

英語口語 閱讀(1.32W)




I believe in being part of the solution,not the problem.我喜歡解決問題而不是製造問題。

I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.有些時候,事情還是抓緊點的好。

Our relationship transcends race.我們的關係超越種族。不知道是否暗示michael自己是超級混血人種?

I’m not really following what you’re saying.不懂你在說什麼。

In the old man’s back pocket,are you? 有這老傢伙罩著,是不是?

Is he cool with it? 不介意嗎?

Have a little faith. 有一點點信心。偶最喜歡的一句,經常出現在PB中。

Just stick with me. 這句話的意思是“相信我”。

A man’s down,you give him your hand. Scofield 對他哥哥說滴那句,以前是母親教他的。

Nice choice. 眼光不錯。

Just what we agreed on. 就事先約定的。這句簡潔明瞭,我已經在工作中用上了。

All right,I feel you. 好吧,我明白你。那個時候我用這句跟印度阿三和埃及妞說,她們居然聽不懂,鬱悶噢~~~

Put your cards on the table. 攤牌攤牌!

Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small. 你知道,大多數人在紋身初始都是些小的。

"Mom", girlfriend’s initials, something like that. 比如媽媽啊,女友姓名縮寫什麼的。

Not you. 但你不同。

You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.你在幾個月時間裡把整個都掛上了。

Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. 一些人要花幾年時間搞上去。

I don’t have a few years. 我可沒幾年時間。

This is the police. You are completely surrounded. 我們是警察,你已經被完全包圍了。我大概這輩子用不上這句了。

My client’s a bit confused at the moment.我客人現在有點困惑。前幾天偶就聽偶客人對偶說過這句話。


Perhaps you should heed your representation’s advice,take some additional time to consider your response.

We’ve been over this. 我不想再談這事了。偶真滴很想對那些煩人的印度阿三說這句話。

Why won’t you let me help you?

No more talking in line. 感嘆於美式英語的簡潔明瞭啊~~


Name and back number. 名字和號碼。

- Scofield, Michael. 94941.

Are you a religious man, Scofield? 你是個基督教徒嗎?

Never really thought about it. 從來沒真正想過。

Good, ‘cause the Ten Commandments don’t mean a box of piss in here.很好,因為十誡在這裡就是狗屎。老美一般把because縮寫成’cause.

We got two commandments and two only.在這裡我們只有兩條戒律。

The first commandment is you got nothing coming.

What’s the second commandment?

See commandment number one.

Gotcha.明白了。這個是got you的縮寫,真棒啊。

You wanna talk about it? wanna=want to

Woods got the weight pile. weight pile翻譯成重量器械,不清楚怎麼來的。

- the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. 警衛是這個地方最骯髒的。gang在美語裡面有幫派的意思,字典裡面一般只能查到“一群”這個意思。

P.I=Prison Industry. 本電視劇的特有名詞,第一次聽到以為是形式發票(proforma invoice)

- Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?為什麼你如此想見Burrows?

- Beat it. 走開,離開,去你的!

Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say. ought to=should

- I got news for you. 這句口語超級實用,給老外打電話的時候寒暄完就開始說這句。

- "Trust me" means absolutely zero inside those walls. “相信我”在這裡代表狗屁。

- We’re all clear on the Burrows execution. 我們都很清楚Burrows的死刑。

- We gotta make a decision sooner or later, you er or later=遲早。


- and I want to be your wife.我想成為你的妻子。

- Magna cum laude, in fact.俚語,引申意為優等生。

- My wife is quite fond of the story.我妻子非常喜愛這個故事。

- Come June, it’s our 40th anniversary.即將來臨的6月份是我們第四十個結婚紀念日。

- it’s all gonna come down like a house of down=倒塌,a house of cards=紙做的房子,不牢靠的計劃。

- That’s where I was hoping you could be of assistance.那就是我所希望你能幫助的地方。

- And it’ll keep you off the yard. keep off=遠離

- I’ll take my chances. 我會試一下的,take one’s chance=碰運氣。

- There’s a better way. 有更好的辦法。

- That won’t stop it. It’ll only delay it.不會停止只會延遲。

- If the inmate appeals to me for intervention,how can I turn my back on him? appeals to =呼籲,要求,上訴;turn one’s back on=背棄,拋棄。

- He was really sweet. 他人很好。

- Men and women can’t be friends.男人和女人不可能成為朋友。 這句可以跟女朋友說。

- Can you get it for me, or not?

- Can’t be done... 不行。

- I’ll pass. 通不過?這個不知道怎麼解釋,但是是拒絕的意思。

- Well, for everyone’s sake. 為了每個人著想。

- Are you sure? Positive. 你確信?當然。Positive這個詞也是經常用的。

- Uh, what’s up. 啊,怎麼了?這個美語裡很常見,通常黑人都說 wassup,man.超級順口。


- a couple of days ago. 幾天以前。

- a man’s life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him. 有個人現在生命垂危,或許你兒子能幫他。 at stake=危險

- but average glucose for the non- diabetic is about 100 milligrams per deciliter 但是非糖尿病患者的平均葡萄糖值只有大概每1/10公 升100毫克。glucose=葡萄糖,non-diabetic=非糖尿病的。

- Crab can’t help nobody, lady. Crab不能幫助任何人。

- Don’t hang up. 不要結束通話。

- I do? 是嗎?

Alternating current,direct current. 交流電,直流電。

-"As soon as possible" is not a specific time. "儘快"不是一個確切的時間。

-I ain’t mad at you. 我不怪你。 “不怪你”原來是醬紫說滴啊。

-I am the last person in the world that my father listens to. 我是我父親最不想聽的人。

-I love you more. 我也愛你。這下知道人家對你說這句話的`時候怎麼應答了吧?

- I’m looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? 我在找Crab Simmons,你和他有關係嗎?

- It was the only way I could go through with it. go through with=完成,把...進行到底。

-I was set up! 我是被陷害的!

- Just want you to know I’m coming for you.只想讓你知道我是為你而來的。come for=為某種目的而來;向...衝來。

-My brother is scheduled to die. 我哥哥將被處死。

- Never really got used to them. got used to=習慣於

-Say hi to him for me,will you. 替我向他問好,好吧?

- She was under the impression that the guy was innocent. 她認為那個人是無罪的。be under the impression that=認為,覺得。

-t’s for your own good. 這是為你好。

-There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution. 司 法部有嚴格的守則包括行刑的每個細節。 偶經常把他改為 There are strict rules and regulations in every company that govern every aspect of an execution. 在 這裡主要是用在客人要偶寄樣,但是偶要收費,對方不同意,於是偶就來這句話了。

-You got to stop listening to these people,they’re poisoning your hormone things- they’re out of whack. 你要停止去聽那些人的話,他們在毒害你的思想,你的荷爾蒙失衡了,它們影響了你。

- You seem nervous seem=象是,似乎。

- You’ve told me a thousand... 你已經告訴我N遍了... ...

- You’re sweating.你在出汗。