

校園 閱讀(3.03W)

“攀登英語閱讀系列”包括“關鍵閱讀技能訓練” 和“分級閱讀”兩個部分。“關鍵閱讀技能訓練”部分包括“有趣的字母”和“神奇字母組合”兩輯,主要訓練孩子將英語字母或字母組合的形和音準確對應的拼讀能力。不管孩子是剛剛開始進行英語學習,還是已經有了一定的英語基礎,進行關鍵閱讀技能的訓練,都可以幫助孩子達到事半功倍的學習效果。“分級閱讀”共包括六個級別的閱讀資源,覆蓋了國家《英語課程標準》要求掌握的主要詞彙、句式和語法點,能滿足不同地域、不同年齡、不同英語水平?孩子的英語閱讀需求。以上各輯分別附贈《家長手冊》、《我的閱讀記錄》各1冊和由CCTV9外籍播音員朗讀的CD光碟各1張,可為孩子開展閱讀活動提供支援,也可以幫助家長更好地參與孩子的閱讀活動。



A brave 9-year-old is recovering in hospital after he wrestled a 9-foot, 400lb alligator off him with his bare hands - and he now plans to make a necklace from a tooth doctors found embedded in a wound on his back.


James Barney Jr, spoke calmly and eloquently about his ordeal from hospital, where he was tucked up in bed with a teddy bear by his side. He was covered in some 30 teeth marks, doctors said.


The little boy described how it was a hot day so he had parked his bike and jumped into Lake Tohopekaliga - a lake that people are forbidden to swim in - when he felt something brush against his leg.


'It really amazed me what happened. At first, I thought someone was just playing with me, and I didn't know what happened,' he told ABC.


'I reached down to grab it, and I felt its jaw, I felt its teeth, and I didn't know what to do, so I immediately reacted and hit it a couple times. And I had enough strength to pry its jaw open.' The child pulled the powerful jaws open long enough to slide out and swim to shore.


Witnesses say the boy surfaced, screaming that he'd been bitten by an alligator. They immediately called 911.
