

校園 閱讀(1.32W)




記憶[jì yì]





Memory:[人名] [英格蘭人姓氏] 梅默裡 Mowbray的變體;[電影]靈虐/愛與被害。


[心理] The memory

理查德克萊德曼 星空(CD)(DSD) [ 零售預訂,團購急調 ] ... 步拉姆斯的搖籃曲 WIEGENLIED 記憶 MEMORY 拉??9??9梅爾 LA MER ...




用英語表情達意 - 噹噹圖書 ... Relief 寬慰 Remembrance 記憶 Resignation 無可奈何 ...


7 .運用記憶( Remember ): Lectio Divina 的活動,應是連續性的,每天都要記住所讀的`經文。


1. 隨著時間的流逝,錯誤記憶只會變得更糟。

With time, this misremembering only gets worse.

2. 記憶失誤隨著時間的推移只有進一步惡化,虛假陳述來源不可信的縱使第一次不相信,但幾個月期間經過從短期海馬儲存到長期皮層儲存後,重新回憶處理就使虛假陳述取得公信力了。

With time, this misremembering only gets worse. A false statement from a noncredible source that is at first not believed can gain credibility during the months it takes to reprocess memories from short-term hippocampal storage to longer-term cortical storage.

3. 數序形象掛鉤法能使人的識記很快通過短時記憶而快速地順利進入長時記憶,能有效防止前攝抑制、倒攝抑制和緊張性抑制的干擾,且在以後的較長時間裡遺忘較少較慢。

Secondly, the method can make people' s recognizing and remembering convert from the short-term memory into long-term memory quickly and smoothly, can get rid of the interference of proactive inhibition and retroactive inhibition effectively.

4. 符號被描畫、書寫,流動著,包裹著布帛,它是對這個國家歷史戲劇般發展的記憶。

It made felicity to join in the history transition of a country—by

5. 這裡,在父母的記憶中,曾是一片長達五里的美麗沙灘。

It used to be a long beautiful beach in my parents memory.

6. 這個遺忘機制與記憶機制是平行的,兩者相互獨立,遺忘並不影響記憶的獲得。

This forgetting mechanism does not affect memory acquisition and is independent of Rutabaga adenylyl cyclase-mediated memory formation mechanisms.

7. 提示致電2546 :大記憶體模組應ECC的/均等。

Tip 2546: Large memory modules should be ECC/Parity.

8. 生物化學是生命科學的領頭學科,有大量的知識點需要記憶,也是生命科學領域一門難教難學的課程之一。

Biochemistry is an advanced subject with a lot of knowledge to be understood and recited, which is one of curriculum hard to both teaching and studying in the field of life sciences.

9. 大多數數碼相機幾乎沒有足夠內建記憶,所以當數碼相機做得比較計劃購買更多。

Most digital cameras don't have nearly enough built-in memory, so when doing a digital camera comparison plan on buying more.

10. 一個人的大部分記憶是詞彙和影象的組合。

A large part of a person's memory is in terms of combinations of words and pictures.

11. 我小時候在中國能看到很多描述蘇聯森林生活的故事書,逆流而上的大馬哈魚、在溪水中捕捉大馬哈魚的棕熊是美麗的記憶。

When I was a kid in China, I used to come across story books which describe about the living in the forest of Russia, chum salmon which move in reverse current, brown bear which catching chum salmon in the stream, all these are good memories.