

專業四級八級 閱讀(1.35W)

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.以下是小編為大家搜尋整理的專四英語語法考點專題訓練,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


1. Food and drink are good and desirable, but their _B___can cause serious health and mental problems.

A. effect B. abuse C. custom D. usage

1. B)【句意】 食品和飲品人們都渴望得到,但是暴飲暴食會造成嚴重的健康問題和精神問題。 【難點】 abuse 意為“濫用,虐待”;effect意為“效力,影響”;custom意為“社會習俗,慣例”;usage意為“用法,慣用法”。

2. I called on him the morning after our arrival, and was __C__with his gay, precise manner and obvious power of decision.

A. inclined B. implied C. impressed D. illustrated

2. C) 【句意】 我們到達後的那個早晨拜訪了他,並對他那令人愉悅的'得體舉止和明顯的決斷力留下很深印象。

【難點】 impress意為“給…深刻印象,使感動”;incline意為“(性格上)傾向,贊同 ,喜好”;imply意為“暗指,暗示”;illustrate 意為“說明,闡明,表明”。

3. The trade agreement between the two countries will __B__next year. A. adjoin B. expire C. boost D. concede

3. B)【句意】 兩國間的貿易協定將於明年到期。 【難點】 expire意為“滿期,屆滿,(期限)終止,成為無效”; adjoin意為“鄰接,與…毗連”;boost 意為“推動,提高,增強”;concede意為“容許,授予,讓與”。

4. Two boys were caught smoking at school but the headmaster let them __A__ with a warning.

A. off B. down C. out D. alone

4. A)【句意】 兩名男生在學校抽菸的時候被校長抓到,可是校長只是警告了他們,然後把他們放過了。

【難點】 let off 意為“放過,寬恕,對…從輕處理”; let down意為“使人失望”;let out 意為“發洩,放開”; let alone意為“更不必說,不管”。

5. Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable __C__to the total cost of the product.

A. testimony B. relationship C. proportion D. legislation

5. C)【句意】 廣告成本不再和產品全部成本成正比。

【難點】 in proportion to 意為“與…成正比例”; testimony意為“證據;證明”;relationship意為“關係,關聯”;legislation意為“立法,法規”。

6. Everyone in the family bullied her and made her do all the chores, she was indeed __B__.

A. Ciderella B. a Cinderella

C. the Cinderella D. that Cinderella

6. B)

【句意】 家中的每個人都欺侮她,叫她做所有的家務,她真是個灰姑娘。 【難點】 Cinderella源於童話《灰姑娘》,現已成為專有名詞。

7. Air is to us __C__ water to fish.

A. like B. as C. what D. that

7. C)【句意】 空氣對於我們來說就像水對於魚一樣。 【難點】 固定句型A is to B what C is to D.

8. __A__ troublesome the problem is, he faces it with patience. A. However B. No matter C. Despite D. Although

8. A)【句意】 無論問題多麼麻煩,他都耐心地去面對。 【難點】 however=no matter how, 意為“不管…”。

9. Peter became angry and said that _D__.

A. he was tired to listen to themB. the listening to them was tired for him C. he was tiring listening to them D. he was tired of listening to them

9. D)

【句意】 彼得非常生氣,並說他很討厭他們說話。

【難點】 sb be tired of doing sth意為“某人厭倦做某事”。

10. Weather __D__, the picnic will be held as scheduled. A. permits B. should permit C. will permit D. permitting

10. D)【句意】 若天氣允許的話,野餐將如期進行。 【難點】 “Weather permitting”作為獨立結構,意為“如果天氣允許的話”,也可以用“if weather permits”。