

語錄名言 閱讀(1.67W)



1、心靈塑造的最佳工程師。The best engineers heart shape.

2、揚黃牛精神,做平凡工作。Young cow spirit, do ordinary work.

3、天荒地老,老師的童心不泯。The teacher never vanished childlike innocence glebes old.

4、教育人就是要形成人的性格。Education is to form a persons character.

5、投入心靈才能聞到生命的醇香!In the mind to smell the fragrance of life!

6、老師要融於師生的相互理解中。The teacher wants to dissolve into the teachers and students to understand each other.

7、想讓生命輝煌,就別浪費青春。To make life brilliant, dont waste your youth.

8、要把陽光灑向教室的每個角落。Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom.

9、在教育中守望快樂,享受幸福。Watch happy in education, enjoy happiness.

10、以心靈滋潤心靈,以人格影響人格。With heart nurtures the soul and personality affect personality.

11、用千百倍的耕耘,換來桃李滿園香。With one thousand times for the peach garden sweet.

12、要使教學順利有效,必須進行研究。To make a smooth effective teaching research must be conducted.

13、為別人照亮道路,自我務必放出光茫。Illuminates the path for others, the ego must emit light.

14、讓我走進童心世界,和孩子們一起成長。Let me into the childlike innocence of the world, and the children grow up together.

15、老師是學生的鏡子,學生是老師的影子。Teachers are the mirror of the student, the student is the shadow of the teacher.

16、千教萬教教書求真,千學萬學學做真人。Thousand teach teach all truth, and learn how to make Wan Xuexue reality.

17、感人肺腑的談話,能醫治孩子心靈的創傷。Moving the conversation, to heal the kids.

18、用愛心耐心誠心去啟迪孩子純潔的童心。With love, patience, sincerity to inspire children pure childlike innocence.

19、老師之為教,不在全盤授予,而在相機誘導。Teachers to teach, not fully granted, and induced the camera.

20、師德最樸素的認識就是“要對學生充滿愛心”。The most simple understanding of ethics is to caring for students.

21、老師與畫家不一樣的是他要創造真善美的活人。Teacher and artist is he in order to create a good living.

22、一個怯弱的老師決不能教出一個英勇的學生來。A teacher never teach a timid a heroic to students.

23、走進學生心靈,追求詩意課堂,享受教育幸福。Go into the minds of students, the pursuit of poetry class, enjoy the happiness of education.

24、真正的老師,極力防止自我的壞習慣及於學生。The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.

25、用一生的精力上好一堂課,去啟迪一代人的心靈。Use the life energy to a good lesson, to illuminate the hearts of generation.

26、人生的目標在於不斷追求,人生的價值在於奉獻。Goal in life is to continuously pursue, the value of life lies in dedication.

27、不拋棄不放棄,讓每個孩子都站在愛的天平上。Do not abandon, do not give up, let every child standing on the balance of love.

28、一個好的老師,是一個懂得心理學和教育學的人。A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy.

29、關愛每一個學生,讓每一個孩子都嚐到成功的喜悅。Take care of every student, let every child taste the joy of success.

30、用我的真心耐心愛心細心,托起明天的太陽。With my sincerity, patience, love, care, hold up tomorrows sun.

31、母愛的偉大之處在於可以容納孩子最可譴責的行為。The greatness of a mothers love is that can accommodate the childs can be condemned.

32、只有學而不厭的老師,才能教育出學而不厭的學生。Only education study of teacher, the students study.

33、母愛的偉大之處在於能夠容納孩子最可譴責的行為。The greatness of a mothers love is able to accommodate a child the most can be condemned.

34、培養人,就是培養他獲得未來,快樂的前景的道路。Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, happy future path.

35、教學的藝術不在於傳授的本領,而在於激勵喚醒鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei.

36、每一位有自尊的老師都會讓學生自尊心有發揮的機會。Every teacher can make students have self-respect self-respect will have the chance to play.

37、待人要誠心,幫人要熱心,看人不偏心,做人要開心。Forgive others sincerely, to enthusiastic person, wasnt eccentric, be happy.

38、生活要樸素,學習要努力,做人要坦誠,對人要真誠。Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people.

39、在過多地要求孩子的同時,也就應儘可能地尊重他們。While requiring children too much, also should respect them as much as possible.

40、老師必須非常謹慎,必須對他的所作所為負完全責任。Teachers must be very cautious, must take full responsibility for what he had done.

41、永遠用欣賞的眼光看學生,永遠用寬容的心態面對學生。Students with appreciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude in the face of the students.

42、一個孩子就是一本書,要想讀懂他,就得走進他們的心靈。A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls.

43、春風化雨,滋潤學生的心田;雷厲風行,提升自身的素養。Spring rain, nourishing students hearts; High efficiency, to improve its quality.

44、在教學上,要做老師兼學者;在寫作上,要做學者兼老師。In teaching, teachers and scholars to do; In writing, scholars and teachers to do.

45、走進孩子心靈深處,傾聽他們肺腑之言,引領他們體驗成功。Go into the hearts of children, listen to their words, lead them to experience success.

46、每天我都微笑著向快樂出發,因為前方有需要我傳播快樂的人。Every day I smile to happy, because the people who need I spread happiness ahead.

47、老師要用愛心關愛學生,用真心真意真誠呵護學生的成長。Teachers love students with love, true, true, sincere care for the growth of the students.

48、勤勤懇懇工作,快快樂樂生活,堂堂正正做人,認認真真做事。Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life, serious work.

49、面對孩子,有愛才會有責任感,有責任感才會始終付出愛的行動。In the face of children, there is love there is sense of responsibility, has the sense of responsibility will always love action.

50、在數學教育的旅途中,我甘願做一個行者,不斷行走不斷思索。In mathematics education journey, I am willing to do a walker, keep walking and thinking.

51、老師的工作是教書育人,不光是傳授學生知識,更要教學生怎樣做人。Teachers job is teaching, it is not only to teach students knowledge, more to teach students how to be a man.

52、凡是我的學生,就要把美德傳給他們;凡是我所教的,就要教得透徹。All my students, will pass them the virtue; All I had to teach, teach thoroughly.

53、老師是天底下最為特殊的職業,今日的師德水準就是明天的國民素質。Teacher is the most special profession, the sun of todays ethics standard is national quality tomorrow.

54、我願將自己全部的愛獻給孩子們,讓他們在人生起跑線上跑好第一步。I would like to take all the love to the children, let them run the starting line in life a good first step.

55、用海一樣的胸懷,接容每一顆童心;願化作點點雨露,滋潤每一棵小苗。The same mind with the sea, let each childlike innocence; May turn into little rain, moisten every tree seedlings.

56、欣賞別人的優點,善待別人的缺點,尊重別人的隱私,快樂自己的人生。Appreciate others advantages, to the faults of others, respect other peoples privacy, the happiness of his own life.

57、不要沉醉於別人的讚賞之中,只有不停地充實自己,才能達到人生更高境界。Only dont indulge in other peoples praise, constantly enrich himself, to reach a higher realm of life.

58、知識不存在的地方,愚昧就自命為科學;老師不存在的地方,無知就變成了聰慧。Knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter.

59、老師應該把知識打包成禮物讓學生欣喜地領受,而不是打包成任務讓學生無奈地接受。Teachers should have the knowledge of packaging as a gift to let the students delighted to receive it, rather than packaged into task reluctantly accepted.

60、能夠讓學生健康幸福地成長是我的快樂;能夠讓學生學有所得,學有所用,是我的職責。Can let students health is my happiness, happiness to grow; Students can learn something, use it, it is my duty.

61、學高為師,身正為範。Learn Gao Weishi, body is for fan.

62、教師就是要敬業愛生。The teacher is to love life.

63、把一切知識教給一切人。Teach all knowledge to all people.

64、心靈的溝通勝於知識傳遞。The communication is more than knowledge transfer of the mind.

65、教育加讚賞等於教育的平方。The square of education plus appreciation education.

66、老老實實做人,踏踏實實工作。An honest person, steadfast work.

67、老師糊塗一時,學生糊塗一世。Is wise at all time, the teacher students confused.

68、怎樣的老師造就了怎樣的學生。What the teacher has produced what kind of students.

69、循循善誘,誨人不倦的是老師。Coaxing, teaching is a teacher.

70、教師施愛宜在嚴愛與寬愛之間。The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.

71、教著,感受著;走著,快樂著!Teach the feeling; Walking, happy!

72、天才不是別的,而是辛勞和勤奮。Genius is nothing but hard work and diligence.

73、願乘風破萬里浪,甘面壁談十年書。Let the wind to break the waves, gump side wall about ten years.

74、親其師,信其道,惡其師,疏其道。Close its division, to its faith, its division, thin its way.

75、學生沒有教師,就象生活沒有陽光。Students have no teacher, just like life without sunshine.

76、要做孩子的老師,先做孩子的朋友。Do your childs teacher, do the childs friend first.

77、讓學生張揚個性,放飛想象的春天。Let the student individuality, spring release imagination.

78、最有價值的知識是關於方法的知識。The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the way.

79、牽著孩子們的手,快樂地迎接每一天!Holding the hand of the children, happy to meet every day!

80、是寬容而不是縱容,是誘導而不是命令。Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command.

81、多一份真誠的關懷,少一點無為的譴責。A sincere care more, nothing less.

82、做本真教師,教本色語文,育世紀人才。Be true teacher, teach nature language, century talents.

83、沒有教師的成長,學生的成長是不可能的。Without the teachers growth, the growth of the students is impossible.

84、對所學知識資料的興趣可能成為領悟動機。Interest in the knowledge data could be comprehend motives.

85、打電話的時候請你微笑,對方一定感覺得到。Make a phone call smile when you, the other party must feel it.

86、為他人的愉悅而工作,才能到達自身的完善。Work for the pleasure of others, to get to their own perfect.

87、友善伴隨著孩子,他看見灑向人間的都是愛。Friendly with the children, he saw the sprinkled on the earth is love.

88、用心關注孩子,用心接納孩子,用心體會孩子。Attentively focus on the child, the heart to accept children, truly absorbed children.

89、真正的教師,極力防止自己的壞習慣及於學生。True teachers, to prevent his bad habits and the student.

90、只有先讓學生喜歡你,學生才會喜歡你上的課。Only let students like you, would like you in the class.

91、贏得學生內心的尊敬和思念,是教師最大的幸福。To win the respect of students inner and miss, is a teachers biggest happiness.

92、作為一名園丁,我堅信每一朵花都有盛開的理由。As a gardener, I believe that every flower is in full bloom.

93、培養人,就是培養他獲得未來,愉悅的前景的道路。Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, cheerful prospect of road.

94、良好的師德風範必須“心中有學生”“有學生立場”。Good ethics model must be "a student in your heart" "are there any students in position".

95、教師最大的幸福就是把一群群孩子,送往理想的彼岸。Teachers biggest happiness is to groups of children, sent to the other side of the ideal.

96、享受人文的課堂,享受動感的課堂,享受智慧的課堂。Enjoy the humanities class, enjoy a dynamic class, enjoy the wisdom of classroom.

97、教育學生,從愛出發,愛是一種特持久而深刻的感情。Education students, set off from love, love is a kind of lasting and profound affection.

98、要有比教師學習更快的能力。要有比別人善於學習的能力。Teachers should have more ability to learn faster. Ability to be good at learning than others.

99、教學的藝術不在於傳授的本領,而在於激勵、喚醒、鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but inspire, awaken and inspire.

100、愛是前提,嚴立規矩;以尊重贏得信賴,以智慧點燃智慧。Love is the premise, YanLi rules; With respect to win trust, wisdom wisdom.

101、讓每個孩子都領略到教育的美好,在知識的海洋中盡情遨遊!Let every child enjoy the beauty of education, to swim in the sea of knowledge!

102、把顯露智慧的機會讓給學生,把欣賞的目光分給每一個學生。To give students the opportunity to the unveiling of wisdom, to appreciate the attention to each student.

103、只有群眾和教師首先看到學生優點的地方,學生才能產生上進心。Only the first to see the advantages of students and teachers, students will have the desire to do better.

104、教育是一門藝術,它注重心靈溝通,它需要快樂的心和智慧的愛。Education is an art, it pays attention to the heart communication, it needs to be a happy heart and the love of wisdom.

105、生命在於運動,能夠讓孩子們在活動中得到樂趣是我最大的心願。Life is movement, can let the children have fun in the activity is my biggest wish.

106、我願意用自己的雙手為學生描繪生活的美景,塑造他們美好的心靈。Im willing to for students to describe the beauty of life with their own hands, shape their good heart.

107、教師是太陽底下最光輝的職業,孩子的笑臉是校園裡最燦爛的陽光。Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun, the childrens smiling face is the most brilliant sunshine in the campus.

108、在人生旅途上,有道德、智慧與事業相伴,便會風雨無阻、光耀七彩!On the voyage of life, moral, wisdom, and business go hand in hand, it will rain or shine, colorful appearance!

109、教師對學生來說是一個引路人似的兄弟姐妹,是心靈智慧的雙重引路人。Teachers for students is a lead like brothers and sisters, dual lead is the wisdom of the mind.

110、不放手讓孩子去做,猶如血液迴圈受到阻礙,是會防害孩子增強體質的。Dont let the child to do, like blood circulation impeded, would hamper children enhanced physique.

111、把簡單的事情做徹底,把平凡的事情做經典,把每一件小事都做得更精彩。To do simple things thoroughly, the classic, do the common things to do every little thing.

112、教給學生能借助已有的知識去獲取新的知識,這是最高的教學技巧之所在。To teach students to use the existing knowledge to obtain new knowledge, this is the highest teaching skills.

113、對教師來說,修養是教育的載體,境界是教育的起點,人格是教育的風帆。For teachers, culture is the carrier of education, is the starting point of education, personality education is the sail.

114、教育是鼓勵個人發展的過程,其實質是引導學生自己去探索,自己去發現。The process of education is to encourage personal development, the essence of which is to guide students to explore, to discover yourself.

115、當代能做老師的人必定是不平凡的人;因為教育事業本身就是不平凡的事業。Contemporary surely is able to do the teacher is not ordinary person; Because education career itself is extraordinary career.

116、教師若不能取得他的學生對自己的尊敬和愛戴,那麼最好讓他離開教育崗位。If a teacher cant get his students to his respect and love, then it is better to let him leave education jobs.

117、勤於給一棵棵稚嫩的幼苗鬆土澆水捉蟲施肥的園丁終將迎來爭奇鬥妍的春天。And watered hits the immature seedling scarification insect fertilizing the gardener will usher in bright spring.

118、一名具有高尚師德的教師,須是一個因材施教,公正公平對待每一名學生的教師。A noble teachers ethics teacher, is a according to their aptitude, justice fair to each students teacher.

119、少年時代的大量閱讀,知識的大量積累,猶如一本電腦字典,攜帶與運用都方便。Read a lot of teens, abundant accumulation of knowledge, like a computer dictionary, convenient to carry and use.

120、每位學生都是金子,在教師的精心呵護、智慧啟迪、活力點選下,都能閃閃發光。Every student has the gold in the teachers care, wisdom, enlightenment, dynamic click, can shine.

121、always use appreciation view of students, always with tolerant attitude in the face of the students.

122、is the first duty of a teacher, teaching and educating both bitter, also have joy.

123、let us use their own and their own heart to education of our children.

124、poured painstaking care can make children love flower at an early date!

125、and so, in the process of education and teaching, we can learn a lot.

126、teachers biggest happiness is to see the children to grow up!

127、when you blame the students too stupid, you should ask yourself: what is teaching.

128、teachers ShiAiYi between strict love with wide.

129、in the hundred flowers garden education, the flowers cannot leave the gardener dedication of love; Fruits in golden autumn fruit garden, cannot leave the ploughman watering.

130、JiYun, today is for tomorrows release, what could be better than looking at their students fly higher, faster and farther, more make teachers happy?

131、someone to compare teachers to candles, lit up the others burn himself. I think only this time, we really have it all.

132、in the collective teaching, requirement each child as much as possible, also want to respect every child as much as possible, let every child to have confidence in myself.

133、teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadow of the teacher.

134、respect and care for the childs self-esteem, be careful to treat a rose on the vibration of the dew.

135、to get the respect and affection of children, must first learn to respect the childs personality, to a person, as much as demanding respect for a man as much as possible.

136、between teachers and students of the heart and heart is where the love of the holy land.

137、with one thousand times for the peach garden sweet.

138、teachers greatest happiness is to groups of children to the other side of the ideal.

139、knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter.

140、amiable attitude, always a teacher good itself.

141、language as a work of important to us, as the horse for the knights important; The success of the classroom teaching is the teacher as a knight riding horse ability of high and low.

142、the more grain full the more low, the more learned, the more humble.

143、Sincere heart, 23, is the key to children emotion, noble ethics, is the child the mirror of the soul.

144、want to teach children how to decent, the teacher should start from the decent itself.

145、teachers are great, is he (she) always consume themselves, to give light to others.

146、bamboo, bamboo shoots out good good teacher a good ACTS.

147、stupid teacher can only teach the truth, and the wise teachers should teach children discover the truth.

148、moving the conversation, to heal the kids.

149、honesty, conscientious teaching.

150、learn Gao Weishi, body is for fan.