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2020-02-17 英語六級


Gentle a.和藹的,温和的;輕柔的,徐緩的;不陡的,坡度小的

Some girls appear gentle,but you shouldn't take it for granted that they never lose their temper.有些女孩子表面看上去挺温柔,但你千萬別以為她們從不發脾氣.

Ideal a.理想的,圓滿的;想象的,空想的 n.理想;理想的東西或人

Leonardo might be an idea lover,but he is too handsome to set a girl's mind at rest.列奧納多也許可以做一個理想的情人,但是他太英俊了,讓女孩子放心不下.

incredible a.不能相信的,不可信的難以置信的,不可思議的

People around the world can't hold their wonder at the incredible speed at which the Chinese reconstruct their own country.全世界人們無不驚歎中國人民重建其國家 的驚人速度.

Landscape n.風景,景色;風景畫;全景 vt.美化...的景觀

I am crazy about Italian landscapes because they are colorful.我十分迷戀意大利風景畫因為它們色彩極為豐富.

Mercy n.慈悲,仁慈;恩惠,幸運

I beg your mercy for another chance.求求你大發慈悲再給我一次機會吧.

multiply v.(使)增加,(使)繁殖;乘,(使)相乘

When animals have more food,they generally multiply faster.動物如果吃得多,通常繁殖也快.

If you give the workers proper incentives,efficiency will be multiplied.如果你給予工人適當的激勵,可以成倍地提高效率.

Partner n.配偶,搭檔;夥伴,合夥人 vt.做...的搭檔

You are losing Thomas as a friend?失去托馬斯的友情嗎?

Didn't I tell you that friends should never be partners in doing business?我不是給你講過,朋友之間不要合夥做生意嗎?

Treasure n.金銀財寶,財富;珍品,珍藏品 vt.珍愛,珍視

Dreams of finding lost treasures in the ancient riverbed almost came true.在古河牀找到失去的財寶的夢想幾乎變成了現實.

variation n.變化,變動;變體,變種;變秦(曲)

British English, American English, Australian English and South African English are the major variations of the English language.英國英語、美國英語、澳洲英語和南非英語是英語的主要變體.

Worth n.價值 prep.值錢的,相當於...價值的,值得...的

The true worth of one's friendship is demonstrated when you are in distress.友誼的真正價值體現在你落難時刻.

Very few places are worth visiting twice in 10 years, but Shanghai is an exception.很少地方值得在10年內去兩次,但是上海是個例外.

Persist vi.堅持不懈,執意;持續,繼續存在

On the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year.高山頂上,積雪終年不化.

precise[pri'sais] ;a.精確的,準確的;嚴謹的

Having won a gold medal in the Olympics,Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters.贏得一枚奧運會金牌,陶路娜以世界最準確的神槍手之一而成名.

Prospect vt.勘探,勘察

Prospect n.前途,前景;景象,景色;可能成為主顧的`人有希望的候選人

What do you think of the prospect of cyber economy?你對網絡經濟的前景有何看法?

An insurance salesman sometimes calls on quite a few prospects but fails to make a sale.保險公司推銷員有時訪問好幾個可能的顧客卻一筆生意也做不成.

Recover vi.恢復,痊癒 vt.尋回,收復;使恢復使健康;挽回,彌補

Bone marrow transplantation is the most effective way for leukaemia patients to recover. 做骨髓移植是白血病人得以痊癒的最有效的方法.

restrain vt.阻止,控制;抑制,遏止

I can't restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals.當聽到有人殘酷地對待動物的時候,我就抑制不住憤怒.

Scarce a.缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕見的

According to a recent study,50 years from now oil will become scarce.據最近的研究,50年後石油將短缺.

Shield n.防護物,護罩,盾 vt.防護

In summer people like to wear sun glasses to shield their eyes from the sun.夏天人們愛戴墨鏡以使眼睛免遭太陽光照射.

Succeed vi.成功;接着發生;繼承 vt.接在...後面;接替,繼承

As she had no son or daughter to succeed her,the old English lady decided to leave her property to her pet dog. 由於沒有子女來繼承她的財產,那個英國老太太決定由她心愛的寵物狗來繼承財產.

標籤:必考 英語六級 詞彙 大學

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