

GMAT 閲讀(1.77W)



V1:有道題 選項分別有 continuing continual continually continuous 狗主蒙了……


continuous, continual, continuing 詞義及用法

continuous 連續不斷的(強調一個動作沒有間斷過)

做表語和定語 be continious或continious+名詞

continual 反覆的,頻繁的(強調一個動作在某個時期反覆出現)

只做定語 continual+名詞

continuing 連續不斷的,繼續不變的



有個選項好像是continually evolving century, 其他的感覺都不對


"Unlike B, A form when rising sea level by melting xxx" other options are

"Unlike B, A form by melting xxx from rising sea level"

"Unlike B, A form from melting xxx by rising sea level"

"Unlike B, the rising sea level...." ( we all know this is incorrect)


I have the feeling this question tests causal links btw rising sea level, melting xxx and A form, and the difference btw by and from. In terms of logic sequence, A form is caused by rising sea level not melting xxx; rising sea level is a result of melting xxx. Therefore the one put rising sea level preceding melting xxx and after A form follows the sequence before. BUT construction with when followed by a ving is still questionable. I know while can be followed by a ving or Ved, but not sure when can do this.

還有一道題到現在也不確定, 就説x這些東西, including a,b,c, have...... c和have之間沒有逗號行不行

考了opened people’s eyes 的那個,但是很好選…沒什麼很迷惑的…因為其他開頭太奇怪

有一題because ofxxxx,AB不選,because of後面跟超大坨,用because it,後面好像是看語句簡潔還是啥的,有一個withxxx,那個不要選




考了一個很tricky的either or..要看清楚,跟哪裏平行,記得是兩個句子平行,而不是小詞平行


so as to


as to...

manhattan沒有 as to...的list舉例


- i don't think that gmac likes it very much -- i've never seen it in an officially correct answer.

- " as to..." used to describe indirect intentions.


Joe bought a gym membership so as to become more attractive to women. (the act of buying a gym membership itself is not going to make joe instantly more attractive to women (women do not swoon over a man's gym membership card). instead, there are plenty of implied intermediate steps between “by a gym membership” and “be more attractive“; the use of “so as to” implies that there are such intermediate steps in the process. (不過話説回來,這個區別實在是太小了,這算是語言上的藝術,Ron説GMAT肯定不會在這個上面出文章的.)

- " as to...." there should be no change of subject, and so there's an implication that the subject is the same as the subject of the previous clause/action.


Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newborn children. (the only subjects of actions in the previous clauses are "congress" and "certain employers". therefore, the sentence is implying that one of these two entities is actually going to care for sick or newborn children! That does not make sense!)


so... as to...

manhattan中關於 to...的用法舉例:

SUSPECT: The sauce was SO hot AS TO burn my mouth.

Note: The GMAT seems to have changed its mind on this idiom. In the 10th Edition of the Official Guide, problem #88 uses the construction in the correct answer. However, #37 in the 12th Edition says that this idiom is "incorrect" with no further explanation. Other authorities consider this idiom correct, and we agree. Nevertheless, you should be wary of its use.

Wrong: The saucehad SUCH heat AS TO burn my mouth.

The saucehad SO MUCH heat AS TO burn my mouth.


- " to..." in general, you don't use so ADJ as to VERB unless the VERB describes some sort of state/condition. (i.e., if the verb is an action verb, this construction generally isn't used.)


I am so ugly as to be viscerally repulsive to women. --> this works, because the verb“to be" describes a state/condition.

I am so ugly as to repel women on sight. --> you generally wouldn't see this in good writing, as "repel" is an action verb; the sentence would probably be written as I am so ugly that I repel women on sight.