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Let's Dress Up--It's Halloween 萬聖節-讓我們盛裝打扮起來

From early childhood getting dressed up is connected with a special pastime in North America, called Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on the last night of October, when the air is crisp(3.乾冷的, 空氣或天氣涼爽的;清新的;乾燥寒冷讓人舒暢的) and snow is not far off(1.遠,在遠處的). Every young child is acquainted with(1. He is acquainted with French.他精通法語。)(1. He is acquainted with French.他精通法語。) this exciting tradition.

On the last day of October when dinner is finished, children hurry to dress up in a costume. Darkness comes early at this time of year and caution(2.(對危險或風險的)警告,告誡) must be practiced(1.熟練的;有經驗的;精通的), foremost by the children who are going from house to house, “trick or treat”. Parents warn their children not to dart (1.投擲; 投射)out in front of cars. In all the excitement it is easy for children to become distracted and ignore safety rules.

Planning what your costume will be, ahead of time, is part of the fun of the evening. Many mothers will spend time fabricating outfits for their little girls who suddenly turn into circus clowns, beautiful ballet (1.芭蕾舞)dancers or weird colorful bug(1.蟲子, 小昆蟲)(2.病菌; 輕微的傳染病; 小病)(3.(機器等)故障; 程式錯誤, 缺陷)(4.器)s. Fathers may help their sons construct a costume(1.(戲劇或電影的)戲裝,服裝) of foil(2.陪襯, 襯托)(3.(擊劍運動用的)花劍, 鈍頭劍)(4.(船)翼,葉(片)) armor(2.盔甲). Little boys often enjoy pretending they are in the army so on Halloween it is possible to see squads(3.體育運動的運動(代表)隊)(1.(軍隊中的)班, 小隊)(4.(暗殺)小組)(2.(對付某類犯罪活動的)警察隊伍) of lieutenants(3.副職官員; 助理官員; 代理官員)(5.(美國警察的)一定級別的警官)(2.空軍, 海軍上尉) and sergeant(2.陸軍(或空軍)中士)(1.警官)s marching along in the dark. We affiliate (1.使隸屬於, 接納…為成員)(1.附屬企業;分支機構;分公司;分會)(1.加入;與…有關;為…工作)this celebration with the supernatural so some children may choose to wear a skeleton costume bearing a skull(1.顱骨, 腦殼) and crossbones(1.交叉腿骨的圖形), or even a monster costume. The choice of wardrobe(3.(劇院或電視公司的)服裝部,戲裝保管室)(1.衣櫃, 衣櫥;(英國)放置衣物的壁櫥) for the evening is really limitless. Witches can be seen riding on broomstick(1.(童話故事中女巫常騎於空中的帶柄的)掃帚)s across well-illuminated(7. illuminated by means of floodlights.用照明燈的方法照明。) intersection(2.交叉點, 十字路口)(1.橫斷; 交叉)s. Earlier in the evening they may have concoct(2.編造,捏造)(1.將(尤指通常不相配合的)成分混合成某物;調製)ed (2. He concocted an excuse for being late.他為遲到而編造理由。)a w(1.呻吟聲)(1.呻吟; 悲嘆)itch(1.女巫, 巫婆)'s brew(2.(尤指某地釀造的)啤酒)(1.調製, 釀造) to quench(1.(用水)撲滅(火焰等);熄滅)(2.解(渴));止(渴))(4.將(熱物體)放入水中急速冷卻)(3.終止(某事物)) their thirst for their arrival home. Ghosts can be heard groan(1.呻吟)(1.呻吟, 嘆息)ing and moaning while they glide(1.滑行, 滑動, 滑翔)(1.滑行;滑動;掠過)(2.(鳥或飛機 ) 滑翔) along city streets. Beautiful butterflies flutte(3.飛來飛去;翩翩飛舞)(1.飄動,揮動,顫動)(2.(心)快速跳動,怦怦亂跳,撲騰)(2.振動;飄動;揮動;顫動)(1.(鳥或昆蟲)拍(翅),振(翅),鼓(翼))r by on their way to a party. Pirate(1.海盜)(2.剽竊者, 侵犯版權者)(3.非法播音的人(或組織))(1.剽竊, 非法翻印, 侵犯專利)s carrying swords and pistols roam(1.隨便走, 漫步, 漫遊) about, patch(8.小塊土地,(尤指)菜地,果園)(1.補,縫補,打補丁)es over one eye. Small aliens search for a new home here on Earth. Wearing a cape(1.披肩;披風;短斗篷)(2.海角, 岬) and mask allows a child to become Superman for a few(1.少許, 少數) hours and enter the world of fantasy. An ethnic(1.種族的, 部落的, 民族的) flavor is introduced as a band of gypsies (1.【醫】吉普賽人)dance along under a bright full moon. Of course you can always see a certain number of Native American costumes, the buckskin(1.鹿皮, 硝好的羊皮) jackets and dresses decorated with fringe(3.邊緣, 外圍)(1.(頭髮的)劉海)(2.(外衣, 小地毯等的)飾邊, 毛邊, 穗子, 流蘇) and bead(2.水珠, (液體的)小滴)(1.(空心)小珠子)s.

Some youngsters choose to decorate only their faces with grease(1.動物油脂) paint instead of wearing masks. In many ways this is safer for a child, making visibility(1.能見度,視程,可見度,能見距離) clearer. At the same time a mask allows them to remain anonymous(2.匿名的)(3.沒有特色的) to all but their closest friends.

Usually, on the night before Halloween, family members gather together to carve a pumpkin. On Halloween night the candle lit(1.(light的過去式和過去分詞)) face of the pumpkin shines from each home welcoming the little ghosts and goblin(1.小妖精,醜妖精)s to call. Parents usually escort (1.護送者, 護衛隊; 護航艦, 護航飛機)(1.護送; 護衛)small children around their own neighborhood helping to keep them safe. Small children only visit random(1.隨意的, 任意的., 無計劃的, 未經事先考慮的, 胡亂的)(2.(統計)隨機的) houses, their parent's friends mostly, while older children knock at every door.

Crowding onto the front porch (1.門廊)of the house the children rap at the door and chant (1.吟頌, 詠唱)the refrain(1.抑制; 剋制; 戒除)(1.(詩歌的)疊句, 副歌)(2.經常重複的評價(或抱怨)) “trick(2.計謀, 詭計, 花招)(1.哄騙; 欺騙) or treat”. Householde(1.住戶,戶主)rs distribute(1.分配, 分給)(3.分銷) candies, apples, peanuts, or any edible(1.可以吃的, 可食用的,適宜食用的,(無毒而)可以吃的) treat into decorated wooden six quart (1.夸脫(液體或固體的容積單位))basket(2.一籃,一筐,一簍(的量))s, or plastic bags. They may be asked to recite(1.背誦)(1.詳述; 列舉) a poem(1.詩, 韻文) or sing a song before receiving their treat(3.探討, 討論, 論述)(1.款待, 招待;(東道主提供的)款待;請客;宴請)(2.樂事, 樂趣;難得的樂事;快樂的事情)(4.把…看作)(1.對待, 看待). Some lucky children may receive cookies from a freshly(5.清新地;涼爽地) baked batch(3.(食物、藥物等的)一批生產的量) of chocolate chip(1.碎片) cookies. On arriving home the children will dump all the junk candy out onto the floor to examine their loot(1.掠奪物, 戰利品)(3.贓物;被盜物). Usually there is a great racket(3.敲詐, 勒索, 詐騙, 非法勾當)(2.吵鬧聲)(1.(網球等)球拍)as brothers and sisters compare what goodies they have collected.

Adults, too, like to join in Halloween celebrations by attending small house parties or large group gatherings at hall(2.禮堂, 會堂; 大廳)(4.走廊)(3.食堂; 宿舍)(7.教學大樓,科研大廈;(大學的)學生宿舍)(8.[常作 H-]公共大建築物,大會堂,展覽館)(9.(團體、機關的)辦公大樓,本部;會館)s or arenas. They may play the old traditional games such as bob(3.輕敲,輕打)(6.(女式)齊短髮型)(10.輕敲,輕打)(1.行屈膝禮)bing for apples, which float in tub(1.盆, 桶)(3.浴盆)(5.(塑料或紙的)飯盒,食品盒)s of water, telling ghost stories and visiting a haunted house. Everyone seems to get enjoyment from being slightly afraid.

If you live in the country the hoot(1.(使)作汽笛聲響, 作汽車喇叭聲)(1.貓頭鷹叫聲;汽笛響聲;汽車喇叭聲)(2.表示蔑視不滿的叫喊, 冷笑)ing of an owl(1.貓頭鷹) or even the howl(1.嗥叫)(1.嗥叫, 咆哮) of a wolf underline(1.在…下面畫線; 畫底線標出)(2.加強, 強調, 突現)s the spooky(1.使人想到鬼的;嚇人的) atmosphere(1.大氣, 大氣層,大氣圈)(2.空氣)(3.氣氛, 環境,氛圍) of Halloween evening. Clouds scuttle(1.天窗)(1.使船沉沒)(1.快跑, 急走) across the face of the moon and the flap(2.輕拍)(2.振(翅))(2.拍打, 拍擊) of a bird's wings can be heard as it settles on the bare branch(1.樹枝, 枝條)(4.衍生,派生(from))(2.分岔)es of a tree. Eyes gleam(1.(使)閃爍, (使)閃亮)(1.閃光, 閃亮) in the night as a black cat crosses your path(1.小路, 小徑)(3.行動計劃;成功的途徑)(2.路線, 途徑, 路徑, 軌跡). Bats swoop(1.俯衝, 猛衝)(1.猛撲;突然下降) about in the dark startling(1.令人震驚的,驚人的) those who are nervous.

On this evening it is not necessary to be extravagant(1.奢侈的;揮霍的;鋪張浪費的)(2.(想法或言行)無節制的; 過分的; 放肆的; 不切實際的) to have a good time. A little imagination and a sense of fun will create a memory of Halloween night for many years.