

英語六級 閱讀(3.29W)

英語六級主要考核學生運用語言的.能力,同時也考核學生對詞語用法和語法結構的掌握程度。下面是關於 英語六級翻譯高頻詞彙,希望大家認真閱讀!


煮 poach/boiled

蒸 steamed

火鍋 chafing dish

煲;燉;燜 stewed

煎 pan-fried

炒 stir-fried

炸 deep-fried

烘 baked

薰 smoked

泡辣菜 pickled hot vegetables

北京烤鴨 roast Beijing duck

炒飯 stir-fried rice

油條 deep fried twisted dough stick

餃子 jiaozi/dumpling

湯圓 tangyuan

餛飩 hundun

燒麥 shaomai

月餅 moon cake

燒餅 sesame seed cake

小籠包 steamed dumpling with pork

紅茶 black tea

綠茶 green tea

花茶 jasmine tea

茶道 sado/tea ceremony

功夫茶 Gongfu tea

陳酒 old wine/aged wine

燒酒 arrack

普及率 popularizing rate

素質教育 education for all-round development

應試教育 exam-oriented education system

義務教育 compulsory education

初等教育 elementary education

中等教育 secondary education

高等教育 higher education

職業教育 vocational education

學院 college/institute/school

普通高校 regular institution of higher learning

重點大學 key university

211工程 211Project

減輕學生負擔 reduce burden for students

基礎課 basic course

專業課 course within one’s major

必修課 required course

選修課 elective course

學分制 credit system

入學考試 entrance examination

入學資格 admission qualification

擇優錄取 merit-based enrollment

會考 middle examination

大學聯考 higher examination

報名 application/sign up

畢業設計 diploma-winning design/graduation project

畢業論文 graduation thesis

畢業證書 graduation certificate

同學 schoolmate/classmate

校友 alumni

科教興國 rejuvenate the country through science and education

研究開發 research and development

高新技術 innovative and high technology

創新 innovation

尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology

平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

法治 rule of law

互通有無 mutual exchange of needed products

商標 trademark

專利 patent

版權 copyright

智慧財產權 intellectual property rights