

英語四級 閱讀(1.64W)




◆ascribe to

e.g. He ascribed his success to hard work.


◆attribute to

e.g. She attributes her great age to carefully planned diet. 她認為她的高壽是精心安排飲食的結果

◆result from

e.g. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. 反而,許多死亡和傷害在地震起因於下落的物件和大廈、橋樑,和其它結構的崩潰。

◆is associated with

e.g. No type is associated with the object, so you can modify this structure freely. 每個物件並不與型別相關,所以可以自由地修改這種結構。

◆arise from

e.g. It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action. 預見這一行動可能產生的`後果是困難的。

◆derive from

e.g. We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.


◆stem from

e.g. But if your problems stem from the nature of the work itself, then read on. 但是如果你的問題源於工作本身,那麼你就繼續讀下去。

◆originate from (in)

e.g. The arguments against these techniques did not originate from my Administration. 反對使用這些方式的依據並非來源於本屆政府。

◆grow from

e.g. The idea grew from a remark made unthinkingly by chairman. 這個主意出自主席漫不經心的一句話。

◆a source of

e.g. In conclusion, our job is important. It is not only a source of income, but also a source of pride and achievement. 總之,完美的工作是很重要的,它不僅僅是收入的來源,也是自尊及成就感的來源


◆tend to

e.g. They tend to express themselves only after they know all the opinions. 只有在得知所有意見後他們才傾向於表達自我。

◆be prone to

e.g. Given that the liver can be prone to specific problems, there are ways by which you can avoid these problems.


◆be inclined to

e.g. Americans probably won't be inclined to make such commitments until they see improvement in the labor market. 美國人可能並不傾向於在他們在勞動市場上看到改善之前作出承諾。

◆have a tendency to

e.g. The numbers also have a tendency to swing wildly, as this week's trading has demonstrated. 這些資料還具有一種劇烈波動的傾向,這周的交易就證明了這一點。