

ACCA 閱讀(2.95W)

獨資企業 Sole trader


銀行透支 Bank overdraft

購貨退回 Return outwards

銷貨退回 Return inwards

毛利 Gross profit

租金與地方稅 Rent and rates

收到的折扣 Discount received

給與的折扣 Discount allowed

要求權 Claim

提款 Drawings

合夥企業 Partnership

合夥人 Partner

合夥協議 Partnership agreement

資本利息 Interest on capital

剩餘利潤 Residual profit

分配 Appropriation

盈虧分配帳戶 Profit and loss appropriation

結轉下期餘額 Balance carried down

上期結轉餘額 Balance Brought down

合夥人貸款 Partner’s loan

合作企業 Joint venture

合作企業備查帳戶 Memorandum joint venture

雜費 Sundry expenses

佣金 Commission

運出運費 Carriage outwards

運入運費 Carriage inwards

聯合銀行存款帳戶 Joint bank account

商譽 Goodwill

重估價法 Revaluation method

合併 Amalgamation

合併前 Pre-Amalgamation

合併後 Post-Amalgamation

通過支付年金清償 Discharge by payment of annuity

年金暫記帳戶 Annuity suspense account

保險金 Premiums

退保價值 Surrender value

人壽保險政策帳戶 Life assurance policies account

貿易表 Trading account

終止 Cessation

變賣資產帳戶 Realization account

合夥企業的`解體 Dissolution of partnership

最後約定的資本 Last agreed capital

逐步解體 Piecemeal dissolution

變賣資產費用準備 Provision for realization expense

變賣資產損失 Loss on realization

股票帳戶 Shares account

英國境內公司 UK resident company

非免稅收入 Un-franked receipts

公司所得稅費用 CT charge

代扣所得稅的交納 Payment under deduction of IT

磨損 Wear and tear

擁有法定所有權的土地 Freehold land

過時 Obsolescence

開採或消耗 Extraction of consumption over time

直線法 Straight line method

餘額遞減法 Reducing balance method

年數總和法 Sum of the digits method

累計折舊 Accumulated depreciations

經濟使用年限 Useful economic lives

每股淨收益 Earnings per share

例外專案 Exceptional items

非常專案 Extraordinary items

前期調整 Prior year adjustment

不能抵銷的預交公司稅 Irrevocable advanced corporation tax

未抵銷的損失 Unrelieved losses

淨值基礎 Net basis

零值基礎 Nil basis

消耗品 Consumable stores

成本與可實現淨值孰低 The lower of cost and net realizable value

平均成本 Average cost

先進先出 First in first out

後進先出 Last in first out

標準成本 Standard cost

重置成本 Replacement cost

資產負債表日後日期 Event after balance sheet date

董事會 The board of directors

調整事項 Adjusting event

非調整事項 Non-adjusting event

或有事項 Contingencies

或有收益 Contingent gain

或有損失 Contingent loss

資本承諾 Capital commitments

現金流量表 Cash flow statement

信用交易 Credit transaction

現實購買力會計 Current purchasing power accounting (CPP)

現實成本會計 Current cost accounting(CCA)

零售物價指數 Retail price index

持有收益 Holding gains

業績評估 Assessment of performance

貨幣性專案的衡量 Measurement of monetary items

貨幣性資產 Monetary assets

貨幣性負債 Monetary liabilities

徵求意見稿 Exposure draft

貨幣性營運資本調整 Monetary working capital adjustment

舉債比率調整 Gearing adjustment

淨營業資產 Net operating assets

發行和贖回債券 Issue and redemption debentures

債券 Bonds

契約 Deed

無擔保債券 Naked-debentures(unsecured)

擁有法定所有權的 Freehold

償債基金 Sinking fund

債券贖回償債基金 Debenture redemption sinking fund account

償債基金投資帳戶 Sinking fund investment account

可轉換債券 Convertible debentures

資本化發行 Capitalization issue

股權發行 Bonus issue

含權價 Cum-rights prices

除權價 Ex-rights prices

可分配公積 Distributable of reserves

以公積支付股利 Paying a dividend out of reserve

已付清紅利股 Paid-up bonus shares

重估公積 Revaluation reserve