

託福 閱讀(1.44W)

在託福閱讀中,每篇文章後面大致會出現13~14道題目,其中有3~5題為詞彙題(Vocabulary Questions),題量佔到了總題量的20%~40%之間,可見詞彙量是一個非常高頻非常重要的題型,一定要引起托兒們的重視。下面是yjbys小編為大家帶來的託福閱讀詞彙題備考策略,歡迎閱讀。





在記憶過程中,重點關注動詞和形容詞的釋義及用法,並穿插以詞根詞綴的方法來輔助記單詞。比如,在託福閱讀生物類的文章中會高頻出現食草動物(herbivore),食肉動物(carnivore),雜食動物(omnivore)這一組詞,因此考生可以先認知-vor-/-vour-( to eat)這個詞根,然後將上面三個詞放在一起進行記憶,同時考生如若遇到devour(吞食 v.)則也能快速記憶其意思。同時,掌握一些常見詞根詞綴還可以幫助考生對一些單詞有依據的進行猜測。


The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water. On land, where it probably bred and gave birth, Ambulocetus may have moved around very much like a modern sea lion. It was undoubtedly a whale that linked life on land with life at sea. (OG Test 1 The Origins of Cetaceans)

11. The word “propulsion” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ staying afloat

○ changing direction

○ decreasing weight

○ moving forward

解析:有很大一部分考生對於單詞propulsion並沒有專門記憶過,但是仔細觀察則發現此單詞中的pro-為常見字首,有“before, forward”的含義,因此propulsion必定也含有“向前”的含義,所以則選擇正確答案D(向前移動),本身propulsion就是“推進,推動”的含義。

知道了這個字首,考生還可以繼續擴充套件記憶帶有pro-字首的其他一些單詞,比如:project (v. 投影,投射),proliferate (v. 繁殖),propel (v.推進,促進),proceed (v.前進)等。

其次,記單詞的過程中還要結合大量做題來強化對單詞的記憶。考生要重點完成《新托福考試官方指南》(即OG)和TPO (TOEFL Practice Online)中的詞彙題,因為這些詞彙題中所涉及的單詞都是重點考查的高頻詞。除此之外,考生還要熟記機經詞彙,上一年度和本年度所考查的詞彙題。在做題和記憶過程中要進行總結歸納,把自己每次做錯的詞彙題和記了多遍都尚未熟記的單詞記錄下來,形成符合自身水平針對自身的詞彙本,在考前再將其回顧梳理一遍。




如果兩個句子成分之間是並列的關係,則它們的感情色彩應該相近,所描述的內容性質也相近。常見的表示並列關係的訊號詞有:and, both…and, as well as, also, similarly, equally, likewise等。


Paragraph 4: The ice shelf cores, with a total length of 215 meters (705 feet), were long enough to penetrate through glacial ice---which is formed from the compaction of snow and contains air bubbles---and to continue into the clear, bubble-free ice formed from seawater that freezes onto the bottom of the glacial ice. (OG Test 2 Green Icebergs)

4. The word penetrate in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ collect

○ pierce

○ melt

○ endure

解析:本句較長,破折號中的從句是對前面的glacial ice的修飾,可暫且忽略不看,因此由句子中的and可知,and前後的詞penetrate和continue into是並列關係,continue into表達“進入”的含義,因此可對選項進行篩選,collect為“收集”,melt意為“溶解,融化”,endure意為“持續;容忍”,因此可推測出答案為B選項。B選項中的pierce為“滲透,滲入”的意思,與penetrate(滲透,穿透)同義。


舉例是對前面的'觀點進行論證和解釋,因此例子與其論證物件的特質相一致。表示舉例關係的訊號詞有for example/instance, such as, like, including等。


Paragraph 8: People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on the basis of factors such as their experiences with aggression and their interpretation of other people's motives. Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort other people's motives. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not.

10. The word “distort” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ mistrust

○ misinterpret

○ criticize

○ resent

解析:後句中看到訊號詞for example, 則是舉例子來論證前面的觀點。後句意思為“他們認為別人想傷害自己,而事實並非如此”,可以看出是誤解了別人的想法,那麼前句的觀點應當是“有攻擊性的人經常誤解別人的動機”,由此可以推測出distort為“誤解,曲解”類似的含義,則選出正確答案nterpret(曲解)。


一個句子中出現了轉折或對比關係時,則轉折詞前後的內容相反。表示轉折關係的訊號詞有although, despite, in spite of, instead (of), while, on the contrary, conversely, rather than, however, but, whereas等。


Paragraph 4: But when a new area is fueled by rain, the mammals migrate toward it in a set order to exploit it. The larger, lessfastidious feeders, the zebras, move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; and the smallest species of all, Thomson’s gazelle, arrives last.

10. The word fastidious in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ rapid

○ determined

○ flexible

○ demanding

解析:本句中雖然沒有明確的出現表對比的訊號詞,但是考生很容易發現the larger, less fastidious feeders, the zebras, move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; 前後兩句形成對比關係,其中larger與smaller互為反義詞,則可推測出less fastidious與choosier同樣互為反義詞,則進一步推出fastidious與choosier應為近義詞,choosier為“挑剔的”意思,所以選出正確答案D. demanding(苛求的),fastidious本身意為“挑剔的,吹毛求疵的”含義。







Paragraph 3: the subjects of the paintings are mostly animals. The paintings rest on bare walls, with no backdrops or environmental trappings.

8. The word trappings in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ conditions

○ problems

○ influences

○ decorations

解析:對於絕大多數的考生而言,是非常熟悉trap(v.困住n.陷阱)一詞的,考生看到trappings會理所當然地想到為trap的變形,意思應與“困住”相關,但是觀察選項卻發現並沒有此含義的選項。對於本題的詞彙而言,考生可以嘗試利用上下文來將其推測出來,文中講到“繪畫都是位於光禿禿的牆面上,並沒有任何背景和環境上的_____”,因此可以推出大概為“裝飾”的意思,所以選擇正確答案D. decorations(裝飾)。本身trappings就有“裝飾,裝飾物”的含義。


Paragraph 7: Some species of tuna have specialized grooves in their tongue. It is thought that these grooves help to channelwater through the mouth and out the gill slits, thereby reducing water resistance.

8. The word “channel” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ reduce

○ remove

○ direct

○ provide

解析:對於channel一詞,大部分考生熟悉的意思是“n. 頻道;海峽”,但此題中channel是用作為動詞,這就需要考生在前期要積累到channel作為動詞的含義,為“引導,引流”之意,因此選擇正確答案C. direct。
