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  Passage 5

What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one (1) there are many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it, (2) two speakers in exactly the same ( 3 ). We can always hear difference (4) them, and the pronunciation of English (5) a great deal in different geographical (6). How do we decide what sort of English to use as a (7) ? This is not a question that can be (8) in the same way for all foreign learners of English. (9) you live in a part of the world (10) India or west Africa, where there is a long (1!) of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should (12) to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area.

It would be a (13) in these circumstances to use as model BBC English or (14) of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country (15) there is no traditional use of English, you must take (16) your model some form of (17) English pronunciation. It does not (18) very much which form you choose. The most (19) way is to take as your model the sort of English you can (20) most often.

1. A. meaning

B. sense

C. case

D. situation

2. A. Not

B. No

C. None

D. Nor

3. A. type

B. form

C. sort

D. way

4. A. between

B. among

C. of

D. from

5. A. changes

B. varies

C. shifts

D. alters

6. A. areas

B. parts

C. countries

D. spaces

7. A. direction

B. guide

C. symbol

D. model

8. A. given

B. responded

C. symbol

D. answered

9. A. Because

B. When

C. If

D. Whether

10. A. as

B. in

C. like

D. near

11. A. custom

B. use

C. tradition

D. habit

12. A. aim

B. propose

C. select

D. tend

13. A. fashion

B. mistake

C. nonsense

D. possibility

14. A. everything

B. nothing

C. anything

D. things

15. A. where

B. that

C. which

D. wherever

16. A. to

B. with

C. on

D. as

17. A. practical

B. domestic

C. native

D. new

18. A. care

B. affect

C. trouble

D. matter

19. A. effective


C. ordinary

D. careful

20. A. listen

B. hear

C. notice

D. find、

  Passage 5參考答案及解析

1.【解析】B。本題考查固定搭配。in one sense從某種意義上來說,因此選ab。如:Youare right in one sense.從某種意義上來說你是正確的。


3.【解析】D。本題考查固定搭配。in the same way同樣地,以同樣的方式,如:I want to know whether you did in the$ame way that I did.我想知道你是否用和我一樣的方式做的。

4.【解析】A。本題考查介詞辨析。因為前面提到了no two,在兩者之間介詞應用betweeno如There is great difference between the two boys.這兩個男孩的差別很大。

5.【解析】B。本題考查同義詞辨析。change可用來指任何變化,一般是指較大的或根本性的變化,如:The law is not going to change soon.法律不會很快發生改變的。alter指區域性或表面上的變化,其結果並沒有變成另外一個事物,如:The project will alter traffic conditions in this area.這項工程會改變這個地區的交通條件。vary強調改變的多樣性.如:The answers vary from one to anotller.回答各不相同。因此選B。

6.【解析】A。本題考查習慣用法。9eographical area地域。


8.【解析】D。本題考查習慣用法。answer a question回答問題,此處應為被動語態。

9.【解析】C。本題考查邏輯關係。根據15空前面的on the other hand,可知此空與其為並列關係。

10.【解析】C。本題考查句子的含義和詞彙辨析。根據the wodd和India or West Africa的關係,可以首先排除B和D;另外,在表示列舉時,as應該與such連用,而like表示列舉時,其後直接接名詞,因此選C。

11.【解析】C。本題考查同義詞辨析。custom風俗習慣,一般指整個社會在較長時間裡的習慣行為和做法,如:We should respect local customs.我們應該尊重當地的風俗習慣。habit通常指“個人的習慣性行為”,如:I am in the habit of keeping a diary.我有記日記的習慣。tradition傳統習慣,如:China has a long tradition of respect for the old.中國有尊敬老人的悠久傳統。此外,根據15題後的traditional use of English,也可選出正確答案。

12.【解析】A。本題考查詞義辨析。aim to do sth.打算做某事,企圖做某事。如:We aim to defeat the other team.我們的目標是打敗另一隊。propose to do sth.打算、計劃做某事,如:I don’t propose to accept the job.我不打算接受這份工作。select後面不能直接跟不定式,應該是select do sth.選擇某人去做某事,如:He is selected to be the manager.他被選為經理。tend to易於,傾向於做某事,如:People tend to hate this kind of action.人們一般討厭這種行為。






18.【解析】D。本題考查習慣用法。It doesn’t matter不要緊,沒關係,如:It doesn’t matter if you go with me or not.你跟不跟我去都沒關係。

19.【解析】A。本題考查詞義辨析。effective有效的,如:It is an effective way of learning English.這是學習英語的一種有效方法。sensitive敏感的,如:He is very sensitive to flower.他對花很敏感。ordinary一般的,普通的;careful認真的,仔細的。A符合題意。
