

致詞 閲讀(1.4W)



The Nobel Prize in Literature 2014 was awarded to Patrick Modiano 'for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation'.


1. the art of...:高超技巧

平時説到art,最先想到的就是和美術雕塑等相關的信息,如“works of art”就是“藝術品”。但art的另一個常用意思則是“技巧、技藝”,英文解釋為“an ability or a skill that people develop by instinct or experience, rather than by learning facts or rules.”也就是説這是一種與生俱來,加之後天培養的能力,沒有規律可循也無法讓他人複製。用這個詞來形容別人,那可真是一種高度讚揚啊!比如:

Architecture is about the art of wasting space beautifully. (建築學關注的就是如何頗具美感地浪費空間。)


A spokesman for the project said state-of-the-art technology and materials would save a fortune on heating and cooling. (項目發言人表示,一流的技術與尖端材料將在供熱製冷方面節省大筆開支。)

2. evoke:喚醒,引起

這個詞在寫作中可算是一個高大上的表達了,有一種情緒、回憶被觸發,洶湧撲面而來的強烈感在其中。如果下次想表達“讓我想起……”,不要再用“makes me think of...”了,試試這個豪華版的“It evoked my memory of ...”水平立刻高出一個數量級有木有啊!


Outside the spectacular setting of Beihai Park, other restaurants combine modern design with a magical evocation of old Beijing. (北海公園富麗堂皇的裝飾之外,其它餐館將現代設計與神祕的老北京印象巧妙地結合了起來。)

3. ungraspable:不可捉摸的


grasp的常用意思有兩個,第一個是“understand something complicated or difficult”,意為“理解高深晦澀的事物”,説得再有禪意些就是“參悟”;第二個比較形象:“possess or control”,即“擁有或控制”。而在頒獎詞中,我們既可以説“難以參透人類命運”,也可理解為“無法掌控人類命運”,這兩個意思都能用ungraspable表達出來,而中文翻譯的“捉摸”也同時兼具表象與深層含義,學單詞時順便感歎一下語言真實太奇妙了!


The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 was awarded jointly to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay 'for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education'.


1. the struggle against...:抗爭……

這個短語也是雅思寫作和口語的亮點表達。表示“同……作鬥爭”。如the struggle against gender inequality“女權鬥爭”;the struggle against violent extremism“打擊暴力極端主義”;the struggle against cancer“抗擊癌症”等等。同義表達還有“fight against”和“contend with”(注意不要和content with“對……感到滿意”混淆哦~)

2. the right to...:……的權利

這是一個固定表達,注意介詞是to。如“fundamental right to health care”,基本醫療權;“right to education”受教育權;“equal right to employment”平等就業權等等。



The Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They shot my friends, too. They thought that the bullets would silence us, but they failed. And out of that silence came thousands of voices.


3. silence:使……沉默

我們熟悉形容詞silent,“沉默的”;熟悉作為名詞的silence,但這裏卻給出了它的'另一個用法,英文解釋為“Stop somebody from expressing opinions that they do not agree with.”指的是“制止某人發表觀點和言論”,如:

Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him. (像其他暴君一樣,他試圖壓制任何公開反對他的人。)

4. out of A come B:B事物從A事物中誕生/出現

要注意到這是一個倒裝表強調的用法,正常順序是“B come out of A”。通常A和B是兩個相反的事物,如演講中的silence和thousands of voice。這種表達也可以用到雅思寫作中。如:

The fieldwork in the countryside did not struck him down, and out of the pain and sweat came a man of tough body and strong will.(田間勞作並沒有擊倒他,經過辛勞汗水的洗禮,他成了一個身體強壯、意志堅定的人。)


The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2014 was awarded to Jean Tirole 'for his analysis of market power and regulation'.


1. 諾貝爾經濟學獎英文名:

一般我們都把諾貝爾經濟學獎稱作“the Prize in Economic Sciences”,但它的全名是“the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”,即“瑞典國家銀行紀念阿爾弗雷德-諾貝爾經濟學獎”。

為什麼和其他獎項名稱不一樣呢?原來諾貝爾的遺囑中並未設立經濟學獎,但它在評選步驟、授獎儀式方面與諾貝爾獎相似,因此被歸為“諾獎一族”。該獎項由瑞典皇家科學院每年頒發一次,也是唯一由諾貝爾基金會官方頒發的非諾貝爾獎(non-Nobel Prize)。


From the mid-1980s and onwards, Jean Tirole has breathed new life into research on such market failures. His analysis of firms with market power provides a unified theory with a strong bearing on central policy questions: how should the government deal with mergers or cartels, and how should it regulate monopolies?


2. breathe new life into:賦予生機

雅思寫作或口語中可能會用到的一個亮點詞組。意思和give/bring new life to一樣,但breathe一詞就顯得水平不一般了。如:

He is smart and vigorous, I’m sure he will breathe new life into our team. (他頭腦靈活,精力充沛,我相信他一定會給我們的團隊注入新的活力。)

3. market failure & market power

這兩個詞組有可能在經濟學類的雅思閲讀中出現,屬於專業詞彙。market failure的學術名稱為“市場失靈”,英文解釋為“the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient.”就是指市場無法有效率地分配商品和勞務的情況。

market power譯為“市場勢力、市場權利”,英文解釋為“A firm with total market power can raise prices without losing any customers to competitors.”指經濟活動者不適當地影響市場價格的能力。對於賣方來説,市場勢力也就是賣方的壟斷傾向。

市場勢力(market power)是市場失靈(market failure)的一種比較普遍的現象。

4. with a strong bearing on:與……有緊密聯繫、有影響

bear on / upon意思是“與……有關”,要比“about”、“have something to do”正式、書面得多,而將bear的動詞改為名詞形式,則可説成“with a bearing on...”。雅思寫作時可不要忘記這個表達哦!如:

That will be a vital decision with a direct bearing upon my future life. (那將是個至關重要的決定,直接關係到我未來的生活。)