

公共英語 閲讀(2.01W)



  第三部份:Phrases and Sentence:

1、 She soon called my attention to the fact that she couldn’t work full time and keep house, too.

注意的詞語:call attention to(喚起注意)、keep house(當家)

2、 I guess I just took it for granted that a wife was supposed to take care of her kids and husband.

注意的詞語:take it for granted:(視為當然)、be supposed to:(應該、被期望)

3、 You’ve got to get to know them.

注意的詞語:have got to do:(必須做……)、get to:(在這裏作“開始”的意思)

4、 But maybe I’d better take that back and give her a hand.

注意的詞語:take bake:(在這裏作“取消”的意思)、give Sb. A hand(抽出空或騰出手幫助某人)

5、 They put me in mood for Italian food.

注意的詞語:put in mind:(使記起、提醒)

6、 I’ve put aside some money that I earned by doing some extra mechanical work.

注意的詞語:put aside:(儲存、備用)

7、 I was putting a machine together today.

注意的詞語:put together:(把……加起來、裝配)

8、 I am putting forth a lot of effect to make this tablecloth.

注意的詞語:put forth:(生出、作出)

9、 Do you want me to put my needlework away?

注意的`詞語:put away:(在這裏作“放棄、處理掉”的意思)


10、I was going by the store near your house ..

注意的詞語:go by:(順便走訪)

11、Your black purse and shoes go nicely with that dress.

注意的詞語:go with:(伴隨、與……相配)

12、He always goes beyond my expectations.

注意的詞語:go beyond:(超出)

13、The kids can’t go along with you.

注意的詞語:go along with:(一起去、附和)

14、Your offer goes to prove that you’re a wonderful mother-in-law.

注意的詞語:offer:(在這裏作為“提意”的意思)、go to:(願意為定位、轉到的意思,在這裏引申為?)

15、You know I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68°.

注意的詞語:go below:(下降)


16、I could really go for a good comedy.

注意的詞語:go for:(在這裏作為“主張”的意思)

17、we can barely make ends meet.

注意的詞語:ends meet:指收支平衡

18、Every thing I say goes in one ear and out the other.

注意的詞語:goes in one ear and out the other.:(一個耳朵進,一個耳朵出。指聽不進去的意思)

19、I’ve been keeping track of our phone bills.

注意的詞語:keep track of:(明瞭、一目瞭然的意思)

20、I’ll have to call them and have them straighten it out.

注意的詞語:straighten out:(改正、更正)


If a computer were to design the perfect U.N. Secretary-General, he or she would look sonething like this: African born; European and American educated, with decades of service in the U.N. system; married to a European; and possessing a quiet charisma and calm authority as chaos arises.

That the U.N. in 1996 found such a person to restore its sense of direction and purpose was a near miracle. But out of the U.N.’s failures in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda came Kopi Annan, the career international civil servant who had participated in these disasters yet somehow survived and learned from them.

Today Annan is in the middle of his second term. His task is not finished, and the U.N. is still far from what it should be. But Annan has tested the limits of the job, accumulating more authority-one cannot use the word power, given the constraints the U.N. system places on him-than any of his predecessors.

His complex relationship with the U.S. government is little understood. When Annan takes positions in public that are displeasing to the bush administration, it unleashes its attack dogs. Yet when administration officials found their policies in Iraq floundering, they asked the U.N. for help. Some observers told Annan that he should responsibility was to the cause of stabilizing Iraq. He began to work toward the decisive date of June 30, when the u.s. will hand over control to Iraqi authorities and an uncertain situation will prevail determined by factors way beyond his, or anyone else’s, ability to control. But it is Annan’s destiny to be handed the very worst problems after they have been unsuccessfully addressed by others. Anyone who knows him knows he wades into such problems with his usual blend of courage, self-control, modesty and optimism.參考譯文:



