

校園 閲讀(2.96W)

實例講解雅思閲讀單選題答題技巧 單選題一直是童鞋們認為比較好做的雅思閲讀題目,分享雅思閲讀單選題型例題講解,大家在備考雅思閲讀單選題型時可以根據以下所提到的閲讀技巧進行適當的練習,只有掌握了竅門才可能是雅思考試道路上領跑者!


單選題一直是童鞋們認為比較好做的雅思閲讀題目,其原因無非就是單選題是自打咱小時候開始接觸這門外語以外閲讀部分的固定題型,閉着眼都能蒙對好幾道。更有童鞋們總結出三長一短選最長,三短一長選最短,長長短短選二B, 參差不齊選4D 的'金科玉律,醒世良言。然而,真正研究過雅思閲讀的同學會發現,其實單選題,是個會説謊的題目,就是説它總是給你錯誤的感覺讓你覺得自己選的很對,其實則不然。


33. the writer thinks that the declaration There is no bullying at this school

A: is no longer true in many schools

B: was not in fact made by many school

C: reflected the schools lack of conern

D: reflected a lack of knowledge and resources

there is no bullying at this school has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue. Fortunately, more schools are now saying: there is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.