
九年級年級英語重點的短語句型:Unit 2

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九年級年級英語重點 短語句型:Unit 2

九年級年級英語重點的短語句型:Unit 2

1.要求某人做某事ask sb to do sth/ask sb. not to do sth.

2.尋求幫助ask for help

3.生某人的氣be/get angry with sb/be mad at sb

4.考試不及格fail(in) the test

5.相處得好get on/along well with

6.和某人打架fight with/have a fight with sb

7.通過考試pass the test

8.給我一些建議give me some advice/suggestions

9.與…相同be the same as

10.與…不同be different from

11.過時out of style /fasion

12.打電話給某人call/ring sb.a call/ring

13為…付款 pay for

14.加入一個俱樂部join a club

15.一張球賽的票a ticket to a ball game

16.一份兼職工作a part-time job

17.時髦;時尚 in style/fasion

18.查明find out

19.邀請某人做某事invite do sth

20.同樣的年齡be the same age as

21.打網球play tennis

22.和某人吵架argue with sb/have an argument with sb.

23.課外活動 after-school activities


25.很快吃過晚飯 have a quick supper

26.看見某人正在做/做了某事 see sb. doing/do sth.

27.處於太大的壓力之下under too much pressure

28. 從…開始 start/begin with

29.一個有著3個孩子的母親a mother of three

30.各種各樣的. all kinds of

31.為某人計劃某事plan sb

32.和某人談論某事talk about sb

33.儘可能多的 as much as possible/as much as sb. can


36.參加活動take part in activities

37.與…相比較 compare…with…

九年級年級英語重點 短語和片語歸納

九年級年級英語重點 短語和片語歸納



1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料…

2.listen to…聽……

3.welcome to…歡迎到……

4.say hello to …向……問好

5.speak to…對……說話





1.put on 穿上 2.take off脫下 3.write down記下



1.come on趕快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家

4.come in進來 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立



e the door 2.1ook the same to work/class

ill a look/seat supper

7.1ook young shopping h TV/games

10. play games

九年級年級英語重點 重點短語和句型(四)

later on後來

make complete sentences造完整的句子

a good language learner一個好的語言學習者

ake lots of grammar notes做許多語法筆記

be very impressed被深深打動

look up in a dictionary在一本字典中查閱

feel very soft感覺很柔軟

the importance of English英語的重要性

native speaker講母語的人

deal wth處理

learn to do sth 學會做某事

time goes by隨著時間的推移

talk to each other互相說話

solve a problem解決一個難題



for example例如

many physical problems許多身體上的問題

face the challenges面對挑戰

break off a friendship中斷一場友誼

see a psychologist去看心理學家

improve my speaking skills

practice pronunciation練習發音法

listen to tapes聽磁帶

practice conversations with friends和朋友一起練習會話

watch English language videos看英語錄像帶

ask the teacher for help向老師尋求幫助

make vocabulary lists列詞彙清單

make flashcards製作抽認

九年級年級英語重點 重點短語和句型(三)

九年級年級英語重點 重點短語和句型(三)

1.ask sb about sth 詢問某人關於某事

2the best way to do sth 做某事最好的方式

3 specific suggestions 具體的建議

4memorize the words of pop songs 記憶流行歌曲的歌詞

5 do a survey about...關於。。。做調查

6 pronounce some of the words發一些單詞的音

7 spell some English words 拼寫一些英文單詞

8 understand spoken English 理解英語口語

mistakes in grammar 在語法方面犯錯

10. read very slowly 讀得很慢

11. forget a lot of new words 忘記許多新單詞

12. get much writing practice得到充分的寫作練習

13. find a pen pal找一個筆友

ethe new wordsin your notebook把生詞寫進你的筆記本k in class在課上發言

t to do sth開始做某事

17. one of the secrets of... 。。。。。。的祕訣之一

de to do sth決定做某事

afraid to do sth害怕做某事

h at嘲笑

九年級年級英語重點 重點短語和句型(二)

end up doing sth 終止做某事,結束做某事 後面加動名詞短語

相當於finish doing sth .

end up with … 以…結束

write down 寫下,記下 24 on one's way to 在某人去某地的路上

worry about sb /sth = be worried about sb / sth 擔心

complain about 抱怨,投訴 27 change into 把…變成

compare … to/with 把…與…相比

practice pronouncing the words練習發音

decide (not)to do sth決定(不)做某事

be /get excited about sth /to do sth對(做某事)某事很興奮

try / do one's best to do sth盡力做某事

keep secret 保守祕密34 deal /do with 處理/處置某人/某事

get the pronunciation right 發音正確

read aloud= loudly) slowly/quickly /easily) 讀大聲/慢/快/容易地

have trouble/problems learning 學習有困難

sound like + n // sound +adj

It sounds like a fun way. It sounds good

Look up -in 在---查詢 40 be impressed by 被---深受感動的

be angry with sb / be annoyed with sb/ be mad at sb

have been to曾到過某地

have gone to 到某地去了(或路途中)o

break off a friendship 中斷友誼

regard sb as -----把-看作/當

九年級年級英語重點 重點短語和句型(一)

do you study English ? I study by listening to tapes. 我是通過聽磁帶來學習我是通過聽磁帶來學習

2 What about him / How about doing sth?

What about reading aloud ? ------怎樣?

5 make mistakes in---犯錯 6. later on 7. laugh at sb 嘲笑(某人)

8. take notes 作筆記 9 enjoy /like doing sth. 喜歡做某事

10. native speaker 說本族語的人

11. the best way to do…做某事最好的辦法 12 to begin with 首先

13first of all 首先 14 talk to /with sb 與某人談話

15 be afraid/terrified to do sth害怕去做…

16be afraid of sth/doing sth

17make a complete sentence 造完整句子19. give up doing sth 放棄

20 it doesn't matter 沒關係21 not at all 根本(不);全然(不