

學位英語 閱讀(2.59W)

A man is known by his friends.以下是小編為大家搜尋整理的2017成人學位英語完形填空套題測試及答案,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


  part 1

Mr. Black worked as a clerk in a big bank in England. Every day he went to work early in the morning and returned home rather( 1 )in the evening. He earned (2 )indeed every month,as his boss liked him and offered him some( 3) pay for his (4 )work. However,Mr. Black had a problem with his wife.

Mr. Black gave his wife money every Friday evening,but she always(5) it before the next Wednesday,so that for (6) three days she had (7)left.

Every Tuesday evening Mr. Black asked her, "But what on earth did you spend all the money(8) ?" and she always answered simply, "I'm not(9) it.” Or rather “Idon't know(10) .”

One Friday Mr. Black(11)home an exercise——book (12) a pencil and gave them to his wife along with her money. “Now look,” he said to her, “when you get money from me from now on,write it (13) on this page,and on the (14) page write down (15) happened to the money.”

When Mr. Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife(16)him and showed him the book, “I have done what you told me,” she said happily. On one page she had written “Friday, 28th, June, got $ 18 from John,” and on the next page, “Tuesday, 2nd July, I've spent it all.”

Mr. Black didn't know what to do with his wife. He was angry and (17)that he was quite(18) for words. It took him quite a few seconds (19)he was able to speak. “OK, darling, you have done (20) job.”

1. A. early B. happily C. late D. anxiously

2. A. much B. little C. as much more

3. A. high B. increased C. added D. extra

4. A. interesting a C. so wonderful D. excellent

5. A. took C. spent D. kept

6. A. following B. the next followed D. that followed

7. B. anything C. nothing else D. some of it

8. A. by the way fact C. in the world D. on

9. A. sure about B. happy about C. pleased by D. pleased with

10. A. either B. neither C. nor D. for all

11. A. took in ght ght into D. held back

12. A. as well B. and together C. together with D. as good as

13. B. down ugh D. from

14. A. another B. others C. other site

15. A. what B. how C. who D. whoever

16. A. met with B. came up to C. shook hands with D. said goodbye to

17. A. excited B. disappointed C. frightened D. pleased

18. A. full of ed with C. at a loss D. needed

19. A. before B. after C. until

20. A. poor B. a wonderful C. good D. additional


  part 2

A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest 1 two men ran out and tried to 2 him on the ground. He ran off as fast as he 3 ,but they 4 . He reached a place where he saw two separate roads in front of him. One to the right and 5 to the left. Which road 6 he take? He heard the two men behind him, 7 nearer and nearer,and 8 he heard a voice in his car. It 9 him to go to the right,and he did 10 ran 11 and soon came to a small hotel. He 12 there kindly and given a room, and so he was saved from the two men.

Twenty years 13 he was again in the Black Forest and,as happened in the dream 14 , two men ran out and tried to 15 him down. He ran off and came to a place 16 two roads,as in the dream. He 17 the dream and took the road 18 . He soon 19 a small hotel, was taken in,and so was safe. His dream of twenty years 20 had saved his life.

1. A. where B. suddenly C. until D. when

2. A. throw B. catch C. keep

3. B. would C. could D. might

4. A. followed ped ht him D. went away

5. A. one another r C. the other

6. A. would B. did Cshould t

7. ing B. a bit C. much D. came

8. A. at a time some time the same time D. after a time

9. A. shouted at B. showed C. told D. needed

10. A. it B. that D. too

11. A. off D. over

12. A. stood B. was received C. got D. was refused

13. B. before r D. since

14. B. now C. once n

15. ng B. ask C. pulling D. throw

16. A. before B. of D. between

17. A. thought about B. went back to in mind D. remembered

18. A. in the middle the right the left D. to a hotel

19. A. left B. entered C. reached

20. A. long B. before C. later D. old


  part 3

The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and 4 what to often the student leaves the lecture 5 notes which do not catch the main points and 6 become hard even for the 7 to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which 8 new students to develop the skills they need to be 9 listeners and note-takers. 10 these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which 11 learners to practice these skills 12 all cases it is important to 13 the problem 14 actually starting your studies.

It is important to 15 that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills 16 in college way of 17 these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the 18 year.

Another basic 19 is to find a study partner 20 it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.

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【解析】參考第1題答案。attribute把……的原因歸為……;contribute有助於,貢獻;distribute分發,散發,與下文的give out同義。




【解析】新生髮現別的學生一直在記筆記,他們不知道該記些什麼,所以用wonders。而suspects(懷疑);understands (理解,明白);convinces(讓人相信)與題意不符。




【解析】這裡是一個並列句,並列的兩個部分是which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand.




【解析】鑑於上述情況,許多學校開設課程以幫助新生 培養記筆記的能力,成為一名真正有效率的聽眾。assist幫助,援助。






【解析】enable do sth使人能夠幹什麼;stimulate激發,刺激;advocate提倡,倡導;prevent阻止。




【解析】此句意為“通常學生在開始學習之前就應該解決這種聽課技能的問題”,此處 tackle problem意為“解決問題”。evaluate估計,評估;acquaint使認識,瞭解;formulate用公式表示,系統地闡述或提出。









【解析】克服困難用overcome difficulty。不用preventing阻止,阻礙;withstand經受住,抵抗;sustain支撐,經受。






【解析】本題測試介詞與關係代詞的用法,with whom表示與同伴一起學習。