

基礎英語 閱讀(2.06W)
  英語語法存在句知識點:there to be的兩個用法



用法一、動詞consider, expect, hate, intend, like, mean, prefer, want等可接there to be做賓語。如:

(1) I considered there to be much time for the work.


(2) I expect there to be great fun in the game.


用法二、做介詞for 的賓語。如:

(1) You don’t have to hurry, for there to be much time left.


(2) Let’s get off the bus, for there to be too many passengers in it.





It was in the small house _________ was built with stones by his father _________ he spent his childhood.

A. which, that B. that, which C. which, which D. that, where

答案選A,填對此句的關鍵是要弄清第二空必須填 that,因為這是一個強調句,被強調部分為 in the small house (以及修飾它的定語從句 which was built with stones by his father)。又如:

(1) It was the boy _________ had been in prison _________ stole the money.

A. who, where B. that, how C. who, that D. that, which

【分析】此題答案選C,全句為強調句,被強調成分是 the boy (以及修飾它的定語從句who had been in prison)。

(2) It was just in the room _________ he was born _________ he died.

A. where, which B. that, that C. where, that D. which, that

【分析】此題答案選C,全句為強調句,被強調成分是 in this room,where he was born 為修飾 the room 的定語從句。



1. 強調句與主語從句的比較

強調句將句子中的it is / was …that同時省去,句子仍然成立;而主語從句將that與後面部分代替it,成立。如:

(1) It is Li Lei’s brother that you met in the street yesterday. 你昨天在街上所見到的就是李蕾的兄弟。

本句若將It is 及 that同時省去為:You met Li Lei’s brother in the street yesterday. 句子同樣成立,因此前面的句子是強調句型

(2) It is exciting that we have succeeded in sending up Shenzhou V. 我們成功地發射了神舟五號這件事情真令人興奮。

本句若將It is 及 that同時省去為:We have succeeded exciting in sending up Shenzhou V. 顯然句子錯誤,因此,前面句子不是強調句型,而是主語從句。

2. 強調句與定語從句的比較

◎強調句中的It沒有實際意義,It be與that可同時被省略;而定語從句中的It是主語,It be與that不可同時省略;



◎當it be後面的時間、地點名詞作主語、賓語或表語時,引導詞可用that / which;而作其他成分時,引導詞須用when / which。如:

(1) It is an English book (that / which) I bought yesterday. 它是我昨天買的書。(本句是對What is that?問句的回答,that所引導的是定語從句,that可被省略)

It was the English book that I bought yesterday. 昨天我所賣的就是這本書。(本句相當於對I bought the English book yesterday中an English book進行強調)

(2) It was a room where we used to have meetings. 它是我們過去常在開會的房子。(where 所引導的從句對前面的room進行說明,它是定語從句)

It was in the room that we used to have meetings. 過去我們開會就在這間房子裡。(in the room是被強調的部分,本句是強調句型)

(3) It is a day when the people celebrate their victory. 這是人們慶祝他們的勝利的日子。 (when所引導的從句對a day進行說明,是定語從句)

It was on that day that people celebrated their victory. 就在那一天,人們慶祝了他們的勝利。(強調on October 1, 1949)



◎狀語從句的連線副詞that及句子前面的It be不能去掉。

◎狀語從句的引導詞可以是when / where,而強調句型中的that不能用其他詞代替。如:

(1) It is such an interesting book that we all like it very much. 它是一本如此有趣的書,我們大家都非常喜歡。(結果狀語主從複合句)

It is such an interesting book that we all like very much. 我們大家都非常喜歡的就是一本如此有趣的'書。(強調such an interesting book)

(比較:It is such an interesting book as we all like very much. 這就是我們大家都非常喜歡的如此有趣的書。定語從句)

(2) It was already morning when he woke up. 當他醒來時,已經是早晨了。(時間主從複合句)

It was the next morning that he woke up. 就在第二天早晨他醒來了。(強調the next morning)




Only in this way __________ able to finish the work in time.

A. can you be B. are you C. you can be D. you are

此題應選 B。容易誤選D。至於A,C,這比較容易排除,因為情態動詞 can 不能與 be able to用在同一謂語中。本題之所以要選B而不選D,主要是因為句首用了only in thisway 的緣故,按照英語語法規則:“only+狀語”位於句首,句子通常要用倒裝語序(部分倒裝——用一般疑問句形式)。如:

1. “only 副詞”位於句首。如:

Only then did I realize that I was wrong. 只是到了那時我才意識到是我錯了。

2. “only+介詞短語”位於句首。如:

Only by working hard can you succeed. 只有努力工作你才能成功。

Only in the reading-room can you find him. 你只有在閱覽室才能找到他。

3. “only+狀語從句”位於句首。如:

Only when one loses freedom does one know itsvalue. 一個人只有在失去自由後才知道自由的可貴。

注意:若位於句首的不是only+狀語,而是 only+賓語等,則通常無需倒裝(但有時也可以倒裝)。如:

Only a policeman the children saw in the street. 孩子們在街上只看到一個警察。

Only one more point will I make. 我只再說明一點。



【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容詞 + 名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

What a clever boy he is! (他是個)多麼聰明的男孩啊!

What an interesting story it is! (這是個)多麼有趣的故事啊!

What fine weather it is! 多好的天氣啊!

What beautiful flowers they are! (它們是)多麼漂亮的花啊!

【說明】 在感嘆句中,What a / an 常用來修飾單數可數名詞,若其前面的形容詞為母音開頭,則用 an。what 是用來修飾複數可數名詞和不可數名詞。但有些不可數名詞,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,當前面有形容詞修飾,使抽象名詞具體化時,則要用 what a / an,如:

What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一場雨啊!

What a great surprise it is! 這多麼令人驚奇啊!

What a rich breakfast it is! 多麼豐盛的一頓早餐啊!

【句型二】How + 形容詞 / 副詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

How well you look! 你氣色真好!

How kind you are! 你心腸真好!

How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好聽!

Strawberries! How nice! 草莓! 多好呀!

How clever the boy is! 這個男孩多麼聰明啊!

How fast he runs! 他跑得多麼快啊!


How I want to be a doctor! 我多麼想成為一名醫生啊!

How she dances! 她跳得多好啊!



感嘆句通常有what, how引導,表示讚美、驚歎、喜 悅、等感情。what修飾名詞,how 修飾形容詞,副詞或動詞,感嘆句結構主要有以下幾種:

How +形容詞+ a +名詞+其他成分!


What +名詞+其他成分!

What +a+形容詞+名詞+其他成分!

What + 形容詞+複數名詞+其他成分!

What + 形容詞+不可數名詞+其他成分!


It’s an interesting film. 這是一部有趣的電影。

→ What an interesting film it is! 這是一部多有趣的電影啊!

It’s wonderful weather. 天氣很好。

→ What wonderful weather! 天氣真好!

He did the work carefully. 他做這工作很仔細。

→ How carefully he did the work! 他做這工作多仔細啊!

Time passed quickly. 時間過得很快。

→ How quickly time passed! 時間過得真快!