

雅思 閲讀(1.33W)



1. Is food important to you?

Yes, I have a healthy appetite. You know, different types of food can provide enough fibre, vitamins and minerals, and these are essential for our body to work properly and enable us to have the energy to work or study.


2. What foods do you usually eat?

Well, I love to eat fast food, which is timesaving and economical, as I don’t need to wait in a queue and it can cut my budget on food. However, I’ve heard that eating junk food on a daily basis will certainly cause obesity and other chronic disease, so now I’d like to cut down the times on having McDonald’s or stuff like that.


3. What kind of food do you particularly like?

Well, I’m crazy about dessert. I normally go to the coffeehouse to have high teas. Having a cup of refreshing drink and some tea dessert like muffin and croissant is helpful to keep me in good mood in the afternoon. Though these foods contain high calories, I’ve no attempt to resist these dainty foods.


4. Is there any food you don’t like?

Yes, I don’t eat meat. I’m a vegetarian and believed that eating meat is brutal to animals and is harmful to our health. Clearly, the overconsumption of red meat may cause high blood glucose levels and lead to diabetes.


5. Do you think it’s good to take children to restaurants?

Well, it’s not appropriate to take children to eat outside on a regular basis, because they may consequently get adapted to it and reluctant to eat home-cooked meals, which is normally prepared under sanitary conditions. Therefore, parents should avoid children’s bad eating habit.



首先來看人物類,人物類一直屬於題庫中相對容易且好準備的題目。所以其實必備題目並不多,建議大家人物類只要準備好三個題目就沒有太大問題,分別是describe an old person(描述一個老年人),describe a teenager/friend(描述一個青少年或者朋友)以及describe a famous person(描述一個名人)。那麼這三個題目如何應用在口語題庫中的所有題目中,我們具體來看。題庫中現在在考得describe a person you want to spend time with,我們用老年人或者朋友都可以。Describe a comedy actor這一最近的熱門題目,我們就可以和名人結合。再比如讓我們描述一個鄰居,我們也完全可以和青少年或者老人題目結合。

地點題,建議大家必備類型為,describe a house/apartment(描述一個房子),describe a city(描述一個城市),describe a garden(描述一個花園),describe a restaurant(描述一個餐廳)。選擇準備的為describe a country(描述一個國家)。這一類題目通用性較強。例如,口語中以前考察的describe a room就可以由房子一題變過來。

再如,描述一個餐廳,描述一個購物中心以及描述一個咖啡廳,整體內容和結構是類似的,都是描述在哪裏,吃什麼(賣什麼,喝什麼),怎麼知道的以及為什麼喜歡。且喜歡的理由都可以類似,基本可以總結為1. Good service 2. Convenient location 3. Economical/ have a reasonable price 4. Comfortable environment and atmosphere等。描述花園一題,可以用於describe a peaceful place,describe a place near water甚至做一些改變,就可以用於describe a tourist attraction一題當中。
