

雅思 閱讀(1.34W)







雅思作文要想獲得高分其邏輯結構很重要,下面以議論文為例進行一下解釋。雅思議論文的準備首先是邏輯結構。也就是說你必須知道議論文分三部分,每部分有哪些思路(每條思路有哪些句型),這才是你要重點準備的。議論文的中間段落是拿高分的重點。一般來講有兩種結構模式:立論和駁論。立論的結構是這樣的:(分論點)……In other words(解釋論證)……For example(舉例論證)……Conversely(強對比論證)……這是三種最基本的論證方法。可以用一種,也可以用兩種或三種。把論證方法標誌性的詞彙準備得背誦下來,更方便考官在閱讀的時候抓住你的思路。另外一種是駁論:Some people think that (敵人的觀點)……, because they think(敵人簡單的論據)……However, they are oversimplifying the situation. In fact, (敵人的第一條錯誤)…… addtion,(敵人的第二條錯誤) but not least, (敵人的第三條錯誤)…….反駁的`時候說一句話,兩句話還是三句話可以酌情處理。當然掌握了這兩種結構以後,還會有更復雜的變化,不過它們是基礎。接下來要細化的就是駁論和論證方法的思路和句型。對於語言結構同學們要掌握基本句型,擴充套件方式,在這個基礎上熟記一些議論文慣用的語言,可以讓你多寫一些單詞,表達更豐滿。





很有用關於模板,不止一位考官的觀點是,模板不是不能用,但是一定要恰當。他們最討厭的模板是there are two sides of every coin...所以沒有萬能模板,你只有把議論文的每部分可能的情況和句型背清楚,然後才能選擇使用。換言之,模板是有的,但是沒有一個萬能模板。寫作是一個長期積累的英語綜合實力的體現,你死記硬背模板,固定句型倒背如流,但除此之外的表達一塌糊塗,這並不能幫你撈到一點可憐的分數。


1. 一致:如句內的邏輯關係,注意檢查是否存在簡單推論、邏輯殘缺、邏輯悖論、依賴偏見等。

Born in a small town in South Chinain the early 1950s, he grew up to be a famous musician.

→ He was born in a small town in South China in the early 1950s. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a conservatory. In the 1970s he became a famous musician.

2. 連貫:這個問題在平行結構、共用主語、使用指代的情況下尤其需要注意。

We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.

→ We thought she was charming, intelligent, and very capable.

Or: We thought she was a charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.

He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious.

→ He was knocked down by a bicycle, but was not badly injured.

Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

→ Looking out of the window, we can see the grassland stretching as far as the eye can reach.

Or: Outside the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.

→ He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting.

Or: He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.

3. 簡潔:英美文化推崇坦率和直接,通常不需要體現咱儒家文化的含蓄和委婉。

It was small in size and blue in colour.

→ It was small and blue.

He usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.

→ He prefers French wines.

4. 強調:正如每篇文章都要有中心思想(main idea),每個段落都要有主題句(topic sentence)一般,每個句子都要圍繞一箇中心觀點清晰地呈現出作者想要表現的重點。

He is modest and hardworking and is a good student.

→ He is a good student, modest and hardworking.

There is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old, in the temple.

→ In the temple there is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old.

At the sight of the disorderly crowd, he was aware that something bad would be possible.

→ The moment he saw the disorderly crowd, he knew that something bad would happen.

5. 多樣:中文重重複,英文重替代,中英差異使然。