impossible for online teachers to separate students in groups to do team work,which plays an important role in promoting students' problem-solving and critical thinking ability.

In conclusion,I'm of the opinion that students who are externally motivated should attend traditional class and have direct contact with their teachers,whereas those who can do self-study and focus on class are supposed to choose distance-learning programmes due to less fees and better quality of instruction.