

雅思 閱讀(2.43W)



Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人認為計算機和網際網路對於孩子的教育比去學校有效,有認為老師和學校對於孩子的高效學習更加重要,討論兩種觀點?(2009年4月25日)


Nowadays, computers are used more and more widely in the field of education. In which areas are computers more important and in which areas are teachers more important? 老師和計算機在教育領域各有什麼優勢?(2007年5月19日)

In the past, lectures were used as way of teaching large number of students. But some people believe that with the development of technology, using lectures is no longer justified. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 主題演講還是不是教授學生的有效方式? (2007年7月14日)

Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resources of information, there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree? 老師在資訊時代是否還有作用? (2008年4月25日)

Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from others sources (such as the internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 是否同意課堂教育比網路教育更有效?(2009年1月15日)

Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion? 遠端教育不能帶來課堂教育一樣的利好,是否認同?(2010年5月15日)



1. 線上學習,適應特殊群體,例如殘疾學習者,忙碌企業家以及生病的學生,因為遠端教育不僅僅克服了地域的障礙,也節省了往返的麻煩。

2. 遠端教育提高了學習靈活性,尤其適合喜歡按照自己的`節奏安排學習的學生。

3. 線上教育費用較低。網路資源豐富,音訊視訊檔案根據學生需求選擇,同時,教學資源可反覆學習。


1. 課堂教育營造良好的學習氛圍,老師的監督和同齡人的壓力可以幫助沒有自律性的學生專注於學習。相反,網路教育的使人懈怠,失去學習的興趣和耐心。

2. 課堂教育中積極的課堂互動,小組討論,面對面的交流可以激發學習熱情,提高學習效率。(例證展開)

3. 老師不僅僅是傳授知識,還能關注學生的道德教育和性格培養,這些是網路教育無法實現的。(細節展開)



1. teachers = instructors = educators n老師

2. professionally well-trained adj專業上訓練有素的

3. highly qualified adj 合格

4. knowledgeable = learned adj博學的

5. traditional classroom teaching = conventional education = conventional teaching n傳統課堂教育

6. distance learning n遠端學習

7. distance education = tele-education n遠端教育

8. on-line education n線上教育

9. impart knowledge into one’s mind v教授知識

10. disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v 傳播知識


1. Some top educational institutions have chosen to deliver an internet-based program and thus geographical barriers have been lifted. 一些名校提供網路教育,因此學習不再受地域的限制。

2. On-line education brings huge convenience to those who are eager to update knowledge but are hard-pressed for time, therefore, it is more attractive to busy modern people. 線上教育給時間有限的學習者提供了便利,因此,對於繁忙的學習者極有吸引力。

點評:bring huge convenience to sb

點評:update knowledge v充電 (在這個短語前也加漢字)

3. Having the benefits of obtaining a higher qualification without going to the university campus is attractive to many students, especially those sick or disabled learners. 對於很多人而言,尤其殘疾學習者或者生病的學生,不必親臨學校即可獲得學位極有吸引力。

4. Conventional teaching usually means greater cost, while on-line educational programs are affordable, flexible and time-saving. 傳統教育費用較高,相反,線上教育價格低廉,靈活省時。

5. Whether at home or at work, on-line learners can endeavor to achieve their academic qualifications without causing too much disruption to their career or family lives. 無論在家或者職場,在不干擾生活和事業的前提下,遠端教育者可以通過努力獲得學歷。

6. Apart from affordable, flexible classes and greater convenience, self-learners also have access to the on-line learning resources of many of the world’s top educational institutions. 除了學費低廉,時間靈活,極度方便,自學者可以獲得世界名校的優質線上資源。

7. A number of prestigious universities offer a range of online programs that are highly respected 許多頂尖名校提供多種線上學習專案,而這些網路課程得到大眾認同。